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Things That would Make Olympus Top Kek

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Suggestions for All Factions On Olympus, Feel Free to Add Suggestions
1. More Clothing and More Clothing Skins,
2. Boost Legal Market and make Legal Runs easier to do. 
3. Re-do the Y menu. (Make it into like a Cell or something.)
4. Make it to where there is more shit to do in kavala other than Scat. I.E Casino
1. Bring Back that SUV.
Rank Suggestion All new shiz.
Deputy- Quad, Sting for Feds and Jails Only
PO-  Sports For All. 
Corporal - Unmarked Black Sports or SUV, Orca, MK1 EMR 7.62 for Feds and Jails Only, Grenades that Taze, 4 five .45
SGT- Ghosthawk, Plus DMS scope, Hemmit Transport Covered. AR-2 Darter

LT- Titans
Chiefs- SPMG .338 LMG

 INB4 Flame last 2 are jokes. 

Also Fix the Teamspeak Talk Power is
First Responder-2
Heavy- 3
Air- 4
R&R Coord  - 5
Head R&R- 6
Deputy- 4
Corp -6
SGT - 7
Lt- 8
Deputy Chief - 9
Chief - 10
Then Mod + Start at 8 and Go Higher
 Then make it to where Coporals Can Move up to 6 and So on. 

Edited by Aaron Bishop
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Besides a few good points the rest sounds like complete shit. Overall a terrible idea go back to bed and try again tomorrow bud. Much love and deepest sincerity ~Vitalis

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I liked the unmarked police cars. Makes us wish there was like a fucking detective/special investigations unit... But WTF would they do other than wear suits and taze people and deliver some shitty rp/robocop

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The TS talk powers are set like they are for both factions. That way a deputy wont be the same as Air responder...their the same as a dispatch. Only times it gets messed up is if there is a deputy that has a higher rank in R&R. then said deputy might be listed over a PO or Cpl in TS. but usually it works out, not gonna change this.

Titans for cops? Meh ill think about it but dont get ur hopes up.

MK1s for cpl....lol no

grenades that taze? lol no

Sgts traded to ghosthawk for the hunters. 

DMS scope isnt much better than the MRCO so...no

Deputys get pistols for a reason...no stings, and no ATVs, their pointless for cops.

Civs literally have a TON of clothing as it is lol so i doubt thatll happen unless they want to skin sumthin idk.

and no for unmarked vehicles. Mainly because there isnt any point, people can do traffics stops, road blocks or whatever else with marked cars, they just dont do it. If this was a modded server then maby but theres honestly no point here.

Corporal - Unmarked Black Sports or SUV, Orca, MK1 EMR 7.62 for Feds and Jails Only, Grenades that Taze, 4 five .45
SGT- Ghosthawk, Plus DMS scope, Hemmit Transport Covered. AR-2 Darter

LT- Titans
Chiefs- SPMG .338 LMG

 INB4 Flame last 2 are jokes. 

Like the effort bud, but corporals do not need an mk1, has been talked about before. They just want more. Also, I don't see the point of giving them orcas, you can turn off the engine of a humingbird and almost glide into any situation, no need for them. It's not like you will get titaned right away, and its not there to give overwatch unless you got the ghosthawk. Another thing, why should a SGT get a DMS, this server is about having good rp not hitting 1k shots? and you still have to engage. Having a DMS scope would useless as a cop. They already have an RCO that civs can't use. The hemmt idea isnt a bad one completely but the only problem is there is no way to stop the back from being cloth and bullets go right through those things and transporting a person in one would be like a death trap during feds/gang fights/ or jails because they would easily be shot out of it.


Civs literally have a TON of clothing as it is lol so i doubt thatll happen unless they want to skin sumthin idk.

Business Suits for everyone!

Business Suits for everyone!

Eh, I like the tron suit and business suit being a rare(ish) sight. Does not give an advantage either

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The hell they don't. I think Thomas had 30 rooks with ammo with the Tron Suit. 

sorry, meant to say the business suit does not give an advantage

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sorry, meant to say the business suit does not give an advantage

disagree. you look fly AF in a business suit brewsky and that's something not just anyone can pull off.  Business suit = 1 Fly Ass Advantage

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disagree. you look fly AF in a business suit Brewsky and that's something not just anyone can pull off.  Business suit = 1 Fly Ass Advantage

got a 2 mil ticket? no problem, just use the business suit to pay your ticket using swag

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got a 2 mil ticket? no problem, just use the business suit to pay your ticket using swag

Whoah! Business suit does not equal swag. Same with fedoras. Just ask this guy:


Edited by Lucki

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