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mrs nesbitt

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mrs nesbitt last won the day on December 21 2023

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About mrs nesbitt

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  • Birthday September 25

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    calliou on chemo
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    arma 3 twitch page looking for streamers to crash a plane into

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  1. bring back uncapped coinflips and add a 1% tax to coinflips

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      @ Millennium  people will always do runs

    3. Skys


      removing uncapped coinflips ruined my immersion 

    4. Millennium


      @ I bought olympus for 50k that is where you are wrong good sir. I was the one who pushed for the coinflip to be capped back down to 5 mill. When the coinflip was uncapped runs were COMPLETELY dead. Obviously, runs are boring as fuck, but the mindset that people got from uncapped coinflips is that you literally never had to do runs again.  I was one of those people. I would coinflip my money, if I lost it all I just got on cop, played for 20 minutes, and gambled myself all the way back up to 10mill+ and then kept going higher from there.

      I have gone more into detail years ago when I was pushing for it, and can't really be asked to do so now. But my explanation got people to agree with me and put a cap back on it.... and runs increased from that point (not including all the improvements they have gotten by now).

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