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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. bigPat

    Selling Gear

    im on now. reg spars are 150k a piece. Looking for 1.3 for the spar 16S Im on now. Msg me in game. Server 1 btw You can add me on steam @MichaelDatBoi @Capez @Vasqular https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198109749369/
  2. bigPat

    Selling Gear

    type is 300k 6.5 supp is depending on warpoint cost. 15k per warpoint. 12.5k per point if bought in bulk all 8, 1.5mil
  3. 1 - Pilot Coveralls 3 - Spar Tasers 1 - Spar 16S + 2 mags 8 - MX tasers + mags 23 - Stones 1 - Type 115 Taser 1 - 7.62 Suppressor 2 - 6.5 Suppressors 1 - Beret [NATO] Colonel 800 Warpoints Hmu with offers. Selling for reasonable price.
  4. type 115 - 300k Spar 16s 2 mags - 1.4
  5. bigPat


    ill sell you a type. HMU when you ready to get it.
  6. bigPat

    [WTB] Spar 16s

    I am selling one with 2 mags. 1.5mil is a fair price.
  7. Spar 16S - 2 mags 7.62 Supp Type 115 taser 6.5 and 9mm supp Make offers. Ill sell for decent price
  8. Happy birthday to @De Fuk 
    one of the OGs

  9. lets just make being apd deputy an unwhitelisted spot and anyone can join it, that would fix things right ?
  10. Selling spar 16s
    Type 115
    7.62, -all other suppressors 

  11. yea if you have the money I have suppressors for sale. Anything but .338 I have one and willing to sell anytime.
  12. keep getting vigid then I guess. Lol
  13. There is also the alternative of playing smarter. I mean that in the most literal sense. For example: Joe is on his way to rebel and is a fresh spawn, Joe also has friends that are at the cartel waiting on him. Joe then asks his friends to come clear the rebel out. Problem solved. Roll in groups rather than walk up with nothing. If you are somewhere you can expect to be shot, that usually has high traffic, expect to be shot whether its a kill or a tase.
  14. 7.62 suppressor for sale. PM me. 

  15. Yea arma 2 was running simulator, now arma 3 life has come around and we have less brain cells with afk simulation. LOL
  16. Pretty sure a 7.62 was going for 2.5 not to long ago so ya might have a hard time selling it for 5.
  17. So I have been reading through this post, and I agree that they need a Nerf. Like Mav has said, we need to look at other alternatives other than removall. I don't really know if this plays a key role but the word vigilante is in the title of the server so I dont think removal is an option. As far as the weapon/armor goes for vigi. Vigis used to have a sting that was pretty much all there was, if I remember right all the cartel monkeys still complained about it with that. Not saying that a spar isn't OP but don't expect that to be the only fix if you change it. Any form of change to the rules where they have to engage in red zones/cartel would be completely absurd in my opinion. The common kavla vigi doesn't know the rules half way straight as they are and adding more rules is just going to fuck shit up even more. Now making it where a vigi would kill in a certain area of the map I feel would be a difficult thing to accomplish, not sure how that would be scripted in or what because I don't know shit about that but I can foresee it being a clusterfuck if the zone isn't perfectly outlined by the red border around warzone. You could be on the road to bottleneck but still 200m out of warzone, engage to tase then kill, now that would just fuck it up completely. I know what it is like from both sides of the fence so I know how all you monkeys feel when you get tased in warzone then sent to jail for 80 mins. So, we need to do more than just one thing so here is my suggestion. Bring back stings and take away the spar. Drop the max payout from 90% to around 70ish%, maybe a little lower? Increase the min play time needed from like 2 hours to 5-6 this way people can't just sit afk for a restart and come back to instant vigi. Increase needed arrests for tiers. Making jail time shorter has been done before, but I think spending anything over an hour in jail is dumb anyway so max time lowered to 60 min. That is pretty much all I have as far as suggestions goes. Like I said I play both Vigi and Rebel so I am looking at this from both sides. Some of your ideas, although they may not be serious, don't seem possible so I thought Id put in my 2 cents.
  18. ill buy all your rpg rockets at 12.5k per point.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      1 minute ago, Still here and retarted said:

      His name was joe defiantly joey in discord 

      defiantly btw ;) 

    3. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Just now, communistjosh said:

      defiantly btw ;) 

      Fuck auto correct xD

    4. D Ganja

      D Ganja

      Lmao someone's civ ghawk? RIP lmao

  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma @Grandma Gary
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