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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. 4 day weekend right here! happy for this

    1. yoitsdanny1


      You spend the first day of it destroying us at a fed GG

    2. bigPat


      HA, no worries. Ill be on the cop end fighting feds as well. 

  2. I still have a dp5 2 crater for sale if anyone is interested. MSG me in Olympus TS. 

  3. LMFAO 


    1. Talindor


      fk you man im laughing at work lookin like a weirdo in my cubicle!

    2. bigPat
    3. Talindor


      the squeals of this guy holy crap!

  4. Who else is excited about this update? 

    1. Linka


      The hype will last for 1-2 weeks then everything will go bland again.

    2. Ham


      It seems Linka isn't excited. 

  5. seems like this guy is more of a smart ass trying to be a comedian that is failing, rather than forum warrior
  6. Sorry, yea it is server 1. I have both the house and garage in DP9 on bother server 1 and 2. Selling them together if I can.
  7. Selling a Dp5 2 Crater Also selling a Dp9 @ crater and garage right next to each other if anyone is intersted in that. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=695894896 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=695894846
  8. bigPat

    Bye Guys :)

    :''''''( nu why yoo leeeve me lik dis Will miss 4ever
  9. well, you could still remove gate 3, takeing away an acces point for cops. Balanceing things back out. Mcdilli we should have the repair of the AA an animation as it was repairing a car, 15 seconds maybe to repair, give a message stateing that it is being repaired.
  10. a pint of fireball whisky later....

  11. I think that there should only be 3 gates at the fed. If you want to keep the gate 4 where it is then removed gate 3. I think it would be perty balanced after doing that.
  12. Is there anyway to remove FOG? ffs This is the real question here.
  13. Huupah burfday Dezray
    Wez all luz you gur

  14. Can anyone say when the CQC will be back up? 

    1. Ahmed99


      CQC was the best

    2. Brennan


      Poseidon can.

  15. Heading to a waterpark tomorrow and part of Sunday, see everyone lata

    1. Dejay


      no one cares. This isn't facebook.

  16. @Ham happy birthday squeak

    1. Ham


      Ham squeak :P Ham "squeal"

  17. Trying to convince me of somthing I know is not going to work, Ive owned 2 diffrent garages, and 2 diffrent houses in Abdera. Ive been fucked by T more then once doing meth there. So for ME its at a lower worth then what it usually would be.
  18. mhm.... I dont really want it. All of T owns the rest of the Abdera houses so if they know your doing meth, they could camp your house, or if one just happens to spawn in seeing you with a hemmit transport by your house, your fucked so. The price for the location is fair, but the neighbors make the price not worth 4-5mil. Id pay 1.5 at the most for it. Thats just me though. Try to sell it to a T member. They may pay top price.
    1. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      You didn't hear, the Mk18 rounds have a velocity of 1080km/s. Those are accurate physics.

  19. yep. RIP Prince, artist and singer to the legend song Purple Rain.

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