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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. Only 4 days in the month and already 77% through the goal. 

    Have a good 4th! :)

  2. Congrats on Sgt. @G.O.A.T., @EatMeth, @Gibbs And Congrats on LT. @Wftmguy, @Low Tier Senior Andrew

    1. Phizx


      Could've just said Congrats MC on the new seniors 



  3. Same
  4. http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5440985619 That's mine
  5. JoeL


  6. Anybody trying to buy a 4 crater, and or a 2 crater in Dp25 on Server 1?


    1. Rusty


      I feel like you bought my old houses that got wiped when i got banned lol

  7. Bubbaloo and Danny have given you all the information you need, meaning server rules and the R&R ( Medic ) handbook. There is also the APD Whitelisted slots that I'm sure they would love to have you; so here is the APD master handbook if you get a chance.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JoeL


      The "I literally was just spraying around trying to hit the tires" kill nice 

    3. Rusty


      andrew the mc tag didn't work out for you today :)

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      It's because I wasn't on there. =]

  8. On the dev server



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Ah yes. Raptor's gang where you had to send him photos of yourself to get in. 

    3. Augustus


      @Fat Clemenza

      Not really, Me and Joel were in Pyrgos one day and we found him when O.O had just started off, and somehow we got to the point of joining his gang and he let both of us in, with little to no hesitation. Joel eventually left the gang, or got kicked out, due to some "issues" with Raptor that I was never went into detail with. From that day, I stuck with Raptorrr and his Breakoff gangs, such as N. Eventually, N disbanded and I joined VX, and he followed. He was in for a while, and then he just disappeared one day, and there's been no contact with him since. Nobody really knows what happened to him for sure. It's weird what kind of drama can come from a video game. 

  9. 10/10 stream @Huskers 

    would come again. 

  10. 11,048
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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JoeL


      Linka needs a memory leak.

    3. Linka


      Joel you lost to VX dude please stop bringing up the fact i had a memory leak error that everyone was having; i'm still better than you even with my fps down to 5.

    4. JoeL


      Linka flamed lol

      Calm down angry boy

  11. Lol that's deputy Six, He broke so many rules on cop. I even said it sounded like a thing I would do...
  12. Cracked Sony Vegas, and Camtasia studio. + I already fixed his problem so Thread Locked.
  13. I was just thinking this sounds like something I would do but wasn't me lol!
  14. You do this amazing thing called "Rendering"
  15. JoeL

    Later Boys

    L8r It was fun playing with you in T, and for the small time I played with you in your gang. Just been out of town for the weekend.
  16. Please refrain from using this foul language!
  17. He's just a really old player.
  18. You don't even know the legend behind @Vicious_Guinea_Pig
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