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Epi - Pens

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1 hour ago, Marty said:

I just had an idea, but before I say what it is, let me remind people that death, weather in game or in real life, is inconvenient! People are complaining that epi-pens are an unrealistic way to bring someone to life, but so is every other way! You want realism? Then we should build a university and anyone who wants a defib would have to attend years of education in altis, and would have to transport the body to an operating room before attempting to revive someone.
Buy anyway, my idea/thought was, would it be possible to make it so that people can put dead bodies in their vehicles and then transport the bodies to medics? It would probably be most ideal if only gang or group members were able to do this to avoid people taking dead bodies and putting them where medics can't access them. But this way, if for example someone died in a red zone, then gang members could go and put the body in a car and bring it to town. I dont know if this would be possible though. Any thoughts?

Epi-Pens solve this issue for us to be honest.


You can epi your buddy and as long as he enters the passenger seat of a vehicle before his 5 minutes up, boom. Dead in a vehicle ready to be transported to a medic.



8 minutes ago, McDili said:

Epi-Pens solve this issue for us to be honest.

I may have misinterpreted Marty's message dili, but I think that is what he was hinting towards ;)

Atleast think of wtf you're adding, an EpiPen. An EpiPen isn't used to bring someone back to life, or treat being shot. Like Fuzy said, an EpiPen is used for Asthma and Extreme Allergic Reactions that could result in death. EpiPens are occasionally used in the Hospital for other uses. This EpiPen idea is honestly dumb, whats so difficult about adding Defib's?? It's not like copying Asylum if you think that's what it is. A lot of servers have defib's and you would be surprised on how many servers have them. Just add defib's honestly, you're just aggravating a huge majority of the community by adding a stupid item like this, an EpiPen. Listen to what we all have to say. Stop cringing at the idea of adding defib's, and stop pushing it aside.

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1 hour ago, Cory Baxter said:

You have a fucking MK18 7.62 able to be bought, that beats any MX except the SW

I destroy with the MXM, And I like a challegene. Plus, Ive seen multiple people with a 7.62 get dusted by an MXM

18 hours ago, Maverick said:

Pointless. Let's spend $60,000 to get 5 extra minutes to leave the fight you wanted to get back into just to get killed again probably.


18 hours ago, Benjamin Remer said:

An EpiPen isn't used to bring someone back to life lmao. Defib's are.


16 hours ago, Natsirt said:





14 hours ago, Rusty said:

That's dumb, sorry. half of the people don't agree with this by the looks of it. no one is going to pay that much for it just to die again, Plus if someone dies at cartels, pretty sure it might take them longer than 5 minutes to get to clinic. Plus what if someone gets revived from someone with the epi pen and there is someone pinning us down on the cartel, how is that person going to leave without dying


11 hours ago, FuzyDice said:

An Epi-Pen is used for an allergic reaction not a fucking bullet wound. Terrible idea tbh, why can't we just have defibs and make it so when you get revived you can't be defibed again for 10 minutes  (medics are able to revive you though) and you only get a little amount of health when you get revived? Everyone is asking for defibs, not epi-pens. Is it that hard to listen to your community? I haven't seen anyone ask for an Epi-Pen.


22 minutes ago, Benjamin Remer said:

Atleast think of wtf you're adding, an EpiPen. An EpiPen isn't used to bring someone back to life, or treat being shot. Like Fuzy said, an EpiPen is used for Asthma and Extreme Allergic Reactions that could result in death. EpiPens are occasionally used in the Hospital for other uses. This EpiPen idea is honestly dumb, whats so difficult about adding Defib's?? It's not like copying Asylum if you think that's what it is. A lot of servers have defib's and you would be surprised on how many servers have them. Just add defib's honestly, you're just aggravating a huge majority of the community by adding a stupid item like this, an EpiPen. Listen to what we all have to say. Stop cringing at the idea of adding defib's, and stop pushing it aside.


Yeah a whopping 5 people from 1 gang


4 hours ago, Peter Long said:

@FuzyDice  Instead of saying that my idea is stupid and that I don't listen to my community how about you sit your little butt down and take a listen. All I do on a daily basis is listen to my community. I listen to every bitch and gripe, every complaint, every player report, ban appeal, and comp request. I handle (with the staff) every frigging one of your issues so that as a community you can have a good time here. You all bitched and moaned about wanting another way to get revived. I gave you one that also took into consideration the R&R and APD, which are a huge part of this community. You are being an idiot. If you don't like it, don't use it. Just keep complaining in side chat about how useless medics are. Other people who have dissenting opinions at least present thier ideas. Your posts are frankly unless.


