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I don't understand!!

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Earlier today I pardoned someone almost 200k in Kavala who asked for a higher up, explained every single one of his charges (LEGIT stories - not lame repetitive bullshit) saying his wife was like cheating on him and that he was depressed and that jail would literally render his life meaningless and shit. It was amazing RP and he actually did have a reason and a story behind the charges like it was a dramatic tale of hardship lol.  I made him and his friend both drive to the church by the Kavala air garage to repent for their sins and vow to turn their life around. 

My point is, when you say it is impossible to RP your way out of a ticket, you are wrong :)

Yes you can get pulled over, just like real cops it's their job, remember that. They enforce the law and check people for warrants. Instead of quoting rules try being calm, civilized and creative, and you may find there are some great times to be had. Yes, even when you're being arrested.

Edited by Shoap5

I wasn't talking about you skeeter I meant the comment above you, but it is funny that the only people commenting in here is APD and they seem to be calling me a shitter and how I suck at the game. Just saying everyone hates the APD, since Im a civillian I know, everyone allways says they are so OP, No roleplay, total bullshit. When everyone cringes at the sight of the APD thats how you know there is a problem. 

Dustin isn't even a cop, and ok man next time i'll let another cop deal with it.

Edited by GhostFace
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The responses in this are really professional. Good work Ghost,John and Clemmy for not starting a flame war.

Edited by Dustin87

I can't speak for anyone here except for myself, Cpl GhostFace and Cpl John Wayne. When I arrived on scene, I did not observe any of this cockiness that you're accusing us of. Furthermore, I made it a point to be professional with you. I delineated our reasons for stopping you; as a reasonable officer, I am fully within the law to run a car's plate whenever I want to. That's called crime control. So what if we had some high-tech gear to run the plate? The same could've been done by looking at your plate with binoculars, writing down the number, and calling dispatch for wants and warrants. Also, the police do have FLIR; it's 2035. My dad spent time in an air unit in the 90s just before FLIR was starting to be used by the police. My local sheriff's department have FLIR on their choppers today. I digress. After they got your plate, they ran your name through dispatch, you came back as a high profile criminal, so pulling you over and placing you under arrest straightaway is more than reasonable. Not to mention you pleaded guilty to your charges after I asked you about them. After you admitted guilt, we searched your truck and found drugs. The rest is history. The bottom line here is that you didn't know the rules because you probably didn't take time to read them. Because you didn't know the rules, you were salty when you found out that we could stop you, search you, ticket you, and arrest you. In addition to this, you don't even have a video of our alleged wrongdoing. I don't know what the issue is. As for the Dep. CoP lambasting our actions as unrealistic and lazy? I guess he's stuck in 1935 instead of 2035. And I must add that he coined the phrase "Your name's over your head, moron." I rest.

Edited by Fat Clemenza
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I wasn't talking about you skeeter I meant the comment above you, but it is funny that the only people commenting in here is APD and they seem to be calling me a shitter and how I suck at the game. Just saying everyone hates the APD, since Im a civillian I know, everyone allways says they are so OP, No roleplay, total bullshit. When everyone cringes at the sight of the APD thats how you know there is a problem. 

I know it wasnt about me. But its about something I enjoy doing. Ijust rechecked the whole convo and didnt see anyone call you a shitter. About half of the people who commented aren't even APD. People cringe at the sight of the APD because they cant get their way. Alot of cops Roleplay, You are just focusing on the bad. Funny thing is, When people do bad things, people flame. But when someone does something good, no body cares about it. Its okay, find something to RP and roll with it. Dont stop and quote rules, if something happens you dont like, record and report. 

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I know it wasnt about me. But its about something I enjoy doing. Ijust rechecked the whole convo and didnt see anyone call you a shitter. About half of the people who commented aren't even APD. People cringe at the sight of the APD because they cant get their way. Alot of cops Roleplay, You are just focusing on the bad. Funny thing is, When people do bad things, people flame. But when someone does something good, no body cares about it. Its okay, find something to RP and roll with it. Dont stop and quote rules, if something happens you dont like, record and report. 

For once Skeeter I have something i can agree on you with!

Edited by GhostFace
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This guy says "Cops can pull some random bullshit story out of their ass and get whatever they want" or something along those lines, but civs do the same thing and expect to get what they want.  I can't tell you how many times i've heard "it's not a gun it's a ______" and if the civ doesn't get a full pardon the apd have "shit RP." and are getting reported.  It's not some double standard. It's RP and it's the same expectation for everybody.

