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Locked The Conclusion of 2021 [December Giveaway!] - $2000+ Giveaway

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i dont need anything special, 20 mill would be nice. im something of a broke bitch you see and its hard putting tac bacon and redgulls on the table let alone be able to afford ifrits for christmas, poor lil timmys only gonna get quillen this year....unarmed 😭

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Male Bull Moose have one obvious way they show off to the ladies: their antlers. The bigger the rack, the fitter the bull, and the more females are likely to be interested. It turns out size does matter to a female moose, because a large set of antlers indicates that a bull is healthy and would likely father strong calves. Due to their size and weight, antlers grow solely for mating purposes, then fall off in the winter. Male moose begin growing antlers after their first year, but are very unlikely to find a mate at this young age. Cow moose tend to prefer more mature bulls, and a bull moose’s prime age for mating is between five and ten years.

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