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Everything posted by TroyOGG

  1. @Jeff Chaplin
  2. All of our gang funds ;-)
  3. 1 doge meme 79mil
  4. I'm looking for a new wireless headset my headphones broke and my mic is trash so headset it is. I am looking in the $150 range I found the Logitech g933 but I don't know Any recommendations ?
  5. @Peter Long Go for the EAR FORCE Stealth 450 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/turtle-beach-ear-force-stealth-450-over-the-ear-wireless-gaming-headset-for-pc-black-red/9584136.p?skuId=9584136&ref=212&loc=1&ksid=b69930cf-455a-446e-8d5f-ef817896b374&ksprof_id=15&ksaffcode=pg129299&ksdevice=m or Logitech Gaming G933 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/logitech-g933-artemis-spectrum-gaming-headset-black/4384801.p?skuId=4384801 or SteelSeries Siberia 800 https://www.amazon.com/SteelSeries-Siberia-Wireless-Surround-Formerly/dp/B016YGMH9U
  6. Where's VR Suits and Business Suits???????????????
  7. Pm me if you want 2 crate
  8. Can confirm poseidon ddos's them 2k16 #PosideonDdossToBecomeAMonoply
  9. he was pushing me off the road so i wanted to get back on and i didn't mean to roll him heres my video https://youtu.be/0AhY00W6HYc since you wanna bitch lemon
  10. you were trying to run into me so i crossed back on to the road and cops pit all the time soooo. you still rdmed have fun with the ban "It's Box oh god were screwed" 10/10 as you can tell i didn't get out of my car to engage i just sat in laughter "They have reinforcements on " I was just driving to kavala and just saw you just and just was like fuck it lets get some engagement and I was said to find that there was no engagement just rdm and i didn't know what you were doing if my boy Parker wasn't banned he would have fucking killed you as i died he would have just some 5km shots on you
  11. good :-)
  12. 10/10
  13. When it gets pinned
  16. with tier 4 i would assume
  17. OP AS FUCK
  18. wow there calm down
  19. savage
  20. TroyOGG


  21. better in game , smoother interface, better ui, more action, cons its 1 more gig
  22. Who's the next APD Chief
  23. i shorted you you died by a dude with a goddamn rook and he picked it up
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