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Everything posted by LilUzi

  1. permed for calling moob moob on wheels ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Phizx


      How do you know I'm Macedonian


    3. Willski
    4. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      Dayum. LilUzi puttin in the roast on you kids

  2. fixed cqc server

  3. Ever been banned on Impulse by a moderator with no proof? :D

    1. Symfuhny
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Going to keep up with this? See, this is exactly the proof. You keep pushing your luck. Locked. 

  4. IP:

    Port: 2322



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      *Makes a server and advertises it*
      Never gives the password out, +1

    3. LilUzi



  5. Vote for Optic Equality! 


  6. Did you...just post the statistics for her name...? .............. +1
  7. actually he was saying LOL because he ran in there and they thought he was the medic
  8. ~ Tell us a little something about yourself! ~ I'm a shitter, like really absolutely fucking horrendous at the game. ~ Which section of the forums are you most interested in and why? ~ Videos & Screenshots bc it's funny to watch fails. ~ How did you find out about Olympus entertainment? How long have you been a part of our community? ~ My friends played. Played pre-wipe, back when they were lucky to hit like 40 players. ~ Have you made any friends during your time in this community? ~ Hell to the naw naw naw. Everyone hates me. (Besides like 3 people) ~ What is your most memorable experience in our servers? ~ All of my lovely bans. ~ Do you have a video of your favorite RP moment you would like to share? ~ I don't record pfft. ~ Do you have a video of your favorite funny moment in-game you would like to share? ~ No video, but I said "Nigga" in game, and peter banned me https://gyazo.com/b089c55b276b462f9f2a848067a46684 as a joke. When I logged back in, I was restrained by the almighty god himself, and then teleported to the middle of nowhere where I see him and Dezree standing there. He asks me if I'm a god. I told him I was a low tier god, he was the almighty god. He approved. After this, he asks "are you going to be racist again?" as Dezree pulls out a Zubr. "Only in a social experiment" I reply. Dezree shoots me in the foot. He asks the same question, I reply with the same answer, and again I get shot in the foot. He says "Last chance" and I say "No." As I say no, I see a wire transfer from Peter Long and then he says "Kill him" and Dezree fucking domes me. After that I'm chilling in my house and I hear foot steps, I look around and see nothing, I walk downstairs and hear a massive explosion, look in my front small room, and see a shit ton of blown up boats. Gotta love Peter's fucking boats. ~ What do you think a player should do at least ONCE while playing in our community? Talk shit to Mr.Kevin Jkjk. Definitely join/attempt to create a big gang and compete in Gang wars or a huge ass cartel fight. ~ What is your favorite location in Altis ~ Kavala!! (I said it first bitches) ~ What do you think is the best thing about Altis Life and our Olympus community? ~ The actual server. The development is great. The MAJORITY of the staff members are great. It's honestly the best server I've played on, and one of the best communities aside from all the toxicity in sidechat. ~ Do you have any tips or hints for new members? ~ Don't trust people. They WILL fuck you over. ~ Who do you consider the most UNIQUE member of our community? ~ I can't decide on this one. There's far too many. Perhaps Mobundo because he's almost always RPing in that fucking voice. Shout out to "tooby".
  9. LOL. You seized his tempest after he helped you? That's fucked.
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