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SERVER P.S.A. - What the fuck is going on?

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I'm kinda surprised about the lack of general community concern that is going into the current situation that the Olympus Community is facing. Now I have very little information on how this is affecting the other Olympus Servers, as I'm a server 3 main, but I don't think that should matter. Has anyone taken the time to look at the Olympus Stats page? How about the support requests? If the servers can't be operated properly they should be shut down. I shouldn't be left with a headache for FUCKING 30 MINUTES AND MY EARS RINGING because some jackass decides to blare an air horn. And I don't have tinnitus like some of the older members of the community have complained of. This is a serious problem that I believe warrants the servers being at least temporarily shut down.

Look, this isn't my way of saying the admins are doing nothing, or the hosting support, but I'm trying to say that it's not working. I quit asylum servers after a string of hackers made their way through and left behind a crippled community that lost a large part of its player-base. I think that at a minimum the community deserves an update on the situation, let's call it a sit-rep for Arma's sake. I think that it is unfair for the community to endure these issues with no end in sight and a lack of acknowledgement from the staff. The most even recognition of these events is @destruct's "Hacked Money and You" @destruct's little note in his "Items Sold Stats" and, oh wait, that's it. Pardon me if something slipped through the cracks, but I think y'all get the point (If I missed something please let me know). I've been removing money out of my account 999,999 by 999,999, only to have it added back hours later. I'm sorry but I can't do that with warpoints, so this is where my personal accountability ends. Unfortunately most others haven't taken the same position and instead choose to by Shikra's and crash them into Kavala square or buy an unlimited supply of suicide vests. But instead of fixing the problem of this hacker @destruct's post clearly states:

Repercussions of knowingly keeping Hacked Money

- If you knowingly received hacked money and spent the money/gave it away, staff will remove the money left over in your account as well as any assets on your account to make up for the lost money and/or go and take the money from the player(s) you gave some money to. If you waste staff time, you may catch some administrative action.

- If you knowingly receive hacked money and try to hide the fact that you received hacked money by dispersing it to other accounts or putting it into gang bank, you will be severely punished.

Seriously? Not anything against you @destruct because if anything I appreciate you the most out of any staff member here for actually accounting for this, but rather than searching for solutions (at least publicly and being open about it) or asking for support, the community is being threatened by staff if they are to use ANY hacked funds. Are you fucking kidding me? You don't want people to spend hacked funds? SHUT DOWN THE SERVER. I apologize to all of you kids who are choosing to take advantage of this situation, blowing up Kavala, camping rebel with an unlimited supply of Titans and filling up your garages with Ifrits and beyond for ruining the fun, but I would rather an admin give a P.S.A. stating that the server can not be effectively managed given the current situation than to play in this current climate.

I'm not going to type out another paragraph stating the same thing that I believe the servers should be shut down, because I think you all get the point. My point is, that at the end of all of this what are we going to return to? Are we simply going to remove all the money and warpoints from people's accounts? Track down every single vehicle and vehicle upgrade made? Punish each individual person for using this money? If you guys want to do that, have fun. But my point is unless you plan on wiping the server you THE SIMPLEST OPTION IS GOING TO BE A ROLLBACK TO BEFORE THIS ALL BEGAN (Before I'm quoted on this - I am referring to after the hacker is dealt with). Which brings me to my second point which is that if this is indeed what is going to happen, why not shut down the server for the meantime? All that's happening is that you staff members are being overloaded with more and more requests for hacked money, compensation, player reports, etc. You want to make it stop? Shut it down. And for the kids who told me "Oh this is feeding into what the hacker wants" I could give a shit. If it needs to be done to solve the problem at hand so be it.

So there's my two cents. Want to fucking downvote me? Fucking bring back the downvote button I could give a shit. This is my opinion and I am taking the time to write it out because I don't see anyone else doing it. You disagree? GOOD. At least express your opinions on the forums. Admins am I wrong? Is more being done behind the scenes? Then let us know.

I'm not taking the time to revise this cause I'm fucking tired so if I made a mistake or repeated myself, too bad...

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Just now, Wizard said:


admins are doing there best bud, put in support ticket :D

If they are doing their best then they should let us know what that is. It's been weeks since I've been blared with air horns. If actions are being made then let us know because I don't see anything happening, AND I HOPE I'M WRONG. But until I'm told otherwise, I'm going to assume nothing is happening because that's what it feels like, and that's what my ears fucking feel like.

