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Everything posted by Linka

  1. he played it like, once. he hardly plays arma anymore lool.
  2. Huskers doesn't play archetype???
  3. so much wanted from one guy dude. he does great work; and doesn't HAVE to do it. Give muth props for all of his work- instead of constantly wanting more.
  4. Me and @Quintin made the best dualtage js 

  5. Map for gang wars is middle island? please confirm its not so

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Poseidon


      Peter just confirmed with me it is middle island and he's tolling you. :Kappa:

    3. Linka


      Get out Poseidon, ur drunk

    4. Poseidon
  6. can we just remove his post??

  7. Linka

    I'm Back

    happens literally every time dude the only people who leave are the ones who don't post.
  8. Im in love with the last 2 , they over all look great, nice work m a n
  9. tfw bubbaloo makes you get an answer wrong on the cop test :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Okay okay. Either way I thought it was every 3 hours :Kappa: 

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      It's always been 10 minutes...

    4. ComradeGoonie


      I thought it was 15 minutes when I took my deputy test.


      (Still do, dang you NLR.)

  10. Sorry, nobody likes a KOTH montage.
  11. anyone else leaving or?

    because I'll see you guys next week GLHF

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      I feel like there's a lot of attention lost off me... So now I'm leaving.... For a weekend... How many of you will miss me?

    2. Marty


      I'm leaving for 6 weeks starting May 10th but i'll be back :D

    3. CheeseGrater
  12. Linka


    see you in a week
  13. I love how this is an the intro section
  14. You're like ZHS, putting it in the general section
  15. What a L9G9ND
  16. they should at least be sAPD. It will suck if It's down to just you, 1v4, and you get tazed by the cops. If I was in a city, yeah that would make sense. But no at cartels. I like how the cartels work right now, and I don't see why we should change them.
  17. Honestly, I like cartel fights because you dont have to worry cops coming. I think we need at least ONE place cops can't just come in.
  18. well i dont know about other gangs, but medics normally never favor gangs. (Except for mathew holston.)
  19. moonshine is eZ money oh and welcome fam
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