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Status Replies posted by skavenpete

  1. Hello world yes I'm still alive I've just had exams please don't kick me from the apd ye bastards

    1. skavenpete


      You keep talking in all caps and you gonna catch these hands son @G.O.A.T.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. my favorite anime is airplane instruction videos from the 80s

  3. That moment when you just don't want to be bothered. :|

  4. We live in a world where our 2 President Candidates are both being investigated for criminal activity. X FUCKING DEE

  5. when did everyone become professionals in no recoil scripts people us that phrase like they get paid to do it

  6. when did everyone become professionals in no recoil scripts people us that phrase like they get paid to do it

    1. skavenpete


      You see players with 4K hours being called out for having no recoil it's the dumbest shit ever

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. F1 is a great key on arma.

  8. Shitting me pants knowing complexity will fuck off In 2 weeks and I'll have no gang to join so I'll have to go career cop 

    1. skavenpete


      You rebel muppets should be shitting your pants too

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Shitting me pants knowing complexity will fuck off In 2 weeks and I'll have no gang to join so I'll have to go career cop 

  10. tfw someone tells you your orcas inventory will sync through restart and we lose an ASP bcos of it xd

    1. skavenpete


      At point blank the asp can 1 shot to the chest through csat coveralls and a special rig no fkn joke it's like a fuckin cannon 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  11. tfw someone tells you your orcas inventory will sync through restart and we lose an ASP bcos of it xd

    1. skavenpete


      Tfw when you tell Andrew to hold it through restart but he doesn't listen

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. I just found out today rusty got banned again.

    Speaking My Mind

    Rusty was one of my mentors. I have a lot of loyalty to the guy.

    Someone was mic spamming like a retard and he said he was going to ddos him. DID HE ACTUALLY DDOS HIM. NO.

    So why is he banned?

    Savage actually did ddos ham.

    Rusty did nothing.

    My opinions

    Guess Admins can make excuses to perm anyone they don't like.

    I know you will remove this post. I know you might give me a strike.

    I dont care. 

    Its stupid that people are banned for the community for dumb reasons. for example 3rip, Symfuhny, rusty once, and now rusty twice.

    a joke is a joke.

    An action is an action.




    1. skavenpete


      He flipped out so easy, half the time he couldn't take a joke but then again no one here can 

      bloody nerds

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  13. I just found out today rusty got banned again.

    Speaking My Mind

    Rusty was one of my mentors. I have a lot of loyalty to the guy.

    Someone was mic spamming like a retard and he said he was going to ddos him. DID HE ACTUALLY DDOS HIM. NO.

    So why is he banned?

    Savage actually did ddos ham.

    Rusty did nothing.

    My opinions

    Guess Admins can make excuses to perm anyone they don't like.

    I know you will remove this post. I know you might give me a strike.

    I dont care. 

    Its stupid that people are banned for the community for dumb reasons. for example 3rip, Symfuhny, rusty once, and now rusty twice.

    a joke is a joke.

    An action is an action.




    1. skavenpete


      He got banned for being excessively toxic, one of his unban terms was to stop being toxic so it's kinda his own fault

      I love the guy but damn you can't be constantly toxic in every comment and post you get involved with and not expect to get slapped on the ass

      like fuck

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  14. Who makes the videos with 3rip you shitter? get Fucked one?


  15. Who makes the videos with 3rip you shitter? get Fucked one?


  16. Well cya boys was fun. have a good day :)

    1. skavenpete


      Bye can you send me your in game dolla dolla pls 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. I shouldn't have to wait 30 minutes for a medic. Just saying, while there's 3 Paramedics + on.

    1. skavenpete


      Be patient bitch they're busy role playing lmao 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. Thanks to everyone that participated in the events tonight. No matter what happens there's gonna be a few rocky moments in getting in started but just try and be patient because there's a lot of preparation that goes in making them. We hope so do more events in the future. We will mix it up like we did tonight so everyone doesn't get the same outcomes in events. Thanks everyone. 

    1. skavenpete


      What were the events? Would have loved to take part 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. So who is Krypton again? I feel like I have missed something.

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