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Everything posted by 山Miles山

  1. so none?!?!
  2. shoot it down
  3. im permed pretty much for this bs
  4. i was just told i wont be unbanned cause i got an F-
  6. Do i have a combat exploit? Tell me what you mean by that
  7. i dont care im going to be the next dictator after trump anyways
  8. @Peter Long will I be able to lagswitch this gang wars
  9. Actually I have been on a hot spot for the last 4 days and they are finally fixing the internet What gang are you playing with?
  10. Finally i can shit on these kids
  11. what is this shit Im kidding
  12. I can't ever think of a scenario when I need a bipod
  13. Shhhhhh
  14. I want it I'll give you 10k
  15. eww razer i like corsair
  16. who are you? there was only like one guy in the fucking heli and Tree's really bad
  17. no one knows who you are
  18. BFO and TFO merge together creating an even bigger gang maybe strong enough to take out MC and Tree
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