Just now, toxicc said:

How about we just wipe all servers xd

You know I just deleted a paragraph in my post about this out but this shouldn't be skipped over. I recently read @Pwnda's post and he got a lot of shit for suggesting this, and guaranteed this was before the hacker instances and was for a completely different reason, but it still poses as a possibility given the situation. See my last paragraphs for my views on this.

1 minute ago, KGB JOSH said:

Shutting down the servers is probably what the people doing this want to happen. Sounds counter-productive

Counter-productive? I don't see how. @KGB JOSH I don't want to make it seem like you aren't suffering through this too, but I think one problem might be two different perspectives (that being a player v.s. staff role). If I'm wrong and you are dealing with these problems I think my point still stands regardless.

My point is why should I be subject to ear-rape, unlimited suicide vest attacks and 9/11 reenactments in Kavala square during this period? My point is, and this is the same point I made in my post, is that it would relieve a lot of stress of the admins if a rollback were to occur to before these problems happened, that is after the hacker is dealt with. And if this is the case, why should the server be open if everything is going to be roll-backed anyways? If would save the community a lot of time and stress if the servers were shut down. I'm sorry but tracking the 4 million I'm making from frog among the 2 billion in my bank account is hard and I'm not going to be subject to a ban because of this. Shut down the server, find a solution and then return to a save before any of these problems happened and *poof* and instead of focusing on the support requests admins can focus on fixing the server. But until a plan is presented admins are buried in these tickets because people like @Wizard, no offense man, think that the solution to this is *create a ticket* "oops no longer my problem let the admins fix it now." I'm sorry but no. Find a solution to put this hacker at bay and the admins can return to a save file from before all this bullshit instead of being buried in tickets. But hey if they want to be buried in tickets I guess it's not out problems as community members right? No.

ur a fucking retard you can spend the money to the extent of your money they are not saying you can't buy loadouts but if you run around buying 200 fucking ifrits and 30 jets you're getting fucking banned but if you had 5 mil before the hacked money and you spend 20m you're getting your forehead torn off but if you had 5m and buy what you normally would like loadouts they will not ban you

4 minutes ago, Rossco said:

this ^^^^


Just now, Sir Klutch said:

Counter-productive? I don't see how. @KGB JOSH I don't want to make it seem like you aren't suffering through this too, but I think one problem might be two different perspectives (that being a player v.s. staff role). If I'm wrong and you are dealing with these problems I think my point still stands regardless.

My point is why should I be subject to ear-rape, unlimited suicide vest attacks and 9/11 reenactments in Kavala square during this period? My point is, and this is the same point I made in my post, is that it would relieve a lot of stress of the admins if a rollback were to occur to before these problems happened, that is after the hacker is dealt with. And if this is the case, why should the server be open if everything is going to be roll-backed anyways? If would save the community a lot of time and stress if the servers were shut down. I'm sorry but tracking the 4 million I'm making from frog among the 2 billion in my bank account is hard and I'm not going to be subject to a ban because of this. Shut down the server, find a solution and then return to a save before any of these problems happened and *poof* and instead of focusing on the support requests admins can focus on fixing the server. But until a plan is presented admins are buried in these tickets because people like @Wizard, no offense man, think that the solution to this is *create a ticket* "oops no longer my problem let the admins fix it now." I'm sorry but no. Find a solution to put this hacker at bay and the admins can return to a save file from before all this bullshit instead of being buried in tickets. But hey if they want to be buried in tickets I guess it's not out problems as community members right? No.

this ^^^^

As I said I don't give a fuck if the hacker wants this. I would like to turn my fucking froggies into processed froggies and until I can do that without being earraped, blown up or given 2 gazillion dollars so none of this matters, I think it should be shut down. 

Just now, bread del bread said:

ur a fucking retard you can spend the money to the extent of your money they are not saying you can't buy loadouts but if you run around buying 200 fucking ifrits and 30 jets you're getting fucking banned but if you had 5 mil before the hacked money and you spend 20m you're getting your forehead torn off but if you had 5m and buy what you normally would like loadouts they will not ban you

Kid can you read? Look at the post. Yes, this is what I'm doing. But when little Timmy decides "Oh no I'm going to buy 30 shikras and crash them into Kav square" no. This is not enjoyable gameplay and if the admins want to track each individual person down that did this go ahead. But I think my solution is more painless for them and us. AND CAN SOMEONE READ THE BOTTOM LINES OF MY POST OR DID YOU ALL GET TOO LAZY? Propose your own solutions all-ready!

