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Everything posted by MrB1

  1. o7 To the best cop and best moderator and all around coolest dude on olympus :/ you will be missed
  2. @McDili Happy Mother's Day, As You Nurse Olympus To It's Inevitable Death.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrB1


      @Ignis but I've never owned a server.  

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @MrBoonie Literally every Arma community you've been an admin on has died before it got off the ground.  Clearly enough information here to draw a correlation. 

    4. MrB1


      @Grandma Gary I only banned dupers and exploiters.... It died cause we launched too late.... And weren't prepared. Why roast me man, I've done nothing to you Gary. :/ You make me feel sad.

  3. @TheCmdrRex Things are happening on Olympus man.


  4. I won't respond you literally aren't up to par with any rappers on Olympus even shit ones like me. Also you are doing this for attention to your profile and name, which I won't be appart of I don't want you to be relevant nor brought up in anything I make or do here on olympus, cause you simply aren't worth my time. I gave you one rebuttal and clearly trumped you get it TRUMP lol anywoot buh bye now...
  5. I am leafyishere.
  6. Literally on my way to work freestyling off this fat chewbaccian Mexican trying to rap.... sit. Please.
  7. Just to pass the time while I'm at work...
  8. I work nights this week as I'm driving to work right this second I listen to this god awful shit and it makes me want to literally kill myself.
  9. No homicide .... Jesus your like a 13 year old nerd at school begging for attention, your flow is wack not worth my time. Actually wasted my time to listen to this what in the fuck are you saying you repeat the same word 5-8 times then mumble the words once your flow ( that isn't on flow with the beat ) speeds up. Jesus idk what's going through your head that thinks this is actually good.
  10. No thanks. I had my fun. <---- Reformed.
  11. Listen I got your ass locked on a rope that Im pulling, we are fighting a war Ive already won. You are mad, Angry I get it, but listen ..... Alright time to go play Seige man, it's been fun as always.
  12. Face the facts did I or did I NOT state you were going to cling on to JEALOUSY and you started your next comment of with what I exactly predicted "Me jealous of you?" ..... Call my ass a fortune teller man.
  13. dude you gotta give me props I predicted the fucking future just now.
  14. Just watch this man........ Ive made my point ... xD Done
  15. .... Nah its just fun seeing these kind of reactions, like im expecting ones out of you. You are wasting your time commenting back when you can't see im only in-sighting rage and anger and jealousy out of you.
  16. Yeah we can call it that.... Kinda was wishing the hurricane would've wiped you out in florida man, Ill be praying for that next one though.
  17. Lets listen to your logic here: " BOONIE HOW DARE YOU RESPOND NEGATIVELY TO A RAP THAT WAS MADE AGAINST YOU AND USED TO ROAST YOU " " YOU ARE SO IMMATURE FOR MAKING NEGATIVE COMMENTS ON A RAP THAT BERATES AND BELITTLES YOUR DEMEANOR " Taco .... this is why I call you a KID because you have the IQ like one, you get on me EVERY post you can about me responding negatively when in reality no matter what I post or most people post to these threads, or any thread for that matter they will recieve negative feedback. Until you realize that .... you have the mindset of a fucking baboon and need to learn the way of how shit works in this community. Until that day comes, shut your fucking mouth, learn to speak when spoken to, and go give mommy a kiss from me dad.
  18. I don't think you will have the ability to do this all day...... Your comebacks are shite.
  19. Sounds as if someone is salty, and wait having a hard time coming with a better comeback then your feelings ..... that I could care less about. Here's You: Here's Me:
  20. So when can someone not state an opinion without having to do something in return? That logic of yours just doesn't make sense, his rap is terrible IN MY OPINION. Im entitled to an opinion (theres 1 reason to talk "mad trash") You are irrelevant and here to start issues, in a sense like you are trying sooo hard to throw me under a bus that is never there. ---------> Just stop while you are ahead kid. Remember I said this... before you make your next idiotic comment / remarks. <---------
  21. No thanks.
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