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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. Hella runs then mass sell when nobody is on. I quit both my jobs when i was in high school, but now im graduated, and have no job, so i just play arma... Fuck outta my face.
  2. Yeah I didn't I logged out after to. XD but I had 70mill, that week I had 78.... But I'm Working my way back up
  3. but fr those mofos would not stop talking shit all day, It felt so good.
  4. Fuck If that had been a thing I would still be broke af.
  5. I did this because I was pissed, They have been talking shit all day and cracking jokes at me. Then I heard no balls... So I thought about it and said fuck it.
      • 5
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  6. Dont judge my music... I like that classic shit.
  7. Ive been looking for montage music and all I have to say is.

    Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch
    Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party
    Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence.

    1. Ahmed99
    2. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      This is not too bad of a song..  


      I used it a while back in a montage I made for Counter Strike.

  8. Damn now ik what to spend all my money on.
  9. I would say stick to arma, but... @Dani
  10. Happy birthday you little fucker. @Nikoteen

  11. Every thing posted in this post will be ignored. Message me
  12. Is it weird I had a dream were I fought off 5 people in an Ifrift at pyrgos Rebel, but I had bought like 8 trip wire mines That were only $1000. And blew them up and chopped their shit? Then when I woke up I was really pissed Because I missed trick or treat.



    1. Ahmed99
    2. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      only in your dreams would that happen

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Yeah ik because you cant buy trip wire bombs. @I Am Fuzzy

  13. @McDili Close this cancer feast please.
  14. My mommy said people my age should not suck their thumbs. @Everyone
  15. Holy fuck dude. post this shit on 4chan not the forums, you got me fucked up fam.
  16. ok but fr 250k
  17. I is way better so far, haven noticed it as much, the only time is when I first get into the server.
  18. if there only was a way...
  19. yeah nobody was there for me.
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