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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. How bout no? No need it's just a waste of money for @Poseidon and why did you repeat it like 30 times? I think we can all read the first one
  2. Ajax

    Hex Colors

    Y'all I thought this was about Hexadecimal colors... don't trick me like that
  3. That's why I use Track IR
  4. how much and which server
  5. ummmm did @G.O.A.T. just get a perm from ignis?!?!?!?!?!??!

  6. I RDMed my entire school today... now the APD are chasing me but sucks for them. I've got my suicide vest on and they finna die. https://m.imgur.com/QyMceE5
  7. Good thing I have a black character
  8. Well it really sucks getting restrained then BOOM ur invisible

  9. Medic Roadblocks are absolute aids... i ran into like 4 and blew up killing 3 people... rip

    1. Tman15tmb


      Slow your ass down then. This isn't the Indy 500.

    2. Ajax


      That's actually not a bad idea @Tman15tmb we should have races as events

    3. Tman15tmb


      We used to have sport hatch back races back in the day. They were fun but most people couldn't follow simple directions so events became a rarity because the staff was fed up with trying babysit the stupid people.

  10. Somebody get this man an unban... he is being so respectful and nice and keeping a cool head @TheCmdrRex @Mercury
  11. 2 dollars for the bipod
  12. Beautiful
  13. I have no friends
  14. The only times I have ever joined a channel with a sAPD in it is when there are literally 2 cops online other than the seniors. Or I know the senior and like to play with him. I got PO by not playing with seniors, so can you!
  15. Now you can get a minecraft girlfriend
  16. Ajax


    This is true
  17. Ajax


    CQC Both for me
  18. Ajax


    You see I would be mad but he's actually right... I can't land a shot for shit with 7 scripts running at once
  19. If I have pulldowns then also have push-ups that do the same thing as pulldowns but opposite is it really scripting? Or is it just genius?
  20. Ajax

    Shout Out

    ill do it... i mean it will be dope
  21. Y'all! I got a shoutout from MrBeast! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGkEWsPDgJPa5lIUoX_m5xw I wasted 2 bucks on this so you should like this BTW!
  22. Honestly I just hang around kavala all the time... I dont buy anything expensive so if I get RDMed I don't have to worry about getting comp. Usually if you hang around kavala and someone is rdming all the scats will band together and kill him... TBH if I put in a comp request every time I was RDMed I think I would have around 500k just from rooks alone.
  23. Was there ever roleplay on this server? I honestly thought I was playing wasteland...
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