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"Best Of" Players!


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Best Shot: Nickname

Best Driver: PVTHOWARD

Best Heli Pilot: TOAD

Best Officer: I would say Fugi but hes a dick in Civi, so ItalianStallion

Best R&R:  DeathDingo

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Psycho

Best RP'r:  Kratos when hes not stealing donuts and screw people for their hostages

Most Tactical: Can't find him, its a corporal's name that starts with a C and NICK

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:  To many to name, and i can't name myself lol

Most Reliable: RUSTED CORPSE

Most Dedicated Player:  TOE KNEE

  • Like 1

Best Shot: EPDB Mcguire, Resentme, Respect, Relapse

Best Driver: me, myself and I

Best Heli Pilot: Paperbot, EPDB Mcguire

Best Officer: Paperbot

Best R&R: zero the kitten

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): me

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: anyone in Kavala on the weekends

Most Dedicated Player: me

Best Shot: Virus

Best Driver: Not a clue, everyone crashes

Best Heli Pilot: SHEARSY

Best Officer: Ace

Best R&R: RevenanT

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Grandma Gary / Wing Wong

Best RP'r: Grandma Gary

Most Tactical: Old Renegade Gang as whole

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Zeus

Most Reliable: Ace

Most Dedicated Player: Ace / Jendrak


And finally...


Most Valuable Player: Everyone in there own way

  • Like 4

Best Shot: Snake, Wheatkings, Kratos

Best Driver: uh i always drive... not Snake

Best Heli Pilot: Gary, Stealth(cept when hes at the chop shop), Ace

Best Officer: Ksay / Ace,

Best R&R: Foxymama / Jendrak

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Gary, not robbin cadets crew, Hades invis lockpicking

Best RP'r: Gary / Ace

Most Tactical: Wheatkings

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Snake, Wheatkings, Kratos

Most Reliable: Karl

Most Dedicated Player: Snake / Karl



Most Valuable Player: Anyone victim of a hoagie situation

Best Shot: Hollowman

Best Driver: No one:)

Best Heli Pilot: Myself

Best Officer: Ace

Best R&R: Squall

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Gary

Best RP'r: Wing Wong

Most Tactical: [R] 

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Hamofmouse

Most Reliable: Snake

Most Dedicated Player: Hades

Most Valuable Player:  Ares


Best Shot: Virus

Best Driver: Not a clue, everyone crashes

Best Heli Pilot: SHEARSY

Best Officer: Ace

Best R&R: RevenanT

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Grandma Gary / Wing Wong

Best RP'r: Grandma Gary

Most Tactical: Old Renegade Gang as whole

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Zeus

Most Reliable: Ace

Most Dedicated Player: Ace / Jendrak


And finally...


Most Valuable Player: Everyone in there own way


damn im pretty sure hades got it right here, i have been attempting to create my list but hell ill just copy his

Best Shot: Fugi

Best Driver:Fugi

Best Heli Pilot: Void

Best Officer: Hamofmoose and pvtwanted

Best R&R: DR Spectral, and John Mcclane

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP):

Best RP'r: Pinkstreak

Most Tactical: IDK

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Pinkstreak

Most Reliable: Pvtwanted/fugi

Most Dedicated Player: Jendrake / Hades

  • Like 1

Best Shot: Devil, Hollow and Snake

Best Driver: Gi Joe

Best Heli Pilot: Hollowman, Shearsy, Deimos and Ace

Best Officer: Ace and Colonel (love the voices)

Best R&R: Hades

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Grandma Gary

Best RP'r:  Wheatkings, Ace and Colonel

Most Tactical: The [R] guys

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: The [R] guys, Wheatkings

Most Reliable: Grandma Gary - You always know what you are going to get

Most Dedicated Player: Ducimus

  • Like 1

Best Shot: Hollowman, Kratos, Tyrant, & Snake

Best Driver: Ace, Hollowman, Tyrant (I let them drive after I reach my quota of 3 SUVs a night)

Best Heli Pilot: Hollowman

Best Officer: Ace <Before he took the desk job> =), Snake, & Kratos (Trained him)

Best R&R: Haven't had much interaction with R&R. Tek was good. Snake repairs Ifrits I disable so he is off the list. =)

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Grandma Gary (So much shit stolen out of my backpack) & Locking me into his house.

