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as said in numerous other posts, unless Hades or Poseidon says theirs going to be one, theres not. and its just a rumor started on the BLTN Podcast. 


 Poseidon did say there was going to be one :/ he didnt say when just said there will be one my guess is the big update 

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 Poseidon did say there was going to be one :/ he didnt say when just said there will be one my guess is the big update 

yeah, i worded my line incorrect, thanks for correcting :)

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@Hades on one of the threads has said that if there will be a reset then you will be informed. Posiedon in one of the streams confirmed that it is under discussion meaning there is no yes or no, but a maybe.


Of course, if there will be a reset there are good sides...


> New economy in new update

> No more mass death match everywhere, go do some drug runs and pick some peaches

> People who have exploited glitches to either get gear or money will gain nothing

> Everyone starts at square one again, who will reach the top before Virus this time?


But also some bad sides


> Some people grinded for money

> A lot of people will throw a massive fit because 'WHERE IS MY MONEYZ'

> You held all these hostage situations and cops up to get all those MXC's and such, now they are gone

> I cbf to start with 25k - I want to be able to buy anything anytime.



I support a reset, alongside most of the active community - new economic system, new map, new cartel etc. would also mean a great, fresh, start!

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yeah i agree, once the "Big Update" arrives with the new map etc its only good to do the wipe at the same time. 


Plus all these double brought houses or perma banned ppls houses will be re-opened :) 


Im looking forward to the first week of peach wars with rooks and pdw's lol 

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im just going to quit if they do a server wipe on money. if they changed the map and other stuff that would be better but if they wipe money it would suck man. all them hours spent making money would be for nothing ha. i dont see the fun in the server if i dont have money to spend. posidon if your reading this please dont reset money it would suck man. this server is the best server ive played on thats why i keep playing but if i have no money one day i dont really see the point in playing, and i think alot of people might quit tbh.

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im just going to quit if they do a server wipe on money. if they changed the map and other stuff that would be better but if they wipe money it would suck man. all them hours spent making money would be for nothing ha. i dont see the fun in the server if i dont have money to spend. posidon if your reading this please dont reset money it would suck man. this server is the best server ive played on thats why i keep playing but if i have no money one day i dont really see the point in playing, and i think alot of people might quit tbh.


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im just going to quit if they do a server wipe on money. if they changed the map and other stuff that would be better but if they wipe money it would suck man. all them hours spent making money would be for nothing ha. i dont see the fun in the server if i dont have money to spend. posidon if your reading this please dont reset money it would suck man. this server is the best server ive played on thats why i keep playing but if i have no money one day i dont really see the point in playing, and i think alot of people might quit tbh.


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An argument that's been made against the people who are going to throw a fit over their money: money is a key part to being successful in Altis Life, yes, but a bigger part is role-playing. A player who role-plays more than they are concerned about doing countless grinds of runs is considered the better and more ideal player, and those are the people the staff wants to occupy their servers - people who play Altis Life for the role-playing purpose

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