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Why is the Police MXC so weak, and why does it take so many shots to taze someone??

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So recently i watched the BLTN Podcast about the APD and heard what the guys had to say about the tazer. I didnt really agree with much of it until today...

Recently i was in Athira HQ with an illegal weapon and got chased out, one of the officers pulled a hatchback and chased me down he then proceeded to park in front of me, get out of his vehicle, and shoot me about 5-10 times with the MXC it did nothing to  me, but  drop my health very low but did not taze me. I then had time to turn and fire on the Officer and it resulted in me getting away. Not only that but later today i was driving through Kavala with an illegal weapon and a bounty of 460K as ususal sirens turned on behind me and at that moment i had broken my vehicle. I get out of the vehicle on the side of the officer the officer who is already out of his vehicle engages RP with me, I didnt comply so the officer started firing on me. (Keep in mind the officer got out before me and i got out on his side) The officer started firing on me I took about 6 or more shots from an MXC legs broken health at 12 and continued taking fire until i got in cover behind my vehicle treated then escaped soon after that. I now believe the MXC does not down targets fast enough.


Unfortunately my recording stopped or i would have a video to post.  Sniper Tiger was one of the officers.



Lemme know whats you guys think about the "Down" ability of the MXC.

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It's all cop weapons that are significantly weaker now. They are due for a slight buff IMO. In the podcast, one of the main things I mentioned was how civs can play/position poorly and get away with it just because of the nerf. Stronger takers makes civs play smarter and gives cops a chance in outnumbered situations.

It's all cop weapons that are significantly weaker now. They are due for a slight buff IMO. In the podcast, one of the main things I mentioned was how civs can play/position poorly and get away with it just because of the nerf. Stronger takers makes civs play smarter and gives cops a chance in outnumbered situations.

Yeah I was as exposed as i could be and I ate rounds long enough for me to get into position

Hmm I have had kinda the opposite side of this I chase 2 people in two different vehicles, after a short chase one crashed and i engaged RP. He shot at me and I downed him with my po7. His friend stoped shortly after I started processing. We got into another small fire fight... Long story kinda short Mafia showed up and cloak provided back up. It was a 2v(about 6-9) never got the full number. But we got into a nice firefight. I was downing 3-4 people per Mag with my Mxc. Granted it was about 75-135m range and couldn't always move up to restrain. But I found it pretty easy to taze them. They fled.... And Grandma Gary showed up to troll me and cloak. Comp or ban grandma!

Honestly Spectro, the plate carrier just defeats taser rounds after the nerf. Anyone in a kevlar vest would have been downed but sadly the Plate carrier defeats the nerfed mxc.

So recently i watched the BLTN Podcast about the APD and heard what the guys had to say about the tazer. I didnt really agree with much of it until today...

Recently i was in Athira HQ with an illegal weapon and got chased out, one of the officers pulled a hatchback and chased me down he then proceeded to park in front of me, get out of his vehicle, and shoot me about 5-10 times with the MXC it did nothing to  me, but  drop my health very low but did not taze me. I then had time to turn and fire on the Officer and it resulted in me getting away. Not only that but later today i was driving through Kavala with an illegal weapon and a bounty of 460K as ususal sirens turned on behind me and at that moment i had broken my vehicle. I get out of the vehicle on the side of the officer the officer who is already out of his vehicle engages RP with me, I didnt comply so the officer started firing on me. (Keep in mind the officer got out before me and i got out on his side) The officer started firing on me I took about 6 or more shots from an MXC legs broken health at 12 and continued taking fire until i got in cover behind my vehicle treated then escaped soon after that. I now believe the MXC does not down targets fast enough.


Unfortunately my recording stopped or i would have a video to post.  Sniper Tiger was one of the officers.



Lemme know whats you guys think about the "Down" ability of the MXC.

  I know, there are many posts on this. Best thing to do is aim for the head. 

For those that play consistently, they can see the changes and how it affects the outcome. 

  • Head Admin

Just want to point out that the tasers weren't nerfed they where balanced.  Before the change taser rounds did double the intended damage now they do the same damage as lethal rounds except when your health drops below 10 you get tased instead of killed.

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Just want to point out that the tasers weren't nerfed they where balanced.  Before the change taser rounds did double the intended damage now they do the same damage as lethal rounds except when your health drops below 10 you get tased instead of killed.

They are weaker than lethal rounds 100%. You could shoot somebody with a Katiba and kill somebody faster than shooting tazers to the chest. I will say this: the tazers are inconsistent. Sometimes they feel ok other times you are just left confused feeling ripped off.

