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Hades kinda back

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Hey everyone, just wanted to let ya know that I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Still a bit sick but have been hoping on trying to get caught back up. You should start to see me a bit more again but it may still be a bit slow as I'm still sick. I have started to go through some of my tickets that have been sitting so if you have had one sitting for a bit bear with me while I try to get them caught back up. I will also be trying to lurk in-game a bit.


Welp hope to see ya in-game.

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"Feeling stronger every day (You know I'm alright now) Feelin stronger every day (You know I'm alright now)."

Welcome back, Hades. Glad to hear you're on the mend.

/Begins the Smegal voice

It's to late, must have the PRECIOUS

/ends Smegals voice

best smegal impression ever.

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