Smashed. /rant

We bitched and moaned for another way to get revived because when there's one medic on and 10 people need revived half of those people aren't getting revived because they have too many calls and can't make it to them. And it's just making us spend more money, because not only do we have to pay for the pen, we have to pay for the medic to give us a Dopamine shot, and it's not even guaranteed that we're going to be able to make it to a clinic or a rescue. Kind of like blood bags, I buy them for 8k and I don't even know if the damn thing's going to work, except now I'm going to be spending 20k for something that might not work aswell. Oh and shout out to my boy Tman for keepin' it real. 



5 minutes ago, McDili said:







Yeah a whopping 5 people from 1 gang

2 gangs bud, Mav isn't in Immunity.

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You guys realize thats its alot harder than just putting something in the game right? They have to worry about faction equality, and what not. Devs have an extremely hard job and dont need whiny bitches from a single gang going down their throats. You wanted change and you got it. If we are talking about realism, Most civillians dont walk around town with a 7.62m Rifle in full combat gear. I remember a while back, People wanted something to defend themselves with while doing legal, thus WPL was born. People complained about it and we lost Odin as a dev. Stop being ungrateful and just accept this new idea.


Damn site went down after I typed some stuff.


TL;DR: Community can want tanks and that doesn't mean tanks are good. It's up to us to determine what that desire comes from. Civs want defibs. Why do civs want defibs?

Because medics can sometimes be unreliable or untimely due to a multitude of circumstances - or be offline. To save money on their loadout. To continue fighting in a fight they just got killed at.


What do epi pens do? Allow you a chance to recover from death without a medic (While making it financially more sound to get a medic instead of hospital). Allow you the chance to save money on your loadout. Or if you opt out of the race to a hospital - Allow you to continue fighting in the fight you just got killed at for another 5 minutes (You can still be revived by a medic after, so it's not a full waste.)


Obviously defibs can do all of those things way better but it comes at the expense of other factions. We're not here to cater to your every want and desire.

11 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said:


I personally want the server to grow, I don't care what community they come from. And not all asylum players are toxic, a lot of them are actually really fucking chill. Except nV, fuck those guys

26 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said:


you are an asylum player adam sandler. This community was created by asylum players. this is the most closed minded comment i have read. Muthinator made more sense than you today. Shame

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Guest G.O.A.T.
36 minutes ago, Lethal said:

you are an asylum player adam sandler. This community was created by asylum players. this is the most closed minded comment i have read. Muthinator made more sense than you today. Shame

Obviously what I said was a broad statement, but still accurate. A majority of the Asylum players that would 'come over' would be literal cancer patients. Yes, I did come from Asylum, yes I am a cancer patient. But I am not anywhere near as cancer as that community is. Bringing in 'defibs' would just increase the player base by a little, and increase the cancer x100.

On 3/23/2016 at 11:03 PM, G.O.A.T. said:

Obviously what I said was a broad statement, but still accurate. A majority of the Asylum players that would 'come over' would be literal cancer patients. Yes, I did come from Asylum, yes I am a cancer patient. But I am not anywhere near as cancer as that community is. Bringing in 'defibs' would just increase the player base by a little, and increase the cancer x100.

Why do you think asylum players are aids? I was playing olympus today for like 8 hours straight and to be honest side chat on olympus is worse than asylum.

On March 22, 2016 at 10:53 PM, McDili said:

Also worth noting that if your friend doesn't make it to a hospital/medic in 5 minutes, at least his dead body will probably still be in your car/heli that you're transporting him in. Take him to a medic and have him request. Nice way to prevent body camping :D

This makes me very very happy.

On March 22, 2016 at 10:53 PM, McDili said:

Also worth noting that if your friend doesn't make it to a hospital/medic in 5 minutes, at least his dead body will probably still be in your car/heli that you're transporting him in. Take him to a medic and have him request. Nice way to prevent body camping :D

Instead of him being body camped, he can be brought up, kill a few of the guys you're fighting, and then pass out again in a safer location for later revival. Good point, could be a game changer.

On 3/22/2016 at 10:27 PM, McDili said:

after the fight and race to a hospital/medic instead of waiting for one who might get stopped by other civs.

Stopped after the fight by the dead civs on the ground. Kay.

I get what you're trying to say though, but I hate the item in general as of now. I think it's useless for most combat/gang oriented things.

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