BlueBerryFace 0 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 Express what you guys felt Olympus life has turned into! I have only been playing for a handful of weeks but i have been enjoying it! This topic is only to see how you guys are doing in this server and how you feel about the community. Rules, ETC. Link to comment
SPBojo 6862 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 its going downhill. no offense, love the server played on it since day 1, but it going a bit downhill with the community part of things. love you olympus <3 Link to comment
BENJI 1021 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 I love Olympus It's just the people that don't care about the rules makes Olympus worse, Olympus no matter what will always be my most favorite arma 3 server. #OlympusIsLoveOlympusIsLife 2 Link to comment
teckub aka bucket 32 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 i love it regardless of drama yes things can change so far i have died over 142 times and killed 16 i have 58k in my bank and still love this community Link to comment
Dustin87 864 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 I love Olympus It's just the people that don't care about the rules makes Olympus worse, Olympus no matter what will always be my most favorite arma 3 server. #OlympusIsLoveOlympusIsLife you cant really talk, you are one of the worst RP'ers and rule barkers iv'e met.... 1 Link to comment
Johnny B Lake 22 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 I play 3 servers. They are my favorite three. This is one of them. Link to comment
BIGZay 24 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 My favorite server of all times, but besides the drama and ppl not following the rules and think they can get away with it. But over all its the best server ever. Link to comment
BENJI 1021 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 you cant really talk, you are one of the worst RP'ers and rule barkers iv'e met.... First of all I don't know you and second learn how to spell breakers and third I don't break rules and forth If your just gonna come in here and prove a point that's not true then you shouldn't be here. Link to comment
Papamunski 281 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 First of all I don't know you and second learn how to spell breakers and third I don't break rules and forth If your just gonna come in here and prove a point that's not true then you shouldn't be here. yes you do break rules mate, yesterday you told me to get out of my chopper and then shot me straight gave me 1 second to do something about it....not 5 seconds like your supposed to...thats kinda breaking the rules mate... 1 Link to comment
JPostalMan 108 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 Take your drama to private messages gentlemen. Olympus is great to me, there are people that break rules, some more than others and some less than others, there should be exceptions now and again on the accidental Rule breaking, but when it happens over and over again by the same person then there needs to be a ban hammer. It's hard to stay on this server when there's a moderator who only bans people that do things to them and the other moderator isn't here (it happens) We need a moderator that wants to clean the streets with week bans on RDM'ers combat loggers. HOW do we get this? by having the moderator spend time in the places where RDM/combat logging happens most, on the streets! Not in a gang of people, just go around city to city in a truck, when you get hit by the rule breaking RDM then you know what to do. Do a service as a moderator of Olympus, don't let being a moderator service you! You are a moderator for the people of Olympus, not for your own convenience. When people message you that mass RDM'ing is happening in *specified location* Hop your happy ass out there and investigate! Link to comment
Papamunski 281 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 i vote the taxi driver to be this moderator, we always see the shit,the countless hours i have spent sitting at the taxi ranks in each major city watching constant flow of rdm/vd, and nrl rule breakers not to mention the free target it makes me being a taxi driver waiting at these enjoy and spend more time doing that than i would actually playing lol Link to comment
BENJI 1021 Posted December 20, 2014 Report Share Posted December 20, 2014 yes you do break rules mate, yesterday you told me to get out of my chopper and then shot me straight gave me 1 second to do something about it....not 5 seconds like your supposed to...thats kinda breaking the rules mate... That was Paul Miller that killed you I was waiting for 5 secs before I killed you and I didn't fire one bullet Link to comment
Pringle Mccringleberry 114 Posted December 21, 2014 Report Share Posted December 21, 2014 I think that taxi drivers should get there own taxi uniform! 1 Link to comment
CommanderSuki 628 Posted December 21, 2014 Report Share Posted December 21, 2014 i love the servers and the community but there is a lot of RDM`ers and people that are just there to be annoying im playing on server 3 and its not that often i see the admins on i would love for someone to just go in ban the rulebrakers and all the people yelling in the sidechat like Roger Whilshire and Ronald Raygun they give me a headache with the yelling Link to comment
Papamunski 281 Posted December 21, 2014 Report Share Posted December 21, 2014 I think that taxi drivers should get there own taxi uniform! i second that! That was Paul Miller that killed you I was waiting for 5 secs before I killed you and I didn't fire one bullet ahh yes you are correct there i forgot he was the one who fired...brain fart Link to comment