They feel ok to me. I was able to taze cake, a decent shot and he fired first with a 7.62 and GA carrier. They seem just fine to me.

The Tazing part of things is finally balanced, there is nothing wrong with the current model, it is how its intended, i know its a huge change from back in the day when you did one shot down people, but now as the gun is actually correctly configured as it is a 6.5 Firearm. prior to this change you had cops not giving a shit and just ran up to you and did the good ol' spray and pray on you. now the cops actually need to be more tactical and actually start aiming, i see no problem in that. 


so all in all, cops just need to actually aim and be good at shooting, not just the spray and pray shit.


Like Bojo would know, pfft ;)

Personally, I had a total of about 30 different PO's in my Unit, none have ever dissapointed me. I tell them how and when to shoot and it all goes good. Once again, don't go on your own - A MK18 will do more damage simply due to the round it is (7.62... I think....)


@Cleevs manages to 1-shot-taze a lot of Rebels with GA's, takes him time but he does it. Also after being on office building and not moving and seeing a PO miss 3 shots on me shows why some people would complain.


And don't forget, MX/C/M is not a close combat weapon, use it at a distance!

And don't forget, MX/C/M is not a close combat weapon, use it at a distance!

False... MXM is long range :P it stands for MX Marksman.... And yeah, i do know, as a rebel i tend to rob cops for their rilfe, and being a cop back in the day, i can now say that things with tazers are as they should be. You have to remember that cops also get a vest with more armor(except GA).

i just did a test with another apd member i do not have this problem if u hit them in the chest and they have some rig on they yes it will take 3-4 to  taze as you are hitting them into pad and tba not skin if you hit them in the leg or arm or face then it is 1 hit taze we tested this for 30 mins at all ranges up to 800m and worked perfect fyi dont hit them in the chest think of it this way tazer needs skin to work not a padded rig 




as for this 

They are weaker than lethal rounds 100%. You could shoot somebody with a Katiba and kill somebody faster than shooting tazers to the chest. I will say this: the tazers are inconsistent. Sometimes they feel ok other times you are just left confused feeling ripped off. 


It's all cop weapons that are significantly weaker now. They are due for a slight buff IMO. In the podcast, one of the main things I mentioned was how civs can play/position poorly and get away with it just because of the nerf. Stronger takers makes civs play smarter and gives cops a chance in outnumbered situations. 



i didnt see you having any problem tazing me and 3 others by yourself i think ur just QQing a bit to much the fact you now have to work with other must be killing you 

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i just did a test with another apd member i do not have this problem if u hit them in the chest and they have some rig on they yes it will take 3-4 to  taze as you are hitting them into pad and tba not skin if you hit them in the leg or arm or face then it is 1 hit taze we tested this for 30 mins at all ranges up to 800m and worked perfect fyi dont hit them in the chest think of it this way tazer needs skin to work not a padded rig 




as for this 



i didnt see you having any problem tazing me and 3 others by yourself i think ur just QQing a bit to much the fact you now have to work with other must be killing you 

 Yep, It's 3-4 taze to the Chest givin the body armor with MXC, and 7 shots to the chest with PO7. 

False... MXM is long range :P it stands for MX Marksman.... And yeah, i do know, as a rebel i tend to rob cops for their rilfe, and being a cop back in the day, i can now say that things with tazers are as they should be. You have to remember that cops also get a vest with more armor(except GA).

How is that false?

Is not a close combat weapon is same as saying it's a long distance weapon?

How is that false?

Is not a close combat weapon is same as saying it's a long distance weapon?

MXC is the close range variant, i missread the first time, ment to say MXC not MXM :)

MXC is the close range variant, i missread the first time, ment to say MXC not MXM :)

It's leaning more towards Medium range. Most weapons, such as a #PDUB will destroy you close range combat

It's leaning more towards Medium range. Most weapons, such as a #PDUB will destroy you close range combat

well, as it have been discussed, GIVE THE COPS THE STING!

Can you kill someone by tazing them too much? Cuz when I go to shoot someone I know its gonna take a lot so I empty half the clip on em. I killed someone last night (rip stabbymagee) was that just a glitch or did I taze him too much? #PO7OP

Can you kill someone by tazing them too much? Cuz when I go to shoot someone I know its gonna take a lot so I empty half the clip on em. I killed someone last night (rip stabbymagee) was that just a glitch or did I taze him too much? #PO7OP


It some times happens with PO7's atleast did in the past.  Lethals randomly get loaded out of the blue.

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