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Whatever man there are to many comments for me to keep up with Im tired of this pointless arguement so I guess this is just going to be another APD complaint that is pushed under the rug http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5160-reason-why-people-bad-mouth-the-apd/ + http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5171-what-the-hell-has-the-apd-come-to/ + http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5002-cop-roleplay/ 

You bringing up threads that got people black-listed. People do something wrong, they get reprimanded. Your focusing on the bad. Yes not all APD are excellent but I can tell you that majority of them try. Not everyone is  great at rp but I would rather RP with someone who is shit then not RP at all. There is always something to learn. Starting threads like this is not beneficial, its quite the opposite. If someone does something wrong talk to them about it. We are all humans, we make mistakes. At the end of the day, its a game. Have fun!

You know why these threads get "swept under the rug"

1.  Half of them are bullshit.

2.  The half (or possibly more) that aren't, still aren't handled properly.  Record and report if there is an actual problem. don't bitch about it on the forums.

Jesus people complain about cop rp when they know nothing about cops irl 

Cops can randomly run license plates without cause, its public information and if they run it and if the pd find something wrong they have cause to pull you over.



Edited by EatMeth

Who made the last two comments hmm APD members. I guess you need the entire civ population to open your eyes, the APD are shit and thats why everyone complains. The next comment after this is prob going to be some APD member picking this comment to pieces.

Who made the last two comments hmm APD members. I guess you need the entire civ population to open your eyes, the APD are shit and thats why everyone complains. The next comment after this is prob going to be some APD member picking this comment to pieces.

What would make the APD less shit? Make recommendations and suggestions. More training? More Higher ups? Stricter rules? Less Cops? What would make "the entire civ population" happy?

What happened to this post hmm a shit ton of APD come and pick this shit apart and note every little flaw in everything I can't make a suggestion because what would make the civillians happy wouldn't make the cops happy visa versa its already to far broken

What happened to this post hmm a shit ton of APD come and pick this shit apart and note every little flaw in everything I can't make a suggestion because what would make the civillians happy wouldn't make the cops happy visa versa its already to far broken

Like I said Make suggestions please. You want to be happy what would make it so? You never know what we would like. Join the APD and Make your voice. I'm only a corporal but I try to make the APDs' Imagine better than before. So like I said, What would help balance the APD?  Also, I have not attacked you in any way. Just trying to let you see our side. 

Edited by Skeeter McGraw

That's RP, bro. We were completely within APD procedure and RP when we stopped you. Also, I'm a Sergeant, not a Lieutenant.

give me my mil comp or ill be come a deputy and harass you for it

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I wasn't talking about you skeeter I meant the comment above you, but it is funny that the only people commenting in here is APD and they seem to be calling me a shitter and how I suck at the game. Just saying everyone hates the APD, since Im a civillian I know, everyone allways says they are so OP, No roleplay, total bullshit. When everyone cringes at the sight of the APD thats how you know there is a problem. 

I understand your frustration of getting caught but hey after all it is a game and we are all here to have some good clean fun.  I think I have gotten you at least one time Colton and you were a pretty decent fellow with pretty decent RP. I would not peg you to be one who would complain about this.  

We have to enforce a balance of fun for both factions.  Before wipe cops used to TILDE all the time.  After wipe the "TILDE GUIDELINE" made the game more realistic.  If you head to other servers ( disregarding HARDCORE RP servers ) you will get a full on follow TILDE, arrest any wanted criminal with no RP reason whatsoever guideline.  You are lucky we have this set up the way it is.  

I think the RP used to pull you over was pretty good and it's the best you'll get out of any server out there.  The other day I was watching a stream on a "HARDCORE RP SERVER" and I literally saw a CIV walk up to an officer and tell on the person streaming " Officer, this man stole my money ".  The officer immediately restrained him while saying " You are wanted for robbery ".  

I don't blame you  for getting salty in a sense because I used to get mad when caught just like you.  After I joined the APD I learned to appreciate all the work and guidelines we have to abide by and every time I get caught by an officer I make it a funny and pleasant experience for them.  You'll never understand this completely until you join the APD. 

It is a pain for the APD to have to deal with " How do you know my name " CIVS and " why did you arrest me I am going to report you " ( when the CIV was killing cops right in front of them).  So take a step back and try to appreciate what we do here. Some times this "game" can turn really stressful and that is not fun.

So all in all, have fun.  Go out there and enjoy the game.  After all it is an RP server and we are trying our best to keep a balance between a game and real life.  If you can't handle being a criminal and expecting the cops to do nothing about it then this is not the game mode for you.  

