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Everything posted by fugi

  1. pfft there not old times ill show you old times look at the bottom
  2. i miss you :'(
  3. what dose it matter what gang i am in a gang should not reflect on a persons rp , thats just like saying hey you're part of apd meaning you're all shit at rp ..... As for the If you look in chat he asked to kill him maby because you are asking him to do something he possibly can not do..
  4. " pull out a car or die " then " drop the vest or die " then the 6:30 was a rdm but ok w/e i stopped watching it was so bad
  5. not on so dont care
    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Only 2 games in that lot I dont already own =D

  6. hmm :/
  7. for this time only im with him
  8. http://i.imgur.com/7toisvv.jpg was fun untill that suicide vest GARY
    1. Bakers
    2. TheDogsGoMoo


      I wish i couldve been there D:

      What was escort like?

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Was fun during and after the vest tbh ;D

  9. we shall call it the MCPD death Ray
  10. http://boredombash.com/gecal-50-electric-gatling-gun/
  11. all eating perfect nothing went wrong had vet on hand thanx everyone im so happy
  12. Make that 4
  13. http://imgur.com/8Vh4ula holy shit im freaking the fuck out
  14. My time in the apd was a fun one and always looked up to you ares from the day you did my interview to the days i stalked you around kavala you gave me the chance to prove myself as a Sargent when no other person would and i thank you for it... in my opinion one of the best chiefs the apd have had for many reasons . you gave alot of people the chance to become higher ranks, always seen in apd channel and also helping on cop when it was needed, and not taking sides because you where mc #MCPD and for the funniest times i have seen on Olympus it was a shame you stepped down but i wish you all the best
  15. my Prayers are with McDili and his family..
  16. +1 plz unban
  17. ^ what he said again he was the one reporting not the one posting
  18. again if you took the time to look it was reported and the person who did submit the ticket did not want this to happen if bullets penetrate certain walls why did he put the gun through why not just shoot the wall i mean in irl can you put a gun through a wall :/
  19. the fact his gun is through the wall shooting if he can shoot through why put his gun through the wall
  20. he put his gun through the wall and killed the apd member even tho before this the 50 cal could not shoot through the same wall
  21. all i have to say is way to much gg gf
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