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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. From my extensive knowledge in guns by playing call of duty, counter-strike, arma, and h1z1. I can tell you, this gun is terrible. Use an intervention instead
  2. ur ugly.
  3. Fuck the exploiters that want unbanned! #FreeKyle

    1. badaim


      Yeah fuck those guys dirty exploiters.

  5. Nice combat log!
  6. There are still talks of boosting the legal market. Also, you might want to just join SS they are a brand new gang that literally recruit whoever they can get. Might be a good option for a new player like yourself! Good luck out there, try to make friends more then enemies. A cool head gets you a lot of places on this server.
  7. Don't know why you want 3 rip unbanned, Abel took his spot in being the side chat cancer we all hate. Who even is 3 rip? If he really wants to play, he will. Just ask ReFlex? ;)

    1. babooshka


      3 Rip

      3 Ri

      3 R










    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I'm sure the little fucker's parents bought him another alternate account for Christmas anyhow. As Dejay said before, if he wants to play, he will. 

  8. billy = ebz
  9. Finally got my account to silver 4, FUCK YES #lovestayinguplatewithmybuds #moob+co

  10. Wondering if I should release my second danktage with this new pc..

    1. Linka


      can i be in it 

  11. How did this R&R roast thread turn into a suggestions thread? No mk1's, No Defibs. I think bloodbags are the only good idea here because even 99 health is just terrible to aim at compared to 100
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      @Bubbaloo He is referring to a certain someone who was gunning a stolen ghosthawk last night. He must have been living somewhere in rural Alaska because his internet was so bad that after he shot, all of his bullets would fire at the same time making a shotgun noise and completely destroy his target.

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Ah... I understand. Yep. That was still my Ghosthawk :( 

    4. TheRealKyle


      dont even hate on alaska ill fukin find u m8

  12. Dejay


    Best of wishes man, Time will heal.. Thoughts and prayers to the fam
  13. MCPD lost 3 men to OSPD today.. It's not a good day o7

  14. I believe currently there is no way to reduce the damage unless you add a mod pack which we are simply not doing and the crashing is because of the update, I think it is fixed with the release of the new map in a couple of days here. So be on the look out. The dev team is doing their best to see what they can do for the preformance but sometimes you just can't fix everything man. Welcome to arma.
  15. scroll wheel bud
  16. We lost a Nerdz PD member today, o7 Meth

    1. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND
    2. Dejay


      talk to him if you want to know, personal business

  17. I'm sorry, the video did not meet par. 

  18. Dustin finally got perm'd off the forums, THANK GOD, It's a thanksgiving miracle!

  19. Someone needs to buy my csgo skins.. I need that 980ti in a week

    1. D3V1L


      not worth the price bud :>

    2. Dejay


      thats a lie babe, just buy them.

  20. FYI Map update is tomorrow, don't tell Odin or Posiedon!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. TheRealKyle


      u got any maps to spare?

    3. Poseidon


      No toeknee deleted it, didnt u read?

    4. TheRealKyle


      fuck dood tuck foe knee

  21. I'm going to miss you man, always had a good times playing, raging, and enjoying my time on the server. I wish the best of luck and I wish you wouldn't leave this commuity because some kid with assburgers did you dirty. Snapchat me baby boo :'(
  22. Manta, you got a lot of nerve.. 

  23. Ham You'll always be my #1 guy to go to with a problem! I will miss you and I hope the fam and you are doing great! Your present will be coming soon I promise! Oh and....
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