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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. Any small tortilla enjoyers awake this morning?

  2. I catfished mako out of $20,000. goodluck on the refund @ Mako
  3. Dont @ me unless your getting on armed assault 3 to middle man this trade i have with zero.
  4. yea clearly you didnt read anything and just scanned through with steam coming our ur ears. Staff are NOT entitled to help you asap. It is not their job to be staff and not a single staff member on olympus afaik does this full time, not even the highest ranking people. Nor do they get paid for being staff members. no theyre not, you couldve gotten engaged 4 minutes prior to what the video shows and staff would have no clue if you did. Im telling you now bud that if your reporting for RDM you 100% will need a full 5 minute video if you want any response besides We cannot process this player report due to insufficient evidence. In the future be sure to have at least 5 minutes of video prior to shooting or dying/getting tased as this allows us to see what happened and to know if there was in fact any RP done leading up to the incident. Keep in mind we allow a 5 minute window for RP and this is why we require at least 5 minutes of video. If you feel this is incorrect then submit a new player report requesting an Admin. Thank you.
  5. bro just told me he wasent selling lit last night. check ur dms ape
  6. Yea the thing is servers not dead nor are staff entitled to respond to you asap. I agree 2 weeks is pretty rough but w all the server crash comps theyve been getting recently i dont really blame them.
  7. been waiting on hawkg to say something besides "who are you" & "your a pedo" to me for ages. Kid wont even shit talk on his main anymore bro had to make a new account, pretend it was his brother for a month, then pretends that he never said it was his brother but still denies hes hawkg. Kid calls us freaks when hes going through a identity crisis at age 15.
  8. Yea this lighthouse is not worth it for runs what so ever. I almost bought it a month ago for gear but aside from that its not worth more then the 10m u paid for it.
  9. Once i figure out which staff member keeps timing me out in discord i promise you my femboy army will be targeted towards you.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skys


      loving femboys isnt a joke its a life style 

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @ Grandma Gary Youve made a grave mistake banning me today

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Discord has become 1000% more family friendly though so win/win

  10. Not sure how long ago you got your pc but seeing that its a prebuilt and assuming it was purchased recently you could always go directly to the manufacturer for help. They will probably be able to guide you through anything your uncomfortable doing as well. Or if you have a warranty (assuming its relatively new) you could always just send it back. But yea what lucien said check all your fans front and back never know where something could be and you could even dismount all your fans and visually check each blade to see if one looks fucked. If one is; a new fan is not expensive.
  11. Im sorry that is has gone to this nelson. We now seem to be rivals.

  12. ask your NEW irl bf @ hawk
  13. 200% discount. Ill pay you to take them.
  14. truthfully marcus its a cool idea but implementing it seems way too hard, essentially adding another faction onto the server. Im not opposed to the idea if it can be implemented correctly but i feel like thats a hard line to walk.
  15. dont blame me blame the black market, prices 2-3x'd over summer
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