What do you what Olympus to do, it’s not there fault battle eye can’t detect the cheats  / script that they are using. Olympus is doing there best going through logs and finding the cheaters and clearing hacked money but when that much money Ian going through logs it’s hard to find what money is legit and what is hacked 

3 minutes ago, Sir Klutch said:

Kid can you read? Look at the post. Yes, this is what I'm doing. But when little Timmy decides "Oh no I'm going to buy 30 shikras and crash them into Kav square" no. This is not enjoyable gameplay and if the admins want to track each individual person down that did this go ahead. But I think my solution is more painless for them and us. AND CAN SOMEONE READ THE BOTTOM LINES OF MY POST OR DID YOU ALL GET TOO LAZY? Propose your own solutions all-ready!

if you think anyone read your 9 paragraph rant about how you are salty than you're a retard

Just now, obeymatt said:

What do you what Olympus to do, it’s not there fault battle eye can’t detect the cheats  / script that they are using. Olympus is doing there best going through logs and finding the cheaters and clearing hacked money but when that much money Ian going through logs it’s hard to find what money is legit and what is hacked 

With my limited experience in cyber-security I would appreciate a post stating that the admins have done this. If an IP ban isn't working let us know. If they are using a program that makes it appear as if they have no player ID let me know! I've dealt with this before and I think the community could be a useful resource. THE ADMINS SHOULDN'T BE ALONE! Let us help you @admins.

3 minutes ago, Sir Klutch said:

Counter-productive? I don't see how. @KGB JOSH I don't want to make it seem like you aren't suffering through this too, but I think one problem might be two different perspectives (that being a player v.s. staff role). If I'm wrong and you are dealing with these problems I think my point still stands regardless.

My point is why should I be subject to ear-rape, unlimited suicide vest attacks and 9/11 reenactments in Kavala square during this period? My point is, and this is the same point I made in my post, is that it would relieve a lot of stress of the admins if a rollback were to occur to before these problems happened, that is after the hacker is dealt with. And if this is the case, why should the server be open if everything is going to be roll-backed anyways? If would save the community a lot of time and stress if the servers were shut down. I'm sorry but tracking the 4 million I'm making from frog among the 2 billion in my bank account is hard and I'm not going to be subject to a ban because of this. Shut down the server, find a solution and then return to a save before any of these problems happened and *poof* and instead of focusing on the support requests admins can focus on fixing the server. But until a plan is presented admins are buried in these tickets because people like @Wizard, no offense man, think that the solution to this is *create a ticket* "oops no longer my problem let the admins fix it now." I'm sorry but no. Find a solution to put this hacker at bay and the admins can return to a save file from before all this bullshit instead of being buried in tickets. But hey if they want to be buried in tickets I guess it's not out problems as community members right? No.

Im not a dev so I dont really deal with preventing this but people are doing the best they can with the hand they are dealt. The most I can do is ban and that doesnt really matter because they have hundreds of alts ready to hand out 7 trillion dollars when given the command. The server wont be shutdown, ive got a better idea. Just dont play until a fix comes. Whenever that may be isnt my knowledge but the most I can do for you is say that we arent doing nothing.

  • Like 2
Just now, Sir Klutch said:

With my limited experience in cyber-security I would appreciate a post stating that the admins have done this. If an IP ban isn't working let us know. If they are using a program that makes it appear as if they have no player ID let me know! I've dealt with this before and I think the community could be a useful resource. THE ADMINS SHOULDN'T BE ALONE! Let us help you @admins.

Ever heard of a VPN ? Ever heard of the fact that u can buy a arma account for 1 dollar on Russian cracked sites, the Olympus admins are doing everything they can to fix this issue and it gets to the point where you can only do so much 

Just now, KGB JOSH said:

Im not a dev so I dont really deal with preventing this but people are doing the best they can with the hand they are dealt. The most I can do is ban and that doesnt really matter because they have hundreds of alts ready to hand out 7 trillion dollars when given the command. The server wont be shutdown, ive got a better idea. Just dont play until a fix comes. Whenever that may be isnt my knowledge but the most I can do for you is say that we arent doing nothing.

