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Moment of Appreciation

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forum's .. lol always going off topic.


well i for one do appreciate what thy have done. how ever i have to say i don't always agree on dissensions.

but i like the player base at least most of them.

Maybe banning with zero tolence isn't the answer maybe interacting with the players is. but who am I the dwindling player base is Def not a result of this am I right. talking to someone in teamspeak is so hard zomg it's like talking to a girl it's so scary :0


Ps. Mc's attitude towards players helps too I'm sure.


Lol I'm still going to be alive once Olympus falls you will have to find another admin from another community to suck off.


From complaining about APD's weapons to targeting members of Olympus' staff, all I've seen you do the past few days is cry and moan. Now I'm under the impression that you're interested in staying around and that you want everything to work out. Thanks for trying however talking to other members of the community like you have been, is not the way to go about it. Especially not to those in the community i.e Mods/Admins that work their asses off for the rest of us.

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next time I send moob to jail I'm gonna camp the jail. Thanks Virus

Any time Thomas. Glad I could leave you a swell tactic that infuriates the likes of the one they call moob. Hear he has a big gang of scallywags now causing a ruckus. Shame he has such a big back pocket eh?

Sorry I actually care about this community and I want to save it.

save it from what?  are you the jesus of olympus?  sacrificing yourself to wash away the sins of the rdmers of kavala?

Ive been here longer than all you fuckers. Moob is not kissing ass, hes been here for a long time and hes dedication to the community is ten times bigger than your dedication will ever be. Hes not getting ANY special treatment from anyone. So please, ahut the hell up and keep it on topic. You might want to save the community, but your not doing it right.

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  • Admin

I understand where you are coming from Brry. And yes the MC's might be a little "OFF" sometimes, but they are part of this community and are here to stay. You guys on the other hand have to try and blend in if you want to stay. 


I met you once Brry and you are a pretty good Role player and we need people like you guys in this community, so with that said. Try and stop the hate on the forums and in-game, it is not worth anyone's time. We are all here to have fun and yes we might get a little salty when things do not go as expected (getting robbed,killed on a 1 mill drug run ) things like that. But after all it is what we are all here for. To play, have fun, lay off some steam, troll the cops, catch the crooks, etc. 


I did not want to mention or start this but I have visited the other nameless server and you know what I saw? A place with nice features but lack of a good community player base ( and I'm not talking quantity as much as I am quality ). I am guessing this is the reason you guys came over here to get a feel of what a good community is. And I know you have found it on Olympus. I for one know that whatever beef you may have with MC is not going to be worth having to go back to that other nameless server with a lack of community (quality). 


With that said. The staff here are the most active staff I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. They are all dedicated members that want what's best for this community. I honestly do not know how do they make the time out of their personal lives to make this place as good as it is. And I salute them for this.


So Brry, in a sense feel lucky you stumbled upon this community. With it's player base and staff making this a better place to be on everyday there is no reason to be so grunt. And we still welcome you to Olympus, just leave this all behind and enjoy your new home and stop the hate. It is after all, just a game. 

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We have no issues with Asylum. Had it not been for them Olympus would never have started. I myself have chatted with Motown a couple times and there has never been any harsh feelings between the 2 servers that I know of. The founding members of Olympus all came from Asylum with the intention of doing things differently. One of the goals was to have more active and involved staff and that is what we do. We may not always make people happy but our intention is to make a place where most players will be happy playing. Each day we are growing and we plan to continue down this road for quite some time. There will be players that do not like us or what we do and that is understandable but at the same time no one is forcing them to stay around. We are not a perfect fit for everyone and we understand that.


With that each server has there place in Arma. Each has there strengths and weaknesses. What Arma does have a place for is players who constantly belittle the servers they are playing on or become disruptive with the players. Just from my POV, I do not play favorites. I try to be fair and equal with all players. Just because I may not like someone doesn't mean they are going to be treated any different then someone I do like in the sense of rules. There are players I would have loved to have banned and didn't because they didn't break rules. There are also players I have very much enjoyed and yet have had to ban them.


Now the issue lately has been I am playing favorites with MC or even Moob himself. I can state very clearly that MC members as well as Moob have had there share of dealings with me. They have learned through there time here what is and isn't acceptable with me at least. While they do have there moments they tend to try and follow the rules for the most part, if they don't then they are dealt with. To attest to this look up some previous posts I have made regarding MC, they have not always been a positive nature.


With that, thank you to everyone who does enjoy our work on the servers. We know we can't please everyone but we honestly do our best to try. Nothing is ever perfect in life and that same rule applies to gaming. We are a community and as such we have to try and be somewhat courteous to each other.

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^BOOM LAWYERED!!! But just so you guys know if you leave Kavala the trolls will leave you alone. This is a balls deep saying thay applies to this whole Brry thing.

  • Admin

god damn, what did i come back to....


Ignore it... welcome back whoever you are. This happens from time to time. 

  • Admin

whoever you are? THAT IS POTP LEGIT!


Lol, I've been here since April. I do not know everyone.

Awe potp... The good ol days, back when MC didn't even mess with server one... The days of the burrito banditos, and moonshine a plenty, dirty cops to bribe and gullible medics... <3

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