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Locked Donation perks?

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Three possibilities:

1. They won't do it.

2. They can't do it

3. They can do it and want to do it but haven't done it yet because [insert reason]


you read my mind. How are they exspecting new people to get on the server and stay if there at a automatic disadvantage that they can't change. It would be different if you said you need play for X amount of hours to get hatchback sport, G.A., ext. This idea is kinda good because it makes people want to stay and play, and in time this would cause them to become a member of the community.

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I know this issue is beaten into the ground and until the devs say so nothing is happening on it but TheBannanaMan actually has quite a good plan there

talent system? na asylum has that so its immediately down voted.

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You cheap fucks should've donated before it was over, if you're a new gen noob then just stfu. They'll get to it when they can, 100 posts a day wont help you degenerates.

Edited by Trenton
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  • Selling of in-game items, that don’t affect gameplay, is allowed.
  • Accepting donations is allowed, but to avoid any doubts: not providing donations must not prevent anyone from accessing the content.

If we feel anyone on the list at https://www.bistudio.com/monetization/approved is exploiting any loopholes or is not acting in the best interests of the Arma 3 community, we will remove them. That will mean they will have to cease this kind of monetization immediately or face legal action.


Straight from Bohemia Interactive.

As far as I'm aware, Olympus Entertainment is not on the list so in game donator perks are not allowed.


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  • Selling of in-game items, that don’t affect gameplay, is allowed.
  • Accepting donations is allowed, but to avoid any doubts: not providing donations must not prevent anyone from accessing the content.

If we feel anyone on the list at https://www.bistudio.com/monetization/approved is exploiting any loopholes or is not acting in the best interests of the Arma 3 community, we will remove them. That will mean they will have to cease this kind of monetization immediately or face legal action.


Straight from Bohemia Interactive.

As far as I'm aware, Olympus Entertainment is not on the list so in game donator perks are not allowed.


Well can we apply for this 

you read my mind. How are they exspecting new people to get on the server and stay if there at a automatic disadvantage that they can't change. It would be different if you said you need play for X amount of hours to get hatchback sport, G.A., ext. This idea is kinda good because it makes people want to stay and play, and in time this would cause them to become a member of the community.

Olympus is a unique server. If it was the same as any other it would of died a long time ago. Plus, there isn't of legacy donors playing still because majority of them left at the wipe. If you want a Leveling up system go play Asylum. Stop bitching and enjoy the game.


You both act like your 12 year olds. Many staff members have said its not as simple as un-checking and checking a box. You don't know how to code so stop acting like it. Posting this shit thread everyday is just stupid, and honestly If I was a Dev, I would just keep pushing it back. Stop being ungrateful fucks and stop crying about it. It will come out because it has to, until then crying like babies won't get it any faster.

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Olympus is a unique server. If it was the same as any other it would of died a long time ago. Plus, there isn't of legacy donors playing still because majority of them left at the wipe. If you want a Leveling up system go play Asylum. Stop bitching and enjoy the game.

You both act like your 12 year olds. Many staff members have said its not as simple as un-checking and checking a box. You don't know how to code so stop acting like it. Posting this shit thread everyday is just stupid, and honestly If I was a Dev, I would just keep pushing it back. Stop being ungrateful fucks and stop crying about it. It will come out because it has to, until then crying like babies won't get it any faster.

It was obviously a fucking joke.. Don't get butthurt kid.. 

You cheap fucks should've donated before it was over, if you're a new gen noob then just stfu. They'll get to it when they can, 100 posts a day wont help you degenerates.

 Same goes too you... Most old players are tired of this stonewalling bullshit too... its called a "DONATION" for a fucking reason...

What I did Ozzy was not stonewalling. What I did was link a response that I had already provided. Were I stonewalling, I'd have said something along the lines of "it is being discussed" or "we don't have any information at this time". Instead, had you actually read the message, which I know you did since you replied to it, I said "Unless otherwise stated by Poseidon directly, there is no ETA on if or when legacy donator perks will become available to everyone. As for other donator perks, last I heard we are unable to monetize Altis Life as it is created by Tonic, who no longer allows monetizing his code."

Provided in my answer was that THERE IS NO ETA. That is an answer, it means that we aren't planning on doing anything on the matter any time in the foreseeable future.

