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About BiNgo

  • Birthday 11/06/1985

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  1. I've got the same CPU and MSI GTX 970 4G, and my frames are 60+ outside cities and 40's or so in Towns and I have my settings the same as Lethals guide, posted a couple comments above. I did change some things to very high and enabled shadows though. I do have my CPU OC'd though to 4.7 Ghz and that helped me A LOT. Might just need to do some overclocking. Lots on videos on youtube if you're not comfortable to help if needed.
  2. Damn bro, sorry you have to go through this.
  3. copy and paste them over, your profiles, key binds etc are in your [C drive, Users, (your username), documents, and copy Arma 3, and Arma 3 other profiles.] And when you install arma on the new ssd, just paste then into your documents folder, and you'll have all your profiles etc back.
  4. You got it Peta, that is exactly what you do. SSD for your OS etc, and the HDD to store all your videos, music, etc...
  5. Main Monitor: Second Monitor:
  6. I'm not a fan of that huge search bar either. https://gyazo.com/86b91d9ba64329cbdef62ee5106746b5
  7. That's why you should always put any high valuable items "expensive storage crates" into the truck inventory of your car while driving. That a way it don't become a briefcase and de-spawn on you if you die. Unless the server restarts/crashes, then you're fucked!
  8. This is real life, you're not suppose to hit respawn.
  9. Still Old school with Ivy Bridge, but will be getting some skylake here realllly soon. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/yyDGD3
  10. Piiiiink.. Sorry to hear about this, you and your family will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you can keep your head up through these difficult times. We are all here if you need anything. Stand tall, and hang in there buddy. Hope all the best for you!!
  11. Can't go wrong with that build. It's pretty nice man!
  12. I believe that rule changed when they made firing from heli's possible? Used to be you have to lose sight of them for 5 mins. Now, If they're above you, but you don't get shot at for 5 mins, it's not really a threat so you can store? I believe anyway!
  13. The main things I would like to see is the legal mines and traders closer to each other, You've gotta drive half way (more on some) across the map just to get to the trader after gathering with a processor in between. That is actually more riskier will a hell of a lot less reward considering the drive and getting your nice vehicle robbed during that drive. It's like the map is in favor of the illegal activities, they're all a lot closer to each other. I don't think things should be the way they were before wipe, as far as prices and trunk space goes, IMO the prices are good the way they are now at least as far as illegal items, however, I do think the weights of each item should have been left alone with trunk upgrades reduced to where they are now. Meth for example, no reason for it to take up 3 weight after processed and each ingredient weigh 2. You can put so much into a zip lock bag, unlike the moonshine, makes sense they'll take 3, they're put into big glass jars. I don't really post much, but these are some things that I've noticed pre wipe that might make things just a little better. Just my 2cents.
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