Edited by Bubbaloo

This is a roleplay server you can't just tilde someone then pull them over. If I have a 2 mil bounty and I walk up to you in kavala square you shouldn't just restrain me and take me to jail you don't know my name.

But paw I asked why I was being pulled over and they told me they ran the license plate they didn't say they saw me off the road. It doesn't matter what they could have done its what they did. 

You realize if someone is wanted for a large amount of crimes, they'll get their faces plastered all over the place? Check out the FBI's most wanted list, it'll have a full description, pictures, aliases, etc. You were wanted for a lot, so you were hunted down.

 I mean once the police have you restrained you can't roleplay out of it, it's simple as that.

Thats not true at all. Just last night, a group of 4 of us were caught, one was sent to jail, one got a severely reduced ticket from 100K to 20K, and 2 of us got pardoned. It obviously depends on the cops too, but if your RP is good, and you're not being a little bitch, you can get away with some stuff.

Wow this thread went to hell.

  1. As already mentioned, peace officers of all sorts (City, County and State for the US) are able to run a license place for no reason other than to run it. This is called a "Rolling Check" where they see a plate, throw it into the system and see what comes back. 95% of the time, the search comes back clean, registration in order, insurance up to date, no warrants, etc However, that other 5% will pop up a warning screen which shows either expired registration (do they have an up to date sticker? Stollen from another cary maybe?), their license is expired, the person has one of many different warrants, etc. All of these give cops the right to pull someone over at that point.
  2. As mentioned already, you were accused of reckless driving because your tire left the road. This is reckless driving, as is driving on the wrong side of the road or swerving between lanes. Reckless driving is a legal reason to pull someone over, usually to conduct a sobriety test to see if they are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
  3. Also as already mentioned, its 2035... its the future. In today's world, the technology for an officer to simply drive down a street and check every single license place already exists. In many major cities, multiple patrol cars are fitted with roof mounted cameras which scan all license places they pass and in turn, pop up any negative results on the in-cabin laptop. This technology could easily be fitted to a helicopter with a long range lens to allow for viewing license places. Add in the fact that most air cameras are mounted on a motorized gimbal, it would be a fairly steady picture for the system to analyze.
  4. The APD do what they can with what they have. They are hamstrung on how they can do certain activities and when someone (usually the 12th+ perp) starts bucking back saying "you can't do that" or "Its ok, I'm getting this on my go-pro" (side note, I'm about THIS close to proposing any mention of recording at all will result in player reports being automatically denied. Its getting out of hand), it makes sense that the officer is going to get fed up and just try to get you out of their hair. Its no different than dealing with an officer in the real world. If you give an officer an attitude, they are instantly going to have an issue with you and behave completely differently. They won't listen to your story, they will write your ticket and make you leave. Or they will simply detain you depending on what they are talking to you for.

Point is, if you feel that something happened that shouldn't have, think about what happened, think about how YOU acted and go from there. I spectate all the time and more often than not, a civilian will get pissy and try too quote rules and end up ruining the officer's day, which results in the officer just wanting you to be gone. Either cut loose or in jail, it doesn't matter as long as you aren't in front of them.

This also doesn't help, coming on the forums and pointing fingers at others, digging up old dead threads and antagonizing a large group of the community. All you are doing is creating a reputation for yourself which WILL end up translating in-game. Just like if someone in the real world were to have a "F*** the police" type website and are known by cops. They'll approach that person with an already negative connotation.

Point is, nothing was done wrong based on what the officers AND YOU are saying. They attempted to role-play and you puffed up. Spool down your turbo, take a breath and play the game, because that's what all of this is. Its a game, everyone needs to remember that. And if you can't separate A GAME from real life, then you need to not play the game.

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Couldn't agree with Odin more. But Like I said, Make suggestions and recommendations. Just last night something got added into the game(WPL), all by a suggestion. 

There is alot of good RP in the APD and i see alot of civs with 1 - 2 mill bounties cry like children when they get caught.. I have heard stuff like, You don't know my name, how can you know who i am and so on.. Dude with a allmost 500 K bounty you are subject to be on the most wanted list so A: we have picture of you on our computers. B: we have all your personal information so that we can relay that to other officers, If you don't wanna get caught then do not do crimes, it is that simple..

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In all honesty it makes us cops feel aggravated and the experience overall is going to be way different when they give us the " You don't know who I am, you can't do that " attitude.  I rather have a CIV cuss at me and be all pissed off ( within RP ) that he or she got caught ( F*** the police ) and things like that than having someone splurge to me the typical nuisance that is the " You don't know who I am, you can't do that I'm gonna report you with my go pro " attitude.

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