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Trump vs Biden vote


Trump vs Biden vote  

121 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want trump or biden to be president

    • Trump
    • Biden

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imagine intentionally voting to pay half ur income to the government on bullshit like healthcare for any people who are capable of sneaking into the country illegally. they will abolish border security and pay for illegals healthcare even though illegals dont pay taxes on income. they will allow these illegal immigrants in because they know they will vote for them in the next election. if u dont think biden will sell out this country you can read about the millions of dollars hes getting paid by china and russia through his son already. if biden wins we will have one of the worst recessions in modern history as well as most crime and violence. the stock market will be the first indicator. ik its too late now but yall will see what i mean if he wins

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1 minute ago, swervy said:

imagine intentionally voting to pay half ur income to the government on bullshit like healthcare for any people who are capable of sneaking into the country illegally. they will abolish border security and pay for illegals healthcare even though illegals dont pay taxes on income. they will allow these illegal immigrants in because they know they will vote for them in the next election. if u dont think biden will sell out this country you can read about the millions of dollars hes getting paid by china and russia through his son already. if biden wins we will have one of the worst recessions in modern history as well as most crime and violence. the stock market will be the first indicator. ik its too late now but yall will see what i mean if he wins

You’ve prolly done more research since u can actually vote but from what I understand if your not rich asf you won’t pay more in taxes

8 minutes ago, swervy said:

imagine intentionally voting to pay half ur income to the government on bullshit like healthcare for any people who are capable of sneaking into the country illegally. they will abolish border security and pay for illegals healthcare even though illegals dont pay taxes on income. they will allow these illegal immigrants in because they know they will vote for them in the next election. if u dont think biden will sell out this country you can read about the millions of dollars hes getting paid by china and russia through his son already. if biden wins we will have one of the worst recessions in modern history as well as most crime and violence. the stock market will be the first indicator. ik its too late now but yall will see what i mean if he wins

not half maybe slightly more, i doubt you make over 400k a year even then not half

The healthcare isnt for just illegal immigrants, its for the familys who are being evicted from they homes and cant afford private healthcare or those who spend 1/4 of their income on medicines which they need to live, like insulin.

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9 minutes ago, JuanDeaged said:

You’ve prolly done more research since u can actually vote but from what I understand if your not rich asf you won’t pay more in taxes

here is one example on why that could end up being false. She explains it a lot better than I would be able to.


6 minutes ago, JuanDeaged said:

You’ve prolly done more research since u can actually vote but from what I understand if your not rich asf you won’t pay more in taxes

income tax affects everyone with a job or income and it’s increased by 15% under bidens plan. that’s a 52% tax on income and payroll. also everyone who owns a business that has employees is going to be paying WAY more than they were before. ever heard of trickle down economics? they will pay their employees less and hire fewer people. having taxes that high has never worked well in any country. take a look at statistics for wage growth and unemployment rate from now to 4 years ago, trump has been steadily increasing each and if biden wins it goes back to how it was.

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5 minutes ago, swervy said:

income tax affects everyone with a job or income and it’s increased by 15% under bidens plan. that’s a 52% tax on income and payroll. 

luckily its not that black and white, the us has a progressive tax plan meaning those who make less will be taxed less, those making more get taxed more. Bidens plan is to increase taxes on those making more than 400k.

even then the progressive tax is more complicated than taxed more if make more. I just want the rich to have to actually pay taxes not get off on some bs tax credit/deduction

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small business tax is up 10% under biden. capital gains tax and dividend tax is up over 20% under biden. corporate tax is up 7% under biden. income and payroll up 15% under biden. these will directly affect  the cost of goods and how much employees of any company are paid. the government has never been good at distributing our money. when biden was vice president they gave iran billions of taxpayer dollars in a bullshit nuclear deal that wasnt upheld by iran. now iran is waging war on its neighbors through proxy militias with that money. soleimani, the guy that trump had killed with a drone a while ago was funding and controlling those militias. now biden wants to reenter the iran agreement as well, the paris climate accords and return the trade deal with china to where it was where we were losing hundreds of billions to china by not putting a tariff on them.

@NokiaStrong you’re not only wrong but you’re stupid. maybe u can sit on santas lap this year and ask to be sent to venezuela where they are already trying socialism out and its not going too well.

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10 minutes ago, swervy said:


@NokiaStrong you’re not only wrong but you’re stupid. maybe u can sit on santas lap this year and ask to be sent to venezuela where they are already trying socialism out and its not going too well.

And that right there buddy just showed me you are reading straight out of the GOP Bible.


The classic “Venezuela” case LMAO. Of course Venezuela is a shithole with socialism. A country ridden with corruption and foreign interference from the US itself is bound to be in the shitter.


How about you take a look at the Nordic countries? You know, where it’s a LOT more civilized than Venezuela, having less corruption and foreign interference down to a minimum since there are an ally to the US. 

Let’s go one step further now and go ahead and compare how right Biden’s policies are compared to democratic socialists as well. He’s no Bernie or AOC, so comparing to a socialist country is a mute point all together. 

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5 minutes ago, PoptartRex said:

And that right there buddy just showed me you are reading straight out of the GOP Bible.


The classic “Venezuela” case LMAO. Of course Venezuela is a shithole with socialism. A country ridden with corruption and foreign interference from the US itself is bound to be in the shitter.


How about you take a look at the Nordic countries? You know, where it’s a LOT more civilized than Venezuela, having less corruption and foreign interference down to a minimum since there are an ally to the US. 

