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DeNiaL last won the day on January 4 2017

DeNiaL had the most liked content!


About DeNiaL

  • Birthday 03/11/1999

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy birthday big D ;)

    1. JoeL


      Yeah hopefully he's living a good 18 year old unlicensed no career life :).

    2. JoeL


      39 minutes ago, Joel said:

      Yeah hopefully he's living a good 18 year old unlicensed no career life :).

      I didn't mean to roast you like this @DeNiaL

    3. DeNiaL
    1. silton


      dammnnn. but dat 1080ti just dropped fam

    2. JoeL


      Too bad you're never gonna play.

  3. I'm such a fucking meme at this point its getting out of control.

    1. BENJI


      How did you get meme'd ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    2. JoeL


      Yeah ur pretty bad :( 

    3. Fedot


      1 hour ago, Benjamin Remer said:

      How did you get meme'd ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      she's the how bo dat gurl

  4. Fuck Atlanta 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeNiaL


      Tom Brady was joking the entire game. He just wanted to prove hes the best QB to ever play period. No one will ever be better than that man. I'm not even a pats fan just have mad respect for the guy. Fuck Atlanta

    3. Tman15tmb


      44 minutes ago, DeNiaL said:

      Tom Brady was joking the entire game. He just wanted to prove hes the best QB to ever play period. No one will ever be better than that man. I'm not even a pats fan just have mad respect for the guy. Fuck Atlanta

      Please don't tell me you're a fan of "pretty boy".. As much as I hate his guts I have to admit when he isn't cheating or throwing a bitch fit he's one hell of a QB.

    4. DeNiaL


      @Tman15tmb Not a huge fan I just respect him. I'm honestly a saints fan and I can admit brady is probably the best QB to ever play.

  5. For everyone who wanted me to unprivate all my montages and cringe videos here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_6XVdw8EfsaL-ESrQXpBNA 

  6. Can you fucks #1 Stop posting shit about rdm theres a support section for a reason #2 Stop asking for the next gangwars we just had 2 and 3# Just be constructive and post something I can enjoy jesus christ.

  7. Remove CSAT and add them to the blackwater
  8. Offer
  9. Hahahahaha +1



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