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GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)

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20 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

So to clarify: I'm being flamed for asking for literal proof of the death of a community member I have previously played with/know? Wow, so BOLD of me to ask!


Like I said in the status update, hold deez.

@ coopacarp is a vocal/known supporter of Raptor427. Don't come at me sideways when you actually advocated for a convicted pedophile (which activities were conducted on THIS server) in numerous ways. Then, when you got caught up, said it was a "joke". Trust me buddy, we don't forget those kinda things 🙂 


I can continue this exposè if you'd like. Just @ me

NGL its really tempting to hop on the flame train since I find you to be a distasteful person. Ill give you an honest evaluation though. It is not bold of you to seek confirmation for someone claiming someone else died on this forum. Obviously people lie, people troll, etc. However, doing it publicly and asking for actual proof is a bit much. Confirming the issue privately or simply asking if they are joking is a better response. Again though, don't really think it is that big of a deal. I do think it is weird to then completely edit out your message instead of adding a section clarifying what you said below the original statement.

All that being said, I do still think you are a worthless and detestable clump of garbage that adds nothing good to their community. For some reason you continue to posture on this raptor point as if you have any education on the matter. Coopacarp was not even in the gang when Raptor was on the server. Further, you and others incessantly mentioning his name to anyone even tangentially related to VX does nothing but reopen the wound of those who were actually victimized. If you thought any of the current or former members of VX were legitimately involved in or enabled the activities of Raptor, the fact that you did and do nothing to pursue legal action against them is despicable.

So, this leaves two options:

1. You dont care about child predators.

2. You think it is funny to make jokes calling people pedophiles who were victim to or completely blind to the actions of said pedophile.


I will say, this goes to all of the people who poke fun about Raptor towards anyone with VX tags. I understand its easy to meme about shit, but there are people who were victimized by him and still play from time to time. Pretty fucked up to bully them about sexual trauma from when they were kids.


So your obituary comments might not make you a piece of shit, but you certainly are one nonetheless.

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Turning this into a you club thread is a desperate attempt at attention. Take a step back from your monitor and understand what your saying. Your talking about a dead young man who was a friend to a lot of people here but instead of seeing how messed up your push for all this is, you are such a demented prick that needs the spotlight here during a time like this and for whatever reason, you refuse to put your head down and swallow your overinflated amount of pride and question still a post made by Ryan. Your lack of critical thinking is shocking and the blatant disregard for any small amount of dignity you have left has no end to it. 

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12 hours ago, coopacarp said:

"care to comment" like I didn't drop a paragraph embarrassing your retarded ass for the second time on this topic. Read the status post I linked and the paragraph I posted regarding your ignorance and inability to admit I clearly baited the fuck out of you into getting triggered over a JOKE lmfao. Cry lil man, cry away.

I will say I didn't realize he posted this AFTER Ryan asked for proof, however... Usually when someone has to so "With all due respect" "I don't want to offend" etc, etc. They know what they are saying is inherently inconsiderate or offensive and shouldn't be said at the time. He could have easily just PM'd people that knew him if he needed "proof"... A background of hate isn't why I posted it, I do hate GOAT but I'm not a child that cares about something that happened in 2019 like GOAT does, I just had to comment on that because he brought it up to save himself.


First off, not that many people just look for reasons to be mad over Arma 3 and like I said, didn't realize it was posted before Ryan's post but it still doesn't change the fact that your first thought is to question his death legitimacy publicly on a R.I.P post of all things, super unnecessary when you can just PM people that would be able to confirm it for you, DABEST had close friends and I am sure his dumbass is aware of that. Everyone has a right to question what they want but don't be surprised when I called you an emotionally inept fucking toddler when you can't realize how morally wrong and inhuman it is to respond to a death by instantly questioning how true the death is?? DABEST was a chill guy but again, it's disrespectful to do what he did and tbh I don't think he would have been cool with GOAT doing that on someone's RIP post if it was a friend of his. Lastly, never cropped anything out you tard, literally posted the entire response minus like 2 responses of him being a retard, if anything was edited or added it was AFTER I took the gyazo and made the post which is obvious because GOAT never mentioned editing his response so he clearly edited it after this post was made more than likely because he can't admit his wrong doings and would rather cover his tracks to save face. Your reasons excusing what he did being "Arma 3 people are soft", basically, is pretty fucking dog shit in this scenario. Might as well just go to his rip post and tell everyone that replied to suck it up bruh

P.S. Noble made a good point in saying GOAT still refuses to apologize now knowing that Ryan's post exists and the news isn't "fake" so yea, his comment is still shit seeing as he can't apologize or admit wrong doing after the "proof" he so desired was posted...

i aint reading allat but W goat hate

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  • Head Admin
On 9/26/2022 at 10:17 PM, virus said:

@ Mr GOAT  how fragile must you be to get so upset at the mention of lil tortilla? 25 year old man btw. keep asking to get my posts deleted you freak

PLZ ESPLAIN this lil tortilla thing =(

  • Haha 1

Cant say i blame @ Mr GOAT  for asking, sure, the way he went about it was a little blunt but hes been around here for long enough to have experienced past "deaths" and A LOT of people lying about things that are FAR beyond okay / appropriate in any way shape or form.


  • STFU 1
On 9/27/2022 at 7:34 PM, virus said:

We can get a lil get together in teamspeak soon. Anyone is welcome.

Make sure you post the get together here, I would love to know this meme.

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On 9/27/2022 at 7:10 PM, Grandma Gary said:

PLZ ESPLAIN this lil tortilla thing =(

Corn or flour?

  • STFU 1

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