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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. AYYYY Chime in Bubb! <--- This is my current facial expression
  2. When buckie insults someone but is just a little shittier player that has no room to talk. beg more to get back in C kiddo
  3. When I hear that @I Am Fuzzyis teaching someone how to do somthing related to Arma3
  4. Keep the southern States that are currently being affected by the Tropical Storms/Huricanes in your thoughts and prayers for the next few days. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orgondo


      Only thing on my mind is harambe

    3. LornItar
    4. Not Important

      Not Important

      14 minutes ago, Orgondo said:

      Only thing on my mind is harambe


  5. Jonas Ill buy this house off you. Dont sell to anyone else.
  6. Bring back warzone rebel?

    1. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      Ill come  back if they dont

    2. bigPat


      no one wants you gtfo 

    3. Augustus


      I miss walking to outpost from meth cartel to get extra redgulls etc.

  7. This is the final build Ive decided on. If anyone has any input please let me know! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bigPat


      thats what I like to hear. Ive been playin on 20-30 fps since i first bought the game. 40-50 after restart when there are 20 ppl in the server.... 

      im ready for those better frames. 

    3. Produs


      I wish I had money

  8. Afk in lobby kick timer. Im sure it has been thought about, why not implimented?
  9. This is the build im bout to be buying. I have a budget of $1500, think I did well.

    Anyone think I should change anything?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bigPat


      I have it at a lower price so I have somthing to fall back on, incase I need somthing extra somewhere. I also need thermal paste, as well as an operating system if I cant get one from another source. 500gb should be plenty. I have had a 500gb reg hard drive and has taken me 2 years to use half of that. I was looking for a full tower and had a hard time finding one at a reasonable price, pretty sure I could use the full tower I have now and swap parts over if needed. 

  10. I feel your pain, working outside under the sun in the Georgia heat and humidity.
  11. is the Olympus TS down for anyone else? 

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      It went down for a second but its back up. 

    2. bigPat
  12. Welp.. Tomorrow is the big day everyone! Apex is released and we can all play without making an 8gb download to switch back and fourth! 


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      You guys know you can play Altis on the Apex sneak preview right..? So like yanno.. it was/could have of been already tested..

    3. BlackJack
    4. ZEIMZY


      Aye Mk1 and Apex :)

  13. and TI takes Gang Wars V 
    Nicely done guys!


  14. Unfortuneatly, somthing for me came up and wont be here to see gang wars...
    Good luck to everyone participating in the fight though! 

  15. bigPat


    Hey, welcome to Olympus my friend. If you need any help with anything, you can join our teamspeak and join the support channel, someone would be with you soon after that!
  16. Poseidon has already stated that there is a possibilty of the Mk-1s being added in on the 11th. Not 100% even then. They are being added in, thats certian at this point. Everyone just needs to be patient and chill out.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Thus the reason it's better to always land on the ground. Damn you Arma. 

    3. Maddog


      The reason that happens I believe is because the heli is rendered into the server before the ground, so the heli falls, then the ground renders. Had that problem on Arma2.

    4. Poseidon


      Objects like that actually don't exist on the server, it has no idea it has no idea it's there. Which is part of the reason it didn't blow up.

  17. having report of oil trader not being there. also reports from players being in tonoa or altis that get sent to jail, server thier time in jail, get off and go play Olympus 1 or 2 and are back in jail.
  18. This is one of the greatest updates that the OS and devs have rolled out. Great job to everyone that contributed to this and put in time getting it done!
  19. Offering Plane Flying lessons for Tonoa release. @Ham

  20. update hype

    thanks so much to the devs we have for the hard work! 

    1. Albert Savage

      Albert Savage

      has the update date been announced?

    2. -dante-


      @Albert Savage poseidon posted yesterday that tanoa and server updates should be released today. 

    3. Albert Savage

      Albert Savage

      And I'm stuck here at work :(

  21. It was a bit close, but that just made for more fun rebel raids on cop. Plus its still camped the same amount. Not that much further to drive.
  22. That could be fixed by making a new spawn location. Things could be moved around. warzone outpost being added back would be lit.
  23. I think Kavala and Sophia are great locations. Sophia has its own unique features as well as Kavala. Even though Sophia is most likely the least popular.
  24. Alright, this is my opinion. I really miss old Athira and Pygros rebel locations. I thought they were really nice and better locations for rebel. I realize this may not be everyone elses opinion so thats why I am asking this. Also, im not sure if there is a reason they were moved so if there is, let me know. I thought that the fights were more fun and more unique then green walls to surround the place. Athira rebel had the rocks, and had many difrent tactical points spread out over the rebel. Pygros was posted up on that hill that made it more fun to defend. Again just an opinion so dont flame. So let me know what you think, if enough people want it to change maybe they will move them back before the update gets pushed.
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