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Everything posted by yoitsdanny1

  1. Man those //A\\ guys got trasheeed
  2. Much respect for ya APD career Bubbaloo, hope to play some ARMA with ya some time here.
  3. Not really tbh its really old - its gotten its wear
  4. Im a pretty messy person but my desktop setup is pretty neat. featuring 2 ties and some snapbacks (EDIT: I noticed the majority of us are using razor deathadders. niceeeee)
  5. makes me feelsbadman - even the folder names are terrible
  6. Dude I forgot all about Death Grips, would be lit..
  7. I did it lmaooo!! 1. Most Dominate Gang : none - gangs are stupid (I'm too trash to be in one) 2. Favorite Player : [Taxi] Marty 3. Favorite current APD Member : Danger and Angel are pretty chill dudes. 4. Favorite R&R Member : Peta 5. Favorite former APD member : peter long [*] 6. Favorite former R&R : Idk tbh I don't know anyone who's quit R&R who was chill 7. Kavala Troll King : All of DB - The true legends 8. Favorite time on the server : probs that mlg ghost hawk action. 9. Funniest Moment: HEMMT transport goofs, rip 1 mil. 10. Something you want in the community : more RP #nextlevelrp less shooting 11. Favorite quote: "Vehicle looks good, here's some cash" @djwolf
  8. Omfg that was hilarious.... these are the real questions we should be asking ourselves
  9. I frequently say redgull - and people notice... Hard to explain LMFAO
  10. nonononononoono,,,,, ,:c
  11. Sorry about the trashy movess with the vermin last night at weed pro, Hope to have more fights in the future.
  12. 200k for MXM and 12 MX mags? I don't know if that's an extreme low ball but I'm always looking for some APD gear
  13. Red Orchestra for sure is the best WWII game, threw lots of hours into it.
  14. I'm happy someone had a gopro running....
  15. Dan Banks or [Medic] Dan Banks
  16. This conversation is getting deep, who knew the Olympus Logo and slogan could have such a meaning.
  17. Rooting for those panthers, but as of now they are being trashed :c
  18. Like everyone else here has said , from my experience (most) medics dislike it when you spam for an ETA. If a medic isn't moving assume that they are in active RP/ active scenario. Don't start spamming medics, or even pming medics, like tman said, it's only going to slow down the medic. I feel like the only good time to ask a medic over side is if you are on maybe your 3rd request (3rd time after time ran out). Just be patient , you aren't the only call.
  19. So exciting! Great work dev team.
  20. Make it happen boys we are so close c=
  21. Lonnie :c Honestly one of the greatest RPers on this server. I loved your news videos and they have inspired me in the creation of my own. Please if you ever do decide to come back, realize that Olympus is always open. One of my favorite people here ;c. Good luck bud! Wherever your adventures take you.
  22. At 34.99 it's definently worth it imo. The game play and destruction is pretty refreshing tbh. The mix of realism and arcade actually really works for this game. Just don't buy it expecting an extremely tactical shooter. Just something fun to play on off time. It's also really fun to play with friends , lots of great moments. In all I'm really happy with the game.
  23. This is part of the reason why I joined R&R. I wanted to help people who would just get shot up in redzones (or in general) . I normally RP a situation with the killers and ask them if they can at least talk it out. About 70 percent of this time this works. However the other 30 percent of the time I just get slaughtered. In all fairness I have to thank those 70 percent of the people that didn't light me up as soon as they saw me show up and let me talk my way through it. It's always great to RP that as a medic.
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