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About Angela

  • Birthday 03/17/1995

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. I think I might get I sovvy 4Lyfe on my wrist @ Soverign sound good yea ?
  2. Need to point out you missed my star sign.....I'm a Pisces, and I demand my sign to be read!!!!!
  3. @ Mark Sloan may be able to hook you up
  4. Oh I love you I want to be that good that I can take on ageis on my own ! My end goal hahah ....scratch that I could take them im sure
  5. One day I hope to be good at the game
  6. That's what I'm saying like we can't go into combat so we don't need to fast land...... why does it matter if we take our time to land its a helpful tool in the game we should be able to use it
  7. I think you should let us use auto hover... it's like why drive a manual car if I can drive perfectly fine in a auto...why make it harder ? I could probably pass the test if I could use auto hover......maybe.....haha
  8. Sooo I can land and fly fine, I just can't land in a small area someone tells me too... I've failed twice now due to not being able to land inside a small area... if it was as simple as juts knowing how to fly and land I'd pass....also why can you not use auto hover???????
  9. If you are removing the age for rnr surely you can remove the flight test ! Some of us......well just me probably can't fly !!!
  10. Ok some how this has taken over my nightly reading material......
  11. I only commented as house doesn't know sov at all and had never spoken to her yet felt the need to come in and be a cunt just for some attention.....
  12. Atleast someone loves her and her ragey attitude
  13. In Ur earlier post u stated you didn't care ?
  14. She told me she took her blacklist like a champ as she didn't even care lol pretty sure she went ragey then too
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