BENJI 1021 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 ahh yes you are correct there i forgot he was the one who fired...brain fart Lol Link to comment
Wheatkings 245 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 Take your drama to private messages gentlemen. Olympus is great to me, there are people that break rules, some more than others and some less than others, there should be exceptions now and again on the accidental Rule breaking, but when it happens over and over again by the same person then there needs to be a ban hammer. It's hard to stay on this server when there's a moderator who only bans people that do things to them and the other moderator isn't here (it happens) We need a moderator that wants to clean the streets with week bans on RDM'ers combat loggers. HOW do we get this? by having the moderator spend time in the places where RDM/combat logging happens most, on the streets! Not in a gang of people, just go around city to city in a truck, when you get hit by the rule breaking RDM then you know what to do. Do a service as a moderator of Olympus, don't let being a moderator service you! You are a moderator for the people of Olympus, not for your own convenience. When people message you that mass RDM'ing is happening in *specified location* Hop your happy ass out there and investigate! For someone who starts their post with "take your drama to private messages gentlemen" then decides to go off on a rant about Kratos and I you either have some hootspa or your not as bright as you think. Since you don't know me I'll point out that when you have a baby that was born 17 days ago and you spend the first 48 hours at the hospital and then your having to feed him every 3 hours for the first month it doesn't leave you with a heck of a lot of time for sleep let alone getting into Arma and playing. Just this weekend I was finally able to get back into the groove of Olympus and get some play time in. But what happened, I spent about 1/2 of that play time banning people because they just can't follow the rules, "YEAH fun time for me!" In the 15 days that I've been home from the hospital with my wife and new son I've taken the time to work on my Player Reporting tickets because I can do that with out having to actually get on the servers. I have completed about 25 tickets and have another 20 in my inbox which I have reviewed and still need to action, 5 in discussion with the ticket sender and 5 new ones as of this morning to deal with. Just as the Admins, the Mods have prescribed punishments that we are required to follow when we administrate. That can't be helped as much as we'd love to just fire off the Perma Ban Hammer at some of those people. Kratos and I can't help it if people are stupid and break the rules in front of us. If we see it or it happens to us, your going to see yourself get banned. Get over it. We're not paid yet we still spend hours of our time dealing with player reports, player whining, player harassment, support BS, and other general questions, not to mention that both of us have APD duties on top of that. Olympus has one of the top and quickest responding support systems around and we constantly get shit on for it. So before you continue sprouting BS about the moderators here's some things I'd like you to take care of: #1) Grow up; #2) Get some life experience; and #3) keep your uneducated opinions to yourself. 9 Link to comment
Jendrak 206 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 +1 - I want to have Wheat's next baby! 1 Link to comment
Wheatkings 245 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 +1 - I want to have Wheat's next baby! You got it good sir! ... third I don't break rules... mmmm I'm pretty sure I've seen a thread discussion regarding you being banned for harassment somewhere around here.... 1 Link to comment
PoLaRBe4r 67 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 I don't see how anything good can come from this type of post.In the past two weeks or so I have seen many people show how they feel about the server in non productive criticism ways. I believe at this point that peoples emotions are on high, the players and admins alike, need to take a step back over the holiday season so that everyone can have a breather and put there heads on right. No one will ever but completely happy, it's not possible, so let's take a step back, enjoy our families, or go to another server for a while and see what you like and dislike from that one. As much as the admins try, no one will ever be completely happy, and theres always one person ready to piss in your cereal once you feel happy. Merry Christmas, take a step back, go play something else, and come back in a week. I know that's what i'm doing. Link to comment
Corporal Moob 3316 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 And now Blueberry is Perm Banned. Score 1 Olympus. Link to comment
Wheatkings 245 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 And now Blueberry is Perm Banned. Score 1 Olympus. ? what did he do? Link to comment
Corporal Moob 3316 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 Hacking. Travis caught him. GG. Link to comment
Wheatkings 245 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 Hacking. Travis caught him. GG. Oh well another one bytes the dust. Link to comment
Corporal Moob 3316 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Share Posted December 22, 2014 Oh boy, If only this was Counter-Strike so I could break out the old "Bites De_Dust" joke.. Link to comment
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