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Trollstomper last won the day on August 5 2015

Trollstomper had the most liked content!

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  1. Love how he started this at like -40 and is now almost at -100
  2. I'm down son so do we need in game proof with a screenshot or what? Also if we catch someone with the combat log thing does that count as well
  3. The answer to life the universe and everything... including RNG is 42
  4. That was mostly from when I was new to the server and asked a question about M/C and they nuked my shit back to Middle Earth
  5. Hey man maybe its the content of your posts that gets you downvoted stop posting stupid stuff and you'll do fine...
  6. Spar-16 with 5 mags 1.4 mil?
  7. Maybe have hard interview times for applying to the APD, R&R, etc not even long times just like an hour where you're guaranteed at least an interview. Right now it seems like a total crapshoot and even if you get on while they are interviewing people they may not get to you. I understand they're entirely volunteer based and based on when they have time but some amount of consistency would be amazing.
  8. I don't know I think it might be a new goal of mine to have the most negative rep ever lol and thanks for the responses I was just wondering cause I thought it was a weird rule for one gang to be confined to just one server. But apparently Hades was just giving a suggestion. And yes Clemenza I have had a couple run ins with MC were I took 3 of them as a Vigi and when I went rebel it took 10 of you to take me down... Now if that doesn't give me negative rep I don't know what will!
  9. Hey so kinda new to the server but have seen multiple posts mentioning that MC are suppose to be in server 2 one post even mentioning hades telling them to go back to server 2. Is this a rule? If so how did it come about and why do they still come to server 1 just curious guys.
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