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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. 4.0. Mil
  2. +1 hospital = 4 different types of AIDS
  3. Didn't get texture bug really but frames dropped a lot in certain areas and during fights for me
  4. @Goodman you realize this post is 2 YEARS old
  5. Yeah I've met it, thanks.
  6. Speed bomb should be 450k
  7. I know the player stats page is down and they're working to fix it, but I was just wondering if our time that we play and on what faction we play on, is being recorded?
  8. @Maniac, you need a social worker (support team) to help you through these rough times?
  9. fucking lol 10/10
  10. im literally going to go kill myself, rip life
  11. It's a splendid feeling that you get
  12. Ok, cool place, thanks @McDili
  13. I don't know if this has been asked or said, but where about swill it be located, or what he are we gonna spawn for it?
  14. Holy shit @Grandma Gary god damn. "My truck". Why am I laughing so hard!
  15. name sounds good, id like to see that in the ts, would make me feel like stuff actually gets done no hard feelings to the other devs. you guys are great
  16. Round of applause to the dev's and designers, you guys work your ass's off for a bunch of people who appreciate it and a bunch of ungrateful shit heads. *applauds*
  17. Basically, corporals+ had tear gas, that was really just orange smoke grenades. Although it had broke and didn't function as tear gas but just functioned as a smoke grenade launcher. I heard someone recently say it works, but I'm now sure
  18. 76561198151189657
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