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drugs irl :)


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so I'm going stop smoking weed smh. it's been a long time thing since I was like 13-14. don't know why Olympus would care but I explain to my irl homies an they all call me a faggot lmao or they explain to me all the healing properties it has or some other next shit but I can't remember skipping a day of smoking weed, so I'm at doctors cuz I had this year long spaz episode where I did ALL.drugs I could find and they thought I was depressed and I was actually trying to get them to prescribe me drugs so I could fiend out more But bottom line is im talking to m Doctor and I pretty much figured out I wasn't getting any xanex and he ask me if I smoked weed n I said yeah and he asked me why I smoked weed so I said because it remove stress and everything after I get out of work and he asked how long, an I said probably 8-9 years now so he told me using weed or any type of drug in general or anything in general like food to relieve stress you're gunna constantly wanna go back to it when you're stressed so I feel like I'm self prescribing myself at this point since I stopped everything else and "just smoked weed instead" I still wanna pop pills and other shit all da time so it don't help.


 do arma no drugs moral of the story 


donate to olympus ha 

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From what I've read, smoking isn't your problem. Pills are, I lost my brother to a pill over dose. Having PTSD and anxiety those are one thing I've learned to stay the fk away from. "Only you" can help yourself my friend

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Weed is awesome for stress. Sure its not the healthiest and frankly I could care less about an outsiders opinion. If you stopped doing the hard drugs then you will start to come around. Hard drugs are called hard drugs for a reason. If you don't know how to control yourself they can become very dangerous very fast. When i was younger I experimented with some different drugs here and there. Yes they can be fun but they can also ruin lives If you don't know what your getting into. Eventually I grew out of my wild stage and kicked that shit to the curb. I started smoking weed right after high school and continued to smoke for a good 4 years after that. If you have to smoke more weed to suppress your other addictions then do what you have to do man. Weed isn't dangerous as long as you are smart about it.

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