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Senior APD Member
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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. Oh my I just laughed out loud.
  2. I'm to young and not accepted by the SAPD.
  3. To get un-blacklisted than get to the top of the leaderboards.
  4. I mean you could post a montage Just your rep will look like tragics.
  5. Lol Peter Long told me it was hilarious when he heard me say it.
  6. JoeL


    Well that's why on the secound day you still tried to connect and were banned? Or is that just Another ban.. Jk Good mods good admins
  7. JoeL


    @Angel that player report I submitted on you was resolved in a hour <3
  8. JoeL


    (Admin) @McDili
  9. See that's why I would say this is the AP you'll get the D later because I get that pause in between and my voice wouldn't crack . Jk make me a cop
  10. Lol. I was a vigi one of my first months on the server didn't do it ever again.
  11. I see how it is lol. #Feelsbad
  12. Ayy same. I missed it to
  13. Is that you in your forums account picture... I wonder
  14. I have Sony Vegas pro 13, and Camtasia studios.. Both cost a lot but I cracked mine.
  15. JoeL


    It already did when you were deputy Danger.
  16. Bubbaloo, you were one of the best Sr. APD in my opinion. You were the one that gave me my Training and it was the best thing ever. Cya around still a great moderator
  17. Sort of old, I have a Blackwidow chroma now.
  18. JoeL


    I can actually Pdub Deputy Danger pretty well. @Dizzy
  19. Only daddy Fl8me God @badaim can do that boyy.
  20. In b4 Goat comments on a week old post.
  21. https://gyazo.com/ccd11acd917ceecbfcd7f1909ee47631
  22. Defibs, what a perfect idea.
  23. Same.
  24. I live in Michigan.
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