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About Arven

R&R Medic
APD Officer
SWAT Member
  • Birthday 02/14/2003

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. Heck of a game @ Sevro

    1. Sevro


      Not as competitive as I wanted it to be but I genuinely think ND can make it fairly far.

    2. Arven


      Yeah they look good

  2. throwing the house on dustin tomorrow who’s w me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      dustin is my guy and we grew up in the same area. Always putting the house on the diamond

    3. Legendary


      ZERO chance he beats Islam. 

    4. JoeL


      Another Ryan Garcia odds moment. House on Dustin

    1. SSprite


      Worth losing an armed plane just to witness this

    2. Solarsun


      Holy Crap that is fucking funny

  3. I’m a fellow Jr. APD officer and I mostly agree with this. Everytime i’m playing and see a fed or bw it makes me want to log off. They’re only fun or winnable when Sr. APD mass logs and spams armor. There’s been numerous feds i’ve participated in with just Jr. APD and we get slaughtered. I think the idea of having a rank in between PO and Corp with the only difference being access to lethals during federal events is smart. Now obviously not everyone should receive this rank but it’d be better than having the occasional 1 or 2 corporals during an all Jr. fed.
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