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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. promet, spar, sting, mk1, mx, + some other for sale dm me on discord bud
  2. yall thought i was playin, bro actually blessed up w 50 cus i defended his name https://i.gyazo.com/bbb2a647e52ea35b78e9cfce988a2e14.mp4
  3. ur delusional go work a 12 hour shift at a fedex warehouse then spend 6-8 hours a day on arma
  4. now ur not even gonna acknowledge how you were 100% wrong throughout the whole thread? ur so funny to argue with its like arguing with a 8 year old
  5. Red - Parts where you say only teamplayers get revived (2 exceptions where you imply the other teams only got revived much later in the event when it was proven false by mason) Green - Added by me get a fucking grip sov id also like to point out THE FIRST TIME YOU MENTIONED OTHER GANGS GETTING REVVED WAS 2 HOURS AGO NOT WHEN YOU MADE THE POST
  6. get ur fucking story straight holy shit sov
  7. Oh so now its not " Only people who got ressed was tp." now its "half of them were teamplayers" Can hardly keep a straight story to save ur life sov. Lit just trying to blow nothing into something for some attention on a arma forum.
  8. @ Ryan @ Mako wipe my account clean if xlax is found abusing
  9. WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO GOT "ABUSED"???? nothing out of the norm lmao like i said, send it to senior+. I did not say to post it all i see is a bunch of pictures no video then let them check logs lol. Again i was not there so im speaking 100% off my trust in Xlax. Im almost 100% sure without having even talked to him today that there was no form of abuse. If you have ever actually played with xlax you would understand how seriously he takes his position in the community.
  10. you would think thered be some type of solid evidence other gangs lost kits aside from one witness testimony from the local olympus karen. Maybe even said people would be here talking about it? But nope. No one who "lost a kit" has complained this whole time. we dont use medics, epis, dope shots, or any legit means. We have xlax admin revive us every death. Would be too many to count. my house is full of spawned in 762 supps & tasers and every rpg gabe has is also spawned in. again no proof aside from what your saying. I know your always recording so why wouldnt you clip such "Blatant" admin abuse and submit it to Senior+? again back to my first point. If he abused on SO many people why has NO ONE came forward and complained besides you who sat 1km away and didnt hear anything they said in voip to eachother. Again if you think people in TP arent buying kits, dope, dope shots, or epis every day youd be very mistaken. Not when the people theyre fighting are getting staff revived with TP Please respond with some proof and not a wall of opinions and unfounded accusations. You have some in game messages and thats it.
  11. again havent spoken to xlax and im not speaking on his behalf so take what i say with a grain of salt He almost 100% wouldve revved anyone else who pushed he even said so to anti Again refer to my first post that you quoted. It was a gang v gang fight he set up at rebel with the other gang, again AFAIK. Again AFAIK this was very spur of the moment. That cartel event took a little setting up. Wait until @ Xlax wakes up and responds before u guys start tossing shade.
  12. Heres the story They fought on cap and killed sov. Sov never repushed and sat on a hill watching them. Xlax talked to the gang he was rezzing and decided to run a mini event TP vs whoever the gang was. Both sides were getting admin rezzed and no one ever got admin rezzed while real genuine fights were happening. IE sov never lost a kit to a illegitimate revive / fight as she never repushed when the rezzes were happening. I agree it does look kinda bad but i would also hear out Xlax on this as personally knowing him i know how serious he takes his position. This story is also AFAIK i havent talked to xlax directly about it.
  13. we do not lose money ever we only spawn it in and get admin revived
  14. xlax sells me admin revives for 250k no questions asked
  15. xlax spawned me in 30m today because i told him he looked good this morning
  16. @ Xlax you can go ahead and lock this thread he said hes out of funds and cant afford more tasers
  17. pedo and a scammer please disregard post and downvote while ur here
  18. Anyone who reports dpi jumping is malding / coping hardcore
  19. Ive always been under the mindset that if you can dpi jump w/o killing yourself or legging yourself then it should be allowed.
  20. @ Mako  i have fixed the issue with my profile and have now used a picture i found off google for my pfp. i hoep thi s can be water under the bridge bud

  21. @ Karma is a scammer dont trust him

    @ Lucien grats baby

  22. goodmorning olympian males, make sure to send your money to Teamplayers | fat female arma 3 player in game if you see her today!

    1. Skys


      rabid and goat would pay you a fuck ton if they were still around 🤣

    2. FaXe


      sit on my face

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