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From http://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1518-11-2-2014-updates/




  • Real World Extremist or Terrorist names are not allowed




I can't believe I'm defending the name ISIS but I think this is a very slippery slope.  How do you define Extremist?  We have guilds named BlackWater, and after seeing the real life version of them I would quite willingly call them Terrorists.  I'm not trying to be a angst ridden liberal here.  The idea of Terrorist is being slung around all over.  If a guild is named IRA, is that a terrorist group?  All depends on who you ask.


I'm a former Marine and hate, HATE the real organization ISIS for what they represent and their actions.  However, I think that we're really screwing with free speech here if we pass arbitrary rules like this.  It specifically targets one group of people while leaving plenty of room for free and easy interpretations in the future.  It's really risky and I think someone should pause and think about the future potential for abuse.

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How about players don't purposely name there groups after groups like ISIS or al qaeda. Clearly all they're looking for is to be assholes and disrespect players. It's the whole reason that rule was implemented. Let's not act like someone made there group name something and it just so happens to be the same as a real world terrorist group. 

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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. - ammendment 1. Private owned groups can censor because admission is not manditory, no ones forceing you to be here. However if congress said u cant call yourself isis that would be a free speech violation. This is not.

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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. - ammendment 1. Private owned groups can censor because admission is not manditory, no ones forceing you to be here. However if congress said u cant call yourself isis that would be a free speech violation. This is not.

Yup, I think a lot of people don't quite understand that. I've actually heard people call the blacklisting of the name 'ISIS' a free-speech violation on Altis Life.. 

That's not really what the topic is about, though. It's not if it's right or wrong to block the name 'ISIS', but moreso a question of what the standards for blocking are. Hitler is bad, obviously - and so is ISIS, but there are other groups that some view as just as inflammatory, while others may not. Like BlackWater/the IRA, to quote the examples given. 


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The decision was made by staff and its not going to be changed.  Free Speech is great, until it creates problems.  These forums and servers are not subject to free speech laws as they are privately owned and are not hindering you from discussing whatever you wish elsewhere.  To use either the servers or the forums you use at the owners discretion and by their rules.  If you do not agree with the rules as set out and defined by the owner/operator/staff then there are other places for you to play or participate in community forums.

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As a re-iteration on what Wheat said, everyone needs to keep in mind, just because you have freedom of speech (depending on where you live), doesn't mean you can walk into someone's house and start dropping f-bombs every 2 seconds. You will be kicked out and if you don't leave, you can be forced to leave because the owner that that house doesn't like what you're doing. Same thing here, yes you have freedom of speech BUT you are participating in a community run by a select few. This is THEIR house and it is THEIR choice on what you can or cannot say or do because THEY run the servers and administer THEIR community. You abide by their rules, not your own or what you perceive as your right.


As for abuse, since it came up, the ultimate decision is that of our staff members, not the players. Its their rule, they'll administer it as they see fit.

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I'm gonna say my part too this . I don't live in the us I live in England - if I turned around and ram upto a police man and said I'm with Isis I would never see daylight again ....

Freedom of speach is not world wide and you have to take into account of people who may have been directly affect by these grps .

Next why don't you role play and make your own unique terrorist gro name that way you stick to rp ... And people won't get upset.

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From http://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1518-11-2-2014-updates/




  • Real World Extremist or Terrorist names are not allowed




I can't believe I'm defending the name ISIS but I think this is a very slippery slope.  How do you define Extremist?  We have guilds named BlackWater, and after seeing the real life version of them I would quite willingly call them Terrorists.  I'm not trying to be a angst ridden liberal here.  The idea of Terrorist is being slung around all over.  If a guild is named IRA, is that a terrorist group?  All depends on who you ask.


I'm a former Marine and hate, HATE the real organization ISIS for what they represent and their actions.  However, I think that we're really screwing with free speech here if we pass arbitrary rules like this.  It specifically targets one group of people while leaving plenty of room for free and easy interpretations in the future.  It's really risky and I think someone should pause and think about the future potential for abuse.

"Freedom of speech" 


>Global server

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just because you have freedom of speech (depending on where you live), doesn't mean you can walk into someone's house and start dropping f-bombs every 2 seconds. 


This. It's not about the constitution. It's about a server that is managed by people who don't want it in their game, and has nothing to do with "freedom of speech". Not everyone playing on Olympus is even from America, and some people might live in places where Isis or some other extremist group might have personally affected them, and they are trying to respect the people it might offend. Re-naming a gang takes about five seconds. It's not a game-changer.

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if you dont like it leave olympus..... lol stop crying about real world laws on a video game... i was enlisted as 11x army ranger. and now i play video games and i think its disrespectful to every one who was ever over seas  to use such a retarded gang name...

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I don't believe it is as much of the admins' decision, as much it is the simple way to solve conflicts because I'm sure more than a few people have been complaining about it and ill join with them, cmon guys  you really want to bring up politics and terrorist groups into a video game? They kill people ruthlessly including our own people that we have to send overseas to stick up for the civilians over there being poorly treated. Yes this is a military sim but damn we're here to have fun, not bring up this kinda shit, I think it's just immature from my perspective. 

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You confuse real-world laws with videogame server rules.


The right to free speech blah blah blah is not relevant in a videogame. The admins dictate the rules, you choose to play by them or risk being banned.


Simples really.

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I will be honest as a member of the " ISIS " gang, our name was not to represent the ISIS threat that is going on in a realistic way but basically just a name to get peoples attention, we didn't intentionally want to piss people off because of it but looks like it did!


But at the end of the day there's a lot worse going on in the servers than just a gang name.

We're already working on a new name as we will be abiding by the server rules. 


But you gotta admit we got ourselves known quick and probably not in the best of ways but that doesnt mean that we follow or agree with the real ISIS crisis going on, i have friends in the army that have been fighting them. 

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I will be honest as a member of the " ISIS " gang, our name was not to represent the ISIS threat that is going on in a realistic way but basically just a name to get peoples attention, we didn't intentionally want to piss people off because of it but looks like it did!


But at the end of the day there's a lot worse going on in the servers than just a gang name.

We're already working on a new name as we will be abiding by the server rules. 


But you gotta admit we got ourselves known quick and probably not in the best of ways but that doesnt mean that we follow or agree with the real ISIS crisis going on, i have friends in the army that have been fighting them. 



So to show respect for your "friends" in the army you make a gang in a war simulator after a terrorist group..... Seems legit

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Look im not starting a flame war here i just wanted to state that we dont follow the ISIS name nor do we agree with it, it was just used to get attention within a GAME. 


Considering its a game where you do drugs and kill cops etc makes me laugh that just a name makes people rage!! 


I get that thousands of people have died to these fucktards of ISIS but in no way are we advertising it nor follow it!! 


Im not fond of the name either but we are changing it now due to the server rules in place now. 

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