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Sling Loading Conundrum

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I used hooks to sling load on 3 different occasions today.  First time I have used them on Olympus.  3/3 loads resulted in an unsolicited, rapid, barrel roll to the right.  2/3 resulted in the hatchback hitting the Orca, which caused me to crash and lose 2 Orcas, a hatchback, and someone elses hatchback that I was attempting to return to an HQ.  A civ also died in one incident.  I already sent in a ticket.  I just wanted to see if anyone else has ever had this issue with the Orca.  I use advanced flight controls so IDK if thats causing issues.  All three times happened flying straight and level at lower speeds.  what the fack!

Don't fly so fast.


My god why are you using advanced flight controls? Seems like your job is just getting harder. 


Most of the R&R force fly with advanced flight controls and in first-person because "we're f***king elite", according to Muthinator in TS a minute ago.

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Ok so I did some science and its not an Olympus problem.  Its an ARMA thing.  If speeds exceed 100 KPH, on advanced controls, it seems to randomly occur.  Im sure it has something to do with the physics that ARMA takes into consideration with advanced controls.  Well.  it only cost me two Orcas and a hatch back to learn, lol.  And as Odin said, R&R are some elite mother f***kers!

just remember its not true AFM if you have auto trim, rough landings and weather enabled ;)

Heh, do you fly with all those on? It's almost impossible

I used hooks to sling load on 3 different occasions today.  First time I have used them on Olympus.  3/3 loads resulted in an unsolicited, rapid, barrel roll to the right.  2/3 resulted in the hatchback hitting the Orca, which caused me to crash and lose 2 Orcas, a hatchback, and someone elses hatchback that I was attempting to return to an HQ.  A civ also died in one incident.  I already sent in a ticket.  I just wanted to see if anyone else has ever had this issue with the Orca.  I use advanced flight controls so IDK if thats causing issues.  All three times happened flying straight and level at lower speeds.  what the fack!


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