Let’s go one step further now and go ahead and compare how right Biden’s policies are compared to democratic socialists as well. He’s no Bernie or AOC, so comparing to a socialist country is a mute point all together. 

you can’t deny that biden would be the closest thing to a socialist president we’ve ever had in united states. ik ur a communist but ur gonna have to go somewhere else to wait in the bread line buddy

show me any country in the world where socialism is being practiced and i will show u a country with an awful standard of living


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1 minute ago, swervy said:

you can’t deny that biden would be the closest thing to a socialist president we’ve ever had in united states. ik ur a communist but ur gonna have to go somewhere else to wait in the bread line buddy

Lul I’m not a tankie. 
Im very progressive but fuck I don’t want capitalism to go anywhere - we just need to have proper regulations so that we don’t have these massive monopolies controlling the country.

Yeah Biden would TECHNICALLY be the closest we’ve get to a socialist President ever. The left shifts more left and the right is shifting more right.

He is still no where near a socialist. He has a very clear history of voting on more centrists policies and he is very clearly not a progressive. 


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@PoptartRex you got me fucked if u think this 77 year old senile man isnt gonna vote with his party. with him in the white house and atleast one chamber of congress blue they will run this country straight into the ground. they continue to try and enforce lockdowns on businesses and mask mandates for a virus with a 99.99% chance of survival. we will 100% go through one of the worst recessions in history in the next decade if he wins.

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13 minutes ago, swervy said:

show me any country in the world where socialism is being practiced and i will show u a country with an awful standard of living

I am gonna need you to be specific here.

Do you want countries with ANY socialist policies? The US is on that list.

Do you want countries that practice something considered closer to democratic socialism?

Or do you want fully socialist countries?


5 minutes ago, swervy said:

you got me fucked if u think this 77 year old senile man isnt gonna vote with his party.

He is gonna vote with his party - and the Democratic party won't likely pass things that are very progressive as I guarantee they are gonna try to hide behind their tails in favor of a centrist policies so that then can pray they'll get elected again (assuming Biden is elected this year) in 4 years.

I mean the Democratic party painted Bernie as a commie just to try to get the moderate vote and he isn't anywhere close to a commie. 

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5 minutes ago, swervy said:

@PoptartRex you got me fucked if u think this 77 year old senile man isnt gonna vote with his party. with him in the white house and atleast one chamber of congress blue they will run this country straight into the ground. they continue to try and enforce lockdowns on businesses and mask mandates for a virus with a 99.99% chance of survival. we will 100% go through one of the worst recessions in history in the next decade if he wins.

nah cuh the democracts will use expansionary policys to stimulate the economy which mr mitch mcconnel wont touch with a 20 ft poll. 

He let congress go during a global pandemic while American family's are grieving loved ones and being evicted from they homes

99.99 chance of survival but 200k+ American lives have been lost to it and we are in no sight of slowing down.

japan has 1/3 of our population and is 3x more densely populated but dispite this they have less than 1/200th the amount of deaths and no major economic slow down


cause they dont bitch about wearing a mask

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This... @swervy is the reason I choose not to debate with full on trump fanatics man. If you disagree with someone you just insult. It is quite common from hardcore republicans. Have a civil discussion man. 

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@PoptartRex @NokiaStrong sometimes i wish that biden would win just so yall can see how wrong you are. i understand yall never learned basic economics because they dont teach it in school but when you make it harder for businesses to operate and remain profitable by taxing them at a higher rate, they will reduce employee salaries, fire people, raise the price of their product/service in order to remain profitable/ compensate for taxes. when doing this u are reducing the value of goods by raising the price of it. that means more money for less stuff. if u look at obama/biden’s 8 years in office, wages  and the GDP were down and unemployment was up. a pretty obvious indicator for whether an economy is doing well. when trump went in office things got much better. u cant deny his policies havent made this country far more economically prosperous, and its the same when u look at any country”/ economic policies.

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Just now, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

This... @swervy is the reason I choose not to debate with full on trump fanatics man. If you disagree with someone you just insult. It is quite common from hardcore republicans. Have a civil discussion man. 

Seriously this though guys.

1) This is literally an online video game community

2) Politics is at its base, beliefs in what would make the country better - we ultimately have the same goal, just different ideas how to get there

3) Civility and open-mindedness isn't common sense but it sir does show a lot about someone's character. 


I have seen plenty of liberals and leftists act just as toxic I will add too though, so don't think I am just targeting conservatives here

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4 minutes ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

This... @swervy is the reason I choose not to debate with full on trump fanatics man. If you disagree with someone you just insult. It is quite common from hardcore republicans. Have a civil discussion man. 

ahahha im just frustrated that u guys are so misinformed on politics because people like u are the reason i might not be able to start a profitable business when i graduate. i called u a moron over a video game forum buddy try and have some thicker skin

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2 minutes ago, swervy said:

@PoptartRex @NokiaStrong sometimes i wish that biden would win just so yall can see how wrong you are. i understand yall never learned basic economics because they dont teach it in school but when you make it harder for businesses to operate and remain profitable by taxing them at a higher rate, they will reduce employee salaries, fire people, raise the price of their product/service in order to remain profitable/ compensate for taxes. when doing this u are reducing the value of goods by raising the price of it. that means more money for less stuff. if u look at obama/biden’s 8 years in office, wages  and the GDP were down and unemployment was up. a pretty obvious indicator for whether an economy is doing well. when trump went in office things got much better. u cant deny his policies havent made this country far more economically prosperous, and its the same when u look at any country”/ economic policies.

I’m in an ap economics class lol

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