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I need a new gaming setup help if you a real one

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My current laptop is a latitude 7480 #crashes in the middle of pvp #2 frames a year #overheats #still grinded hella more money then I thought I could, and can barley run the game. So leave me some links of pre builds that can at least run this game and maybe even rust my max budget is $950 U.S. dollars. If you are a true oooooooooooooooooooooog you would send me cash to help me buy my setup if you do want to send$$$$$$$ I will let you know how you can send me money. Thank you in advanced for everyone's help/opinion.




This is dam near what I play on.


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well some people gotta do what they gotta do like the people who built the St. Francis Dam in 1924 they were all drunk and using hand made explosives to carve the dam out. how safe is that

BTW when I get my new PC  am already experienced because I play this game at my friends house who has a good PC already which I play this game on and I am good at pvp so when is cop apps coming back. I also love role play a lot to so when is medic apps coming back medic too.

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I don't know how to make a PC that's why I want a pre build because I don't have money out the donkey to keep retrying if I mess up.

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order the parts you want for it and have someone build it for you or you can pay to get it put together at best buy or some custom pc place. prebuilt computers are the biggest waste of money

3 hours ago, coolbean said:

Buying a prebuilt for around 900 will be a huge difference than building one for yourself at the same price

you actually save a lot of money building the pc yourself but ok

i can tell your uneducated in this department

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If your have a micro center near you, they are awesome with stuff like this.  Give them budget and desired Spec’s and they will guide you along. Great tech support as well.

buy the parts and either build it yourself or bring the parts to a pc place near you and have them build it for like 40-50$

Ok I think that’s what I’m gonna do buy the parts and build it myself. I don’t even know what parts imma buy and how imma build it but that’s why we have the internet right. Thank you guys for your suggestions. 

You can make a really nice PC for around $950-$1250, I can help you make up a parts list if you want or if you're into laptops I can probably help with that too.  Some nice Ryzen's on the market for both desktops and PCs, but it all depends on what you want to sacrifice.  ArmA 3 is super CPU dependent so your processor needs to be top dollar.

15 hours ago, JacobG said:

My current laptop is a latitude 7480 #crashes in the middle of pvp #2 frames a year #overheats #still grinded hella more money then I thought I could, and can barley run the game. So leave me some links of pre builds that can at least run this game and maybe even rust my max budget is $950 U.S. dollars. If you are a true oooooooooooooooooooooog you would send me cash to help me buy my setup if you do want to send$$$$$$$ I will let you know how you can send me money. Thank you in advanced for everyone's help/opinion.




This is dam near what I play on.


Would totally help but then I saw your gang.

10 hours ago, RDyer216 said:

If your have a micro center near you, they are awesome with stuff like this.  Give them budget and desired Spec’s and they will guide you along. Great tech support as well.

Microcenter is practically only Northeastern US. Used to have 1 20 minutes away when I live in New York, Then I moved and the closest one to Florida is in Chicago

5 hours ago, JacobG said:

I don’t even know what parts imma buy and how imma build it but that’s why we have the internet right.

  • Mid-tower case
  • Motherboard
  • CPU
  • Some type of coolant for the CPU (Heatsink, a water cooling system)
  • GPU
  • RAM
  • Power Supply

Go on PCPartPicker and pick out a case, it'll give you options of what motherboards are compatible with that case, and then pick out a CPU that's compatible with that motherboard. Everything else SHOULD be compatible if not the only thing that won't be is ram and that's because there are two types that people use today (DDR3, DDR4). If you get a GPU that is somewhat relevant today then it should work with pretty much any relevant motherboard nowadays.

Building a PC is like putting legos together, it's easy claps, just whatever you do when you build it, ground yourself or you'll end up making a $1500 dollar mistake like me and shock the entire PC and pretty much blow everything. No pressure though :)

13 hours ago, tyler said:

you actually save a lot of money building the pc yourself but ok

i can tell your uneducated in this department

That's what I meant, the prebuilt compared to the one you build yourself won't be as good. Could've worded it better

900$ will work fine
would probably recommend getting more incase fans if you're bad at cable management

thanks for the tips this is also what I https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9rvbMZ made what do you think I heard that a ssd makes the game run faster and, so does a better CPU because that's what the game is based on? and btw whats your PC build just for the kicks.

1 hour ago, hayha said:

900$ will work fine
would probably recommend getting more incase fans if you're bad at cable management

The Cooler Master - Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler may require a separately available mounting adapter to fit the MSI - B450 TOMAHAWK ATX AM4 Motherboard.

1 hour ago, JacobG said:

The Cooler Master - Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler may require a separately available mounting adapter to fit the MSI - B450 TOMAHAWK ATX AM4 Motherboard.

I mean even going for a better processor won't do too much on arma aside a couple frames and a 1050 is actually dogshit for gaming today it's about as good as a 960 I'm broke as fuck and only get a couple pc parts a year so my current build is 
i7-4770 8gb kingston shit ddrr3 ram a 480gb kingston ssd and a gtx 2070
If you plan on gaming for a while I'd highly recommend getting a 1070 ti as they're cheap right now and will last 3-5 more years

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