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Quick Request from djwolf

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I've been around the ArmA 3 roleplaying community for quite a while, now. The vast majority of what I'm seeing here, in the way of roleplaying, goes along the lines of something like this. Hands up or die by [INSERT GANG NAME HERE], shoot dead, get money, leave. I like that you guys are putting things on the forums that represents our community. However, the killing montages, in my opinion, sort of negate the role-playing aspect of Olympus Altis Life. So, as a request from me to the bigger gangs, when you guys see someone, maybe instead of killing them, you could consider an alternate role play situation. Maybe take them hostage and force them to sing songs, or something. Just things that would make everyone have a good time, and a good laugh, rather than the usual hands up or die. Thank you all for being here - djwolf

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2 minutes ago, Juwanna Man said:

it not just the gang the people never put there hands up they try to fight it out or run so they dont get the option to rp it.

In my opinion, it sort of goes around in a circle. People never put their hands up, so gangs have to shoot. If gangs have to shoot, people don't see a point in putting their hands up. But in the times when people do actually put their hands up, I would like to see some good role-play. Not just, I take your shit and leave, but a fun scenario. The mission file, is not all about getting money. That's why it's an RP game mode.

The thing that gets me is when people do put their hands up, and then somebody tells them to sing the russian national anthem, which of course they don't know, so they get killed. Technically, that's RDM because there's no way the guy can comply.


I remember I used to run around and my RP was that I was a russian gun salesman. Anyone who put their hands up, all I wanted was their guns. And I was a terrible salesman, because I'd go give the guns away in kavala square, which surprisingly turned into kavala square banding together and just tearing up the cops. We then gathered them all in a hemmt and went to airfield, I told them to go kill some gang. They all died, but it was so funny.

3 minutes ago, McDili said:

The thing that gets me is when people do put their hands up, and then somebody tells them to sing the russian national anthem, which of course they don't know, so they get killed. Technically, that's RDM because there's no way the guy can comply.


I remember I used to run around and my RP was that I was a russian gun salesman. Anyone who put their hands up, all I wanted was their guns. And I was a terrible salesman, because I'd go give the guns away in kavala square, which surprisingly turned into kavala square banding together and just tearing up the cops. We then gathered them all in a hemmt and went to airfield, I told them to go kill some gang. They all died, but it was so funny.

Those are situations that I would love to see more of. Here's another example: 



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58 minutes ago, djwolf said:

Those are situations that I would love to see more of. Here's another example: 



I feel that's different because that's on cop. Most cops will do anything just to get those minutes...

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This is part of the reason why I joined R&R. I wanted to help people who would just get shot up in redzones (or in general) . I normally RP a situation with the killers and ask them if they can at least talk it out. About 70 percent of this time this works. However the other 30 percent of the time I just get slaughtered. 

In all fairness I have to thank those 70 percent of the people that didn't light me up as soon as they saw me show up and let me talk my way through it. It's always great to RP that as a medic.

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Guest G.O.A.T.

I know when I rob people outside of redzones (a couple of other MC members do this aswell), if you put your hands up and are new to the server we let you go and might wire the player some extra starting money. The killing montages are getting a little out of hand I guess you could say.

Altis is not the same island they filmed lord of the flies on, which means you all dont have to act like a bunch of blood thirsty heathens.  Altis has seemingly turned into an alternate version of call of duty, expect you have more to lose if you die.  Its disappointing that you cannot trust anyone and you have to watch your back as if your strolling through 8 mile at 2 AM.  Many argue that its a combat sim.  It is; however, Altis Life is something else and should not be treated as such.  Fire fights are fun and exciting but it gets tedious when its the same ole thing no matter who you encounter.  Civs are like little kids.  They need activities to do or they will get into trouble.  Things will not change until more activities are created to keep people busy.

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Most of the kill montages are gang vs gang or gang vs cops which I really don't see an issue in. It would be awesome if we got some funny RP moments montage's a long side the kill montages.

5 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

I know when I rob people outside of redzones (a couple of other MC members do this aswell), if you put your hands up and are new to the server we let you go and might wire the player some extra starting money. The killing montages are getting a little out of hand I guess you could say.

Nothing is better the Linker the Shittertages. 

I've played on a British server (djwolf i know u played on it too :) ), it was serious roleplay. I loved it. Even when someone robbed my truck, ( it happened only ONCE for about the 20-30 hours playtime there ), it took like a 5-10 mins roleplay before they killed me. Kavala there is a green zone, all you can see are box trucks, and bigger trucks ( HEMMT, TEMPEST) all over kavala, with armed guys from different gangs who are TALKING to each other. 

I don't want to advertise it, or something, but I think it is a good example how a real roleplay server should work.

Working on some content currently actually ;)


I miss being able to take kidneys -is there a reason that's no longer a thing?


I'm gonna shamelessly self-plug because <3









I would like to see a server from olympus that is "Hardcore RP" . Kavala safe zone, no tilde cops. See how it does, if it does well keep it. That way people have a choice of the altis they can play

Make manslaughter a 100,000 dollar a pop crime against civs and 150,000 a pop crime if you kill a cop.  Maybe people would think twice before killing someone.

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35 minutes ago, Muthinator said:

Make manslaughter a 100,000 dollar a pop crime against civs and 150,000 a pop crime if you kill a cop.  Maybe people would think twice before killing someone.


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1 hour ago, Muthinator said:

Make manslaughter a 100,000 dollar a pop crime against civs and 150,000 a pop crime if you kill a cop.  Maybe people would think twice before killing someone.

Oh man I don't know if I could get onboard with that. A whole host of problems could occur if this were to ever happen. Inter Alia, only a small percentage of people would be able to pay off their bounties, the new people to the server would just quit after they get arrested for killing three dudes doing a weed run, and every plebeian on the server would come out of the woodwork to join the APD for the soul purpose of making money. Of course we want some realism, but if there's too little action, then people would leave. You have to cater to an audience to keep them around; the majority of the people like the island being similar to Rampart, Compton, Detroit, and Chicago all rolled into one. Judging by our server populations, I'd say we're fine where we're at. 

Edited by Fat Clemenza

Maybe 100,000 and 150,000 is a little steep, but 20,000 is too low.  Also would be great to have large, safe, zones in certain areas.  If people commit crimes in those areas their fines are doubled.

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Guest G.O.A.T.
11 hours ago, Muthinator said:

Make manslaughter a 100,000 dollar a pop crime against civs and 150,000 a pop crime if you kill a cop.  Maybe people would think twice before killing someone.

That would quite literally crash the economy, also there is already a time cap on jail so you wouldn't be accomplishing much.

9 hours ago, Muthinator said:

Maybe 100,000 and 150,000 is a little steep, but 20,000 is too low.  Also would be great to have large, safe, zones in certain areas.  If people commit crimes in those areas their fines are doubled.

We did have those once upon a time. No idea what happened to them, but it'd be nice to bring them back. I think an increase in bounty prices by at least 50% would have to happen after the market buff anyways. That combined with doubling the crime if committed in a safe zone would be cool. 

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