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About Heatflow

  • Birthday April 20

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. How long is it?
  2. no i can, i really just dont care man <3 xd
  3. xd im not gonna bother with you anymore, you really like that keyboard. ps. if you think your opinion over the internet means something, you should probably just end it. xd
  4. Because we can, sorry i prefer chicks over dogs, my bad.
  5. every time i see that dog picture next to a post a part of me dies inside.
  6. welcome to the internet xd
  7. didnt know twix and twinkies were the same word xDDD but you do realize that is the sole purpose of the ghillie right?
  8. lmao
  9. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+edit+a+montage
  10. You let me down BFO :FeelsBad:


  11. Jacobs Cuties took it by a long shot.
  12. @Peter Long stream today was dank, more in the future?? :wub:

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