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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. Lol. That guys my bud.
  2. Didn't you leave.
  3. Lol Bottom left. Just thought it was funny. Killed me well he was on medic... Didn't know how to arrest him
  4. db18942bd5e7ad95bedba53077799c7c.jpg
    Anybody want? Server One. Best Offer.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TIGG3R


      well since I'm the only offer, 1 mill :)

    3. JoeL
    4. Zoro


      Hook me up 600k <-- serious offer

  5. The only times I used to role play is when I got cought by cops and when I was a cop. neither happen now
  6. JoeL


    If your not that good with Sony Vegas use like windows movie maker than render it in Sony Vegas.
  7. JoeL


    kill people.
  8. Tanks 3 Headshots says i hit him once.. https://gyazo.com/f85796d9b2a514a72177aa4eaeba3907

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JoeL


      lol. But yours are true

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Nope. Sorry. Please read above comment and notice keywords like "Rumors", "Plethora of Shit", and "Fancies Sister"

      I understand though that you youngsters deal with the struggles of puberty, acne, and parents.. These factors cause symptoms like "Sidechat Rage", "Immaturity", and "Only able to see cartels on the map"... 

      Now sit the fuck down and read a book about the human anatomy so you can figure out where the "head" is and where your balls drop...

    4. Orgondo


      FUCKING ROASTED. Get'em Dad.

  9. I love the first video when you try to say recorded like 4 times.
  10. NWPD

    gratz Sgt. @Mobundo African Warlord @Wftmguy Mobundo has been practicing his ghosthawk flying skills.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JoeL


      did you not read the title? 

    3. Ninjaman427


      Archetype clips on Olympus forums. Top Tier.

    4. JoeL
  12. What if instead of just dying... Your health goes down sort of slow sort of fast like when your out of water.
  13. He also already said all Clothes are staying Legacy too.
  14. JoeL


    Unlocks phone, opens safari, types in Olympus-entertainment.com, clicks enter. Bam
  15. So are the big towers at rebel removed tooooo?
  16. @Linka @Benjamin Remer @Mikail

    When you get banned from Archetype forums for all that shit talking...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. brodyunderwood1


      moderated for 800 days for speaking of the server that shall not be named

    3. JoeL


      Worried me :) 

    4. Mikail


      I got banned because nightstalker set me up and told the admins that i ddos threat the server when i did not lol. No fucks given though.

  17. Ok Mr.Chargeback
  18. • Pilot Coveralls • GA Carrier Rig GL • If donor racing helmet, Or ECH Helmet • Green Bacalava • Mtp backpack • 20 Redgull, 10 Water, 10 Food, 10 lock picks, 2 blood bag • Mk18 (20 Mags) Arco & flashlight • 9 med kits, 1 tool kit • Green NVGs That's what I get. ^
  19. I thought this was people who have had. this is people who currently have the bounty. Take note
  20. [Tree] Just a sad little fuck
  21. 10,000 Total forum members! :)

  22. So... Uh Good news I learned how to make Status Updates. :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JoeL


      Omg lol 

    3. LilUzi


      Gimme rep 

    4. JoeL


      And it's actually Give me Rep. Please

  23. That's actually pretty good ^ Your the next 3 Rip.
  24. I found this but it's Just a guy asking your question.
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