Best RP'r:  Gary, Wing Wong, Snake

Most Tactical: Old [R]

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Old [R]

Most Reliable: Hollowman / Tyrant (When there is a shot needed I call on them)

Most Dedicated Player: Hades / Ace

I dont get to play with these guys that much due to time zone differences but hands down PVT WANTED is most dedicated, I mean this guys is on TS on his phone helping people out and giving advice when he is AFK.

Best Shot: Honeybooboo,QQuan, Kratos,Devil

Best Driver: Mcguire

Best Heli Pilot: Stealth

Best Officer: Ace

Best R&R: Spectral

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP):  ROGER WILSHIRE

Best RP'r:  Jmart/Sassykat

Most Tactical: Stealth

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Charles

Most Reliable: Stealth

Most Dedicated Player: MADIWADI (lol)

  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

Non troll post time boys.

Best Shot: HoneyBooBoo/Quan

Best Driver: PinkStreak

Best Heli Pilot:Stealth

Best Officer: Corporal Snake

Best R&R: Death Dingo

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Toad

Best RP'r: McDili

Most Tactical: Stealth

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Snake/Ozzie Garcia

Most Reliable: Stealth

Most Dedicated Player: Obviously ahdes havnt you read my poem?


And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  Snake u da real mvp


Best Shot:Virus plz

Best Driver: POTP Skim

Best Heli Pilot:Iv'e heard rumors of stealth...

Best Officer:Mcdilli!

Best R&R:Some guy that checked me for anal ebola then jumped in the river and couldnt swim and i jumped in after and restrained to "Pull him out" only i drowned and left him restrained under there and then when i unrestrained him he drowned...

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP):POTP Justin!!!

Best RP'r: POTP Skim/Me self

Most Tactical: Any armed forces members lol

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:POTP Jopple, Skim , Justin, Thomas.

Most Reliable:No one is reliable in this game get that straight

Most Dedicated Player: Warfare, he on alot lol

Non troll post time boys.

Best Shot: HoneyBooBoo/Quan

Best Driver: PinkStreak

Best Heli Pilot:Stealth

Best Officer: Corporal Snake

Best R&R: Death Dingo

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Toad

Best RP'r: McDili

Most Tactical: Stealth

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Snake/Ozzie Garcia

Most Reliable: Stealth

Most Dedicated Player: Obviously ahdes havnt you read my poem?


And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  Snake u da real mvp

thx i appreciate u

Best Shot: ToeKnee for every day murder, Rusted Corpse when you need to hit a cop at 862 meters.

Best Driver: Armend... as long as he doesnt have a chubby redhead in passenger seat, Nacho for outrunning cops :)

Best Heli Pilot: Ollie... flying 3 meters off the ground and bumping police cars... Void for combat landings

Best Officer: HamofMoose for RP, McDilli for the $1.99 Walmart ground chuck comments

Best R&R: Hades... oh! Money! I'm rich!

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Scooter or Moose... Poaching Cops from their Kavala Doorstep

Best RP'r: Corp_Moob... Black Gay Irishmen are like unicorns! They are endangered! Dont shoot him!

Most Tactical: Gator... when he is sober. Stealth when Gator is drunk.

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Jonas... Transfer him $500k, Taser him, Log off... Best 12 year old temper tantrum ever :)

Most Reliable: Tommy (Tomoya). What? 6am low profile daily Coke Run? Let me bring a hemtt and a zuber!

Most Dedicated Players: To all who were involved in the 3 ghosthawk night. We never topped that.

MVP: Wheatkings... when we realized he kept pulling Ghosthawks out just to keep us entertained. Thank you for making the game fun.

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Best Shot: Virus

Best Driver: Armend (Pete malloy)

Best Heli Pilot: 0llie

Best Officer:  McDili/Nacho (RIP) from The non senior ranks, of the senior ranks: Ham of course

Best R&R: Gnewt/Hades

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Conan The Destroyer (RIP) OR Ricky Spanish

Best RP'r: McDili/Dr Spectral By far

Most Tactical: [KI] Gator (RIP)

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Ozzy_MG/McDili/Ghostface/Adi/Abu Al-anbari/Lincoln Williams

Most Reliable: Ghostface/Armend

Most Dedicated Player: From the server? Lincoln Williams

Best RDM'er: Tony Vincetti (Kavala Rook legend)

MVP:  McDili. Good shot. Good RP'er. Good shit. good guy


I'm not gonna wank off randoms. I give mine to the people that deserve them. GG.

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