I'm lost on how this is any better than shutting the server down. In shutting the servers down the hacker no longer has the ability, yet it be enjoyment of ruining the experiences of hundreds of players. I would rather shut the servers down and not allow the hacker to get any enjoyment from tossing the admins around like they are his bitches than let him continue.

3 minutes ago, bread del bread said:

if you think anyone read your 9 paragraph rant about how you are salty than you're a retard

I read it. In its entirety. And I agree with him on a lot of points. Communication being the biggest one. 

  • Like 3
Just now, Sir Klutch said:

I'm lost on how this is any better than shutting the server down. In shutting the servers down the hacker no longer has the ability, yet it be enjoyment of ruining the experiences of hundreds of players. I would rather shut the servers down and not allow the hacker to get any enjoyment from tossing the admins around like they are his bitches than let him continue.


Just now, obeymatt said:

Ever heard of a VPN ? Ever heard of the fact that u can buy a arma account for 1 dollar on Russian cracked sites, the Olympus admins are doing everything they can to fix this issue and it gets to the point where you can only do so much 

I think you might want to read the post I made once more. I know about fucking VPNs. There are also ways to combat this. Would love to discuss further in PM or ts or something.

1 minute ago, KGB JOSH said:


Glad we've come to a consensus.

2 minutes ago, Sir Klutch said:

I'm lost on how this is any better than shutting the server down. In shutting the servers down the hacker no longer has the ability, yet it be enjoyment of ruining the experiences of hundreds of players. I would rather shut the servers down and not allow the hacker to get any enjoyment from tossing the admins around like they are his bitches than let him continue.

yo be fair i feel like this would make clearing money and items easier

5 minutes ago, Lincoln Williams said:

I read it. In its entirety. And I agree with him on a lot of points. Communication being the biggest one. 

I agree. My reason for this post is a lack of communication from the admins not a lack of action. If action is being make let us know.

2 minutes ago, toxicc said:

yo be fair i feel like this would make clearing money and items easier

My point. - and tickets *edit*

14 minutes ago, Sir Klutch said:

With my limited experience in cyber-security I would appreciate a post stating that the admins have done this. If an IP ban isn't working let us know. If they are using a program that makes it appear as if they have no player ID let me know! I've dealt with this before and I think the community could be a useful resource. THE ADMINS SHOULDN'T BE ALONE! Let us help you @admins.

With my extensive experience in cybersecurity I can tell you that IP banning doesn't work because they are using VPNs which arnt detected and they are purchasing hacked accounts for pennies on the dollar which we ban as we come across them.. really can't stop them from ban evading without stopping new players from joining... I would honestly love to hear your solution, because from a network topology standpoint of you can't identify the traffic as VPN, idk how you stop it. (Btw VPN and regular traffic all look the same to the server)

The ear rape exploit is am Arma thing that we legit cant fix and bohimia is patching, the hacked cash thing is because Battleeye is the world's worse and easily evadable anti cheat, we can and are doing things to try and mitigate these things but it takes time to discover how the hack works and how to write an anti cheat to stop it..

I get it, you are frustrated, so am I... But you should be focusing your distaste with the folks that are taking enjoyment by making your lives hell which is the hackers .. us as staff are trying our best to provide y'all with a home to game... Unfortunately there's always one asshole that ruins everything and these guys are it...

  • Like 5
3 minutes ago, MAV said:

With my extensive experience in cybersecurity I can tell you that IP banning doesn't work because they are using VPNs which arnt detected and they are purchasing hacked accounts for pennies on the dollar which we ban as we come across them.. really can't stop them from ban evading without stopping new players from joining

The ear rape exploit is am Arma thing that we legit cant fix and bohimia is patching, the hacked cash thing is because Battleeye is the world's worse and easily evadable anti cheat, we can and are doing things to try and mitigate these things but it takes time to discover how the hack works and how to write an anti cheat to stop it..

I get it, you are frustrated, so am I... But you should be focusing your distaste with the folks that are taking enjoyment by making your lives hell which is the hackers .. us as staff are trying our best to provide y'all with a home to game... Unfortunately there's always one asshole that ruins everything and these guys are it...

Thank you. This is what I was looking for, and I think that this is what the community is looking for. @MAV I would request that you make a post, or with the other admins, that makes it easier for the community to see this, rather than being buried in the bottom of this thread. I also appreciate your note about the VPN's and I would love to sit down and discuss what is being done, such as closing PPTP and L2TP tunnels, which is the most obvious and probably suggested fix but, I would love to have an update as to what is being done.

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