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  1. wow this would be a great gift!
  2. I remember staying up for launch just to get all the best houses
  3. i miss Tanoa
  4. if you would be so kind into entering thy self (me) in such giveaway that would be dandy
  5. Makes a post about holding left click while having 100 rounds killing someone who runs in the open , glad to see it took 47 rounds - nice meme
  6. level cap is much higher now 100+
  7. 8.5 mil
  8. Enter
  9. Olympus released a tanoa server already, it slowly died off but imo it was a rushed project. It could be a neat server 3 replacement, however, it requires a lot more work from our already hard working devs. Would be cool, but not likely!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dangus


      Lol I don't think the rook beats CSAT and tier 4 vests and pilot helmets. But if it ever does, lmk.

    3. Zephyr


      Just now, DINGUSDEAN said:

      Lol I don't think the rook beats CSAT and tier 4 vests and pilot helmets. But if it ever does, lmk.

      with enough mags it will :P

    4. LongInactiveAccount


      I’d probably miss with a mk1

  11. dili_3
  12. no cause its Africa
  13. a water bottle
  14. *waits inside with a 12 gauge*
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