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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. RVD is always the best way to die. Love just exploding..

  2. check out my steam profile, its finally complete! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026763310

  3. nothing more I love than trying to rp out of a 17k ticket an getting a robo cop who just wont budge

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      Not all cops are about money.

    3. sinister_


      haven't seen it too be true yet

    4. QKSILVR73


      if they hear the same story over and over by different people. They be like meh

  4. So the vig vest is great. can take 10 9mm shots to the chest and only be at 51 hp... jesus

  5. Comp ticket resolved in one day! Go OS staff!

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Meanwhile I'm still waiting ;-;

    2. drama


      hackers dont get comp andrew,

  6. So Hades, can I get comp?
  7. while doing heroin, we got lodged with a hemmt full of heroin. This was the only solution.
  8. this is why nerdz cant do heroin ever...
    1. SPBojo


      honestly the funniest vid ive seen in a long time... : P

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      As that was happening I was playing Agar.io and capping cartels ^-^

  9. BFO camping has made a return to olympus... be warned :)

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      you mean you'll be camping Weed Pro? BFO? you mean.. National Guard? ;D

    2. Dejay


      i have no idea what you are talking about... weed is completely safe

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Wait Trenton is Unperm'd? :S PLIZ

    3. Raine


      plz BB come back

    4. Hades


      Na I'm toying with everyones heart because I'm an ass....muhahahahaha

  10. Okay well I need to step in again. No actual people were killed in that video, it was people in video games. Find me one part in the videos where there is an actual person that is killed other than someone in arma. There is a difference.
  11. I'm just going to leave this argument with a smiley face of disagreement
  12. I have just watched the video and I was talking about something else but when looking at it all I saw were people walking around with weapons, tell me if I am on the incorrect video and so you are saying with the parents permission to play this game they can play a video game where they shoot people but a clip of people walking around with an rpg or ak is not acceptable. Kids that are underaged need the permission before purchasing this game. It is the parents decision at that point. There is a reason why this game is rated M for mature.
  13. Goldberg, it's a video game.. scratch that an RPG first person SHOOTER thus why the guns were involved and showing their roleplaying situation. Many people get rp situations from things around them. If you go watch a video of it, to cope with it you can make a joke out of it (which a lot of people do). I never said it was funny for people to die. I said it was a funny video because it was obviously a joke. And again I will state, this is a video game after all. You do not need to blow this out of contrast, it was just an offensive rp session to some and that is understandable but it shouldn't be some sort of taboo. It's simply a clip of someone in a video game shooting a rocket with some music in the background. It does not support terrorist groups in anyway, it just shows that you can titan someone standing right in front of you.
  14. It's a video game, you must realise that.. Obviously it was a joke to make that video. I found it funny, (Please no banerino just stating my opinion)


  17. got attempted manslaughter today for killing a cop in one bullet and then shooting a second one just to compensate for lag, so that's cool. no other cops near him. asked for a higher up and the guy said no.. like alright and then tells me what he saw when he was at hq.. so much bullshitting.

    1. Hades


      In situations like this make sure your recording and report them so they can be dealt with. APD are not suppose to tell you outright "No" without checking first. This is against APD rules and can get someone demoted or removed.

  18. You will be missed </3 rule-breaking or not.
  19. Need TS Permissions! New PC!

  20. Are they back?
  21. didn't know the other DJ had this talent
  22. go back to KI's home base... I mean side chat
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