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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. or you know, blinds.
  2. I'll take any of them for free and in return I'll throw a bomb ass party in it with free marijuana
  3. Under or over 10m
  4. Under or over 5m for the one by DMV
  5. i love your signature w/ canada
  6. Why was that even removed/prohibited anyways, Bohemia is dumb
  7. people have like jobs
  8. I wanna say there's over 100 soooo
  9. 1: How has being an player and eventually an admin on this server affected/changed you? 2: What made you start playing altis life?
  10. well don't play then
  11. Happy birthday Colt

  12. Being on a server for 2 years doesn't change anything, unless you were in a large gang that is familiar like MC, Pre 3 Rip Perm Banerino -TI- etc., and people see you a lot. I never heard of you until you've joined one of my gangs, and I've been on the server for a decent amount of time.
  13. We need more slots on server one, I've spent 30 minutes and counting now trying to get in! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Augustus


      I agree with De, While server 1 and 2 were 99 and 100, Tanoa had 15 people.

      Or, Decrease slots on Tanoa to 50, and make server 1 and 2 125 slots

    3. Fedot


      This isnt how it works..................  at all.......... The reason we have max 100 slots bc no matter  of the beast of a server we have running it, arma3 crashes and lags alot therefore impossibru

    4. Augustus


      @Fedot anything is possibru

  14. Strafe, maybe people wouldn't hate you if you didn't have that weeaboo shit profile picture
  15. Or have an option under request medic saying request epi-pen Respawn Request Medic Request Epi-Pen If you don't press the button, you can't be epi-penned.
  16. free my nigga raptorr so I can get his 47m
  17. sounds fun. STRAWPOLL?
  18. daily thoughts of augustus right here
  19. Is there any way to view the desktop site of the forums on mobile? The mobile version of the site is shit

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      You can switch to desktop going straight to the bottom of the page. There will be a link there. The mobile version is sweet in my opinion. 

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Must be a staff thing, I can't.

    3. ProfessionalHostage


      1 hour ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

      You can switch to desktop going straight to the bottom of the page. There will be a link there. The mobile version is sweet in my opinion. 

      and on some phones you can go into your browser settings and click see desktop version..

      different shades of the same green

  20. Am sorry
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