I also stated that for other perks, due to restrictions put in place by Tonic, the creator of the Altis Life mission, we are NOT ALLOWED TO MONETIZE HIS CODE. This means that by all rights, we are not to give you something in game if you gave us money for it. This restriction is an augmentation to the Bohemia Interactive restriction which states (thank you Tman) "Selling of in-game items, that don’t affect gameplay, is allowed."

Now what this means is, if something is different in ANY WAY (ie: carries more, provides extra protection, goes faster, does more dmg, etc.), then we cannot provide it in game as a reward for donating. What IS allowed, is where Clothes A is available to everyone. Clothes A provides no protection and has 1 pocket to hold stuff (example). A donator, could gain access to Clothes B, which ALSO offers no protection and has 1 pocket to hold stuff. As we already provide most of the clothing options available in vanilla (non-modded) Arma 3, there is not much we can add in at this time.

I'm sure SOMEONE is sitting here thinking "What about legacy donators?! They have perks!"

When we were contacted by Bohemia and told that we needed to comply with the new policy, it was stated that "New donations may not be provided with in-game rewards." Meaning that LEGACY DONATORS are authorized by Bohemia to keep their perks. This also complies with Tonic's requirement as the exchange of funds was already past when he put the restriction in place.

So, now that I have written all that out, here is the answer on donation perks:


At this time, Olympus Entertainment will not be offering any NEW in-game "rewards" for those who wish to support the Olympus Entertainment community via a donation through our donation page due to restrictions put in place by Arma 3 developing entity, Bohemia Interactive and the Altis Life mission developer, Tonic.

All donations are welcome and greatly appreciated as they allow us to keep the community running where as without the assistance of our players, we likely would not be able to keep our doors open.

If at a point in time, offerings in one form or another become available for those whom donate to the community, an announcement will be made via the Olympus Information Updates & Announcements forum.

We at Olympus Entertainment thank our community supporters and hope to continue seeing you in-game and on the forums.

It was obviously a fucking joke.. Don't get butthurt kid.. 

 Same goes too you... Most old players are tired of this stonewalling bullshit too... its called a "DONATION" for a fucking reason...

You bitch about it everyday. Calm the fuck down. Just play the game. 

  • Admin

What I did Ozzy was not stonewalling. What I did was link a response that I had already provided. Were I stonewalling, I'd have said something along the lines of "it is being discussed" or "we don't have any information at this time". Instead, had you actually read the message, which I know you did since you replied to it, I said "Unless otherwise stated by Poseidon directly, there is no ETA on if or when legacy donator perks will become available to everyone. As for other donator perks, last I heard we are unable to monetize Altis Life as it is created by Tonic, who no longer allows monetizing his code."

Provided in my answer was that THERE IS NO ETA. That is an answer, it means that we aren't planning on doing anything on the matter any time in the foreseeable future.

I also stated that for other perks, due to restrictions put in place by Tonic, the creator of the Altis Life mission, we are NOT ALLOWED TO MONETIZE HIS CODE. This means that by all rights, we are not to give you something in game if you gave us money for it. This restriction is an augmentation to the Bohemia Interactive restriction which states (thank you Tman) "Selling of in-game items, that don’t affect gameplay, is allowed."

Now what this means is, if something is different in ANY WAY (ie: carries more, provides extra protection, goes faster, does more dmg, etc.), then we cannot provide it in game as a reward for donating. What IS allowed, is where Clothes A is available to everyone. Clothes A provides no protection and has 1 pocket to hold stuff (example). A donator, could gain access to Clothes B, which ALSO offers no protection and has 1 pocket to hold stuff. As we already provide most of the clothing options available in vanilla (non-modded) Arma 3, there is not much we can add in at this time.

I'm sure SOMEONE is sitting here thinking "What about legacy donators?! They have perks!"

When we were contacted by Bohemia and told that we needed to comply with the new policy, it was stated that "New donations may not be provided with in-game rewards." Meaning that LEGACY DONATORS are authorized by Bohemia to keep their perks. This also complies with Tonic's requirement as the exchange of funds was already past when he put the restriction in place.

So, now that I have written all that out, here is the answer on donation perks:


At this time, Olympus Entertainment will not be offering any NEW in-game "rewards" for those who wish to support the Olympus Entertainment community via a donation through our donation page due to restrictions put in place by Arma 3 developing entity, Bohemia Interactive and the Altis Life mission developer, Tonic.

All donations are welcome and greatly appreciated as they allow us to keep the community running where as without the assistance of our players, we likely would not be able to keep our doors open.

If at a point in time, offerings in one form or another become available for those whom donate to the community, an announcement will be made via the Olympus Information Updates & Announcements forum.

We at Olympus Entertainment thank our community supporters and hope to continue seeing you in-game and on the forums.

Most of us do understand that these things take time.  I opted out of a computer science degree myself ( switched to Business Adm ) but I know basic programming and it is not a piece of cake.  But what does scare us is the fact that you mentioned how it was not even in the plans to work out a remedy for this donation problem Bohemia brought to us. 

I am a legacy donator.  I don't have the over the top items but I am able to expand my game play with my virtual house inventory and the hatchback sports.  I know of some people that have houses but have no use for them because of the lack of usable inventory space.  Many people are getting frustrated because they feel that legacy donators are just the preferred bunch of the crowd because they get to have "cool and much needed" items that help a lot in your overall progress. 

You can make money by grinding drugs every day but if you have nowhere to store it you are missing out on 50% of what altis life has to offer.  People are going to feel like all the time and effort spent here has been for nothing and will probably end up leaving our much beloved server. 

I know the staff here is very active and we appreciate that.  This is the best server out there and there is no question about it.  I don't want the staff to take this the wrong way but I feel like the remake right now has less priority over the imminent release of the "donator perks" to the public.  Then again I just want to tell you how most of us feel and I hope you understand that I am not questioning the staff's decision regarding priorities in projects.  I am just trying to be the voice of everyone on the server.  

Remember we appreciate everything the staff does for us, it never goes unnoticed. 

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Olympus is a unique server. If it was the same as any other it would of died a long time ago. Plus, there isn't of legacy donors playing still because majority of them left at the wipe. If you want a Leveling up system go play Asylum. Stop bitching and enjoy the game.

You both act like your 12 year olds. Many staff members have said its not as simple as un-checking and checking a box. You don't know how to code so stop acting like it. Posting this shit thread everyday is just stupid, and honestly If I was a Dev, I would just keep pushing it back. Stop being ungrateful fucks and stop crying about it. It will come out because it has to, until then crying like babies won't get it any faster.

 And you tell me to calm the fuck down? This is the first time ive ever brought this topic up.. The entire server player base does not represent me so no I don't bitch about this everyday...



 And you tell me to calm the fuck down? This is the first time ive ever brought this topic up.. The entire server player base does not represent me so no I don't bitch about this everyday...

Jump off the bandwagon then. 

It was obviously a fucking joke.. Don't get butthurt kid.. 

 Same goes too you... Most old players are tired of this stonewalling bullshit too... its called a "DONATION" for a fucking reason...

http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5272-wpl-impractical/     Remember that? They way you went about it was childish. And its going to be the same way when legacy gets released.  If you want change. Do something about it, learn to code. Stop crying on the forums. You joined on Feb 22nd and the server was wiped in January. No matter what server you join, your always going to have a disadvantage. And to be honest the only people who complain about the donator perks are either new players or Old ones who missed out. They've already answered what they were going to do about them, you guys just didn't get the answer you wanted. So instead of finding new things to throw at the admins, Shut up and stop posting stupid shit on the forums. 


Jump off the bandwagon then. 

http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5272-wpl-impractical/     Remember that? They way you went about it was childish. And its going to be the same way when legacy gets released.  If you want change. Do something about it, learn to code. Stop crying on the forums. You joined on Feb 22nd and the server was wiped in January. No matter what server you join, your always going to have a disadvantage. And to be honest the only people who complain about the donator perks are either new players or Old ones who missed out. They've already answered what they were going to do about them, you guys just didn't get the answer you wanted. So instead of finding new things to throw at the admins, Shut up and stop posting stupid shit on the forums. 

So you seriously went back to my profile to find a post of mind you bitch about? Last time I checked I didn't have to learn to code and host a server before I could complain about server additions I don't like. Ive played on the Olympus server long before I had a forum account..

Edited by TheDogsGoMoo
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