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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. JoeL

    WTS 2k WP

    10 mill for 1k or ur smokin dick
  2. JoeL


    Trade you 6 csat pilot coveralls for the mar 10
  3. I'm just not gonna push cap anymore I think I found my sweet spot lolz


    1. Josh


      if you want to be a real rat change your fov to 14..  you can see the twinkle in peoples eyes from 1.1km 
      thats 30 fov from 1.1km

  4. I’m your biggest fan
  5. Congrats @ Aceee i guess me speaking it into existence earlier made it happen sooner!

  6. Deserved it no cap
  7. My ban appeal to you was "I no RDM I'm vigilante" 😬

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoeL


      @Grandma Gary Where tf is that Anime loving geezer

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Probably in jail for beating his sister. =(

    4. Joce


      Best medic uniform and vehicle of all time.

  8. Happy Birthday @Fedot miss u 😩

  9. Just remember what Trump is doing is what any President in office would do

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      6 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      So we aren't allowed to have an embassy in Iran without being attacked?

      I'm talking about Iraq

      The entire premise of America being in Iraq is built upon lies about WMD's.

    3. Mr GOAT
    4. JoeL


      @Bloodmoon Americans may not have any business being in Iraq but the point of the attacks were for Iran to hurt the U.S. so they were going to attack us anywhere Iraq just happened to be the closest for their little missiles to go. There is also UK and Australian military stationed at that base as well so if any of this affected them they’re gonna be pissed.

  10. That mint Juul pod hit different when it’s $30 

  11. Deputy Chief of Police

    1.      Advisers to the Chief, each responsible for a section of the APD

    2.      Appointed by the Chief


    1.      The final say on all things APD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoeL


      @Billybobjoe everyone’s bitching about some chick skipping a rank but Chris can do whatever the fuck he wants

      ”The Final say on all APD things”

    3. Billeh


      they are more mad on the person rather than the action due to past drama in the community 

    4. Metal


      @Joel Do you even know what the ahem person did?

  12. Went to sleep with Trump as my president. Woke up with Trump as my president and can’t wait to wake up to him as my president for the next 1,460+ days!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JuanDeaged


      Buckie I’ll stomp u out u greasy haired freak

    3. KrispyK


      buckie thinks repubs are the only ones who have guns lmao

    4. KrispyK


      half of these online alt right fags are stick lookin manlets whos bones will break with a gust of wind blowing in th ewrong way 

  13. He never really said he doesn’t think it’s a real thing... he basically just said it’s not as important as his face being on the cover of time magazine.
  14. https://gyazo.com/4548fbad06beec9e5d49dab42fb01edb
    caught his ass in the middle of a weed orca run 

    1. buckie


      caught him dead in his tracks

    2. SystemChips


      Wasted (ft. Lil Uzi Vert)

    3. Skys
  15. shorter nights, no rain/fog, vote day


  16. d7c24c60a9a072d1bf97bda2c8a73d76.jpg
    gas mileage has left the building. 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. JoeL


      Those are moto metals wrapped in nitto ridge grapplers. I had the Toyo a/t’s but I ran them bald. 

    3. Evannn


      3 hours ago, Lukeee said:

      I feel you there I get 11mpg

      maybe if you werent so damn heavy youd get more

    4. JoeL



      update they fit in the air 

  17. I agree with @Ryan. Police tasers are still one of the very few items that not everybody and their grandma has stacked up in their houses. It’s something you still have to some what work for and be possessive about rather than just die, take another out of ur house, repeat... if they gave away police Mar-10’s it would just take away the little amount of “role play” that people actually want to put in and do hostage situations, etc. in order to get them. The staff does giveaways as a way to give back to the community and show appreciation not because people “demand” them too.
  18. Mine also crashes all the time. I get made fun of by ps